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Topic: Home > President Bush

President Bush Meets with Leadership of National Service Organizations
America is strong because of our people. America is strong because of the compassion of our citizens. And I .. - 6.5KB
17 Apr 07
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President Bush Visits Jefferson Memorial
Washington, D. EDT Q What's the occasion, Mr. Wanted to come over. We're looking right out our window every day at the ... - 5.8KB
17 Apr 07
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President Bush Nominates Robert S. Mueller as Director of the FBI
Bob Mueller's experience and character convinced me that he's ready to shoulder these responsibilities. Agents of .. - 8.0KB
17 Apr 07
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President Bush Speaks at National Defense University
For almost 100 years, this campus has served as one of our country's premier centers for learning and thinking about America ... - 15.5KB
02 Apr 07
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President Bush Speaks at Summit on the 21st Century Work Force
I want to thank you all for giving me a chance to come by and visit with you. It is a huge honor to be the President of the .. - 16.3KB
14 Mar 03
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President Bush Calls on Senate to Back Human Cloning Ban
President Bush Wednesday said, "I stand firm in my opposition to human cloning. And at the same time, we will pursue other .. - 30.0KB
10 Apr 02
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President Bush Meets with President Flores in El Salvador
President Bush Sunday said, "Today, El Salvador is at peace. The country has renewed its commitment to democracy and .. - 41.8KB
24 Mar 02
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President Bush Meets with President Toledo in Peru
President Bush Saturday said, "Earlier today, our two governments signed an agreement that will reintroduce the Peace Corps to .. - 47.1KB
23 Mar 02
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President Bush Welcomes President Mubarak to White House
President Bush Tuesday said, "Today, the strategic partnership between our countries is more important than ever, as we .. - 37.7KB
05 Mar 02
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President Bush Meets with Chinese President Jiang Zemin
After meeting with President Jiang, President Bush said, "Our talks were candid, and that's very positive. The United States .. - 21.7KB
21 Feb 02
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