Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

Gun Control: Protecting Terrorists and Despots

Tragically, over the Thanksgiving holiday, the world was reminded how evil and cruel people can be.  According to emerging accounts of the events in India, about a dozen well-armed and devastatingly well-trained terrorists laid siege on the city of Mumbai, killing almost two hundred people, and terrorizing thousands.

Regardless of the reasons, the indiscriminate shooting on masses of unarmed and defenseless people is chilling and reprehensible.  How were these terrorists able to continue so long, relatively unchallenged, killing so many?

India’s gun laws are her business, of course.  However, once the shock of these events and the initial reaction of fear passes, Americans should take away a valuable lesson about real homeland security and gun control from this tragedy.

Gun control advocates tell us that removing guns from society makes us safer.  If that were the case why do the worst shootings happen in gun free zones, like schools?  And while accidents do happen, aggressive, terroristic shootings like this are unheard of at gun and knife shows, or military bases.  It bears repeating that an armed society truly is a polite society.

The fact is that firearm technology exists.  It cannot be uninvented.  As long as there is metalworking and welding capability, it matters not what gun laws are imposed upon law-abiding people.  Those that wish to have guns, and disregard the law, will have guns.  Gun control makes violence safer and more effective for the aggressive, whether the aggressor is a terrorist or a government.

History shows us that another tragedy of gun laws is genocide.  Hitler, for example, knew well that in order to enact his “final solution,” disarmament was a necessary precursor.  While it is not always the case that an unarmed populace WILL be killed by their government, if a government is going to kill its own people, it MUST disarm them first so they cannot fight back.  Disarmament must happen at a time when overall trust in government is high, and under the guise of safety for the people, or perhaps the children.  Knowing that any government, no matter how idealistically started, can become despotic, the Founding Fathers enabled the future freedom of Americans by enacting the second amendment.

In our own country, we should be ever vigilant against any attempts to disarm the people, especially in this economic downturn.  I expect violent crime to rise sharply in the coming days, and as states and municipalities are even more financially strained, the police will be even less able or willing to respond to crime.  In many areas, local police could become more and more absorbed with revenue generating activities, like minor traffic violations and the asset forfeiture opportunities of non-violent drug offenses.  Your safety has always, ultimately been your own responsibility, but never more so than now.  People have a natural right to defend themselves.  Governments that take that away from their people should be highly suspect. 

Feel free to leave a comment.  Comments are moderated and may take several hours to appear.

Posted by Ron Paul (12-08-2008, 12:35 PM) filed under Civil Liberties


Comment by JonM
December 08, 2008 12:58 PM
Well said.
Comment by Deborah
December 08, 2008 01:04 PM
I'll be purchasing my pistol for self protection and my shotgun for home protection prior to Obama taking his oath. Things will absolutely be getting worse, as Mr. Paul states. I, for one, will not be caught with my guard down.
Comment by Glyn Wilkinson
December 08, 2008 01:04 PM
when government fears the people there is liberty;when people fear the government there is tyranny.
Very well put...I wish the MSM would pick up on this article.
Comment by Ron Yeary
December 08, 2008 01:05 PM
Like millions of others I've owned a handgun for many years with no incidents and no regrets. The best comment I can make on this issue is a quote:

"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
- Thomas Jefferson
Comment by Jujubee
December 08, 2008 01:07 PM
Dr. Paul,

As always, another insightful article. I am giving myself a Christmas present this year: a concealed weapons class & permit. I see the police slacking off around here and if you happen to call them for something, they act like it's a major inconvenience in spite of the OUTRAGEOUS property taxes that we pay!
Criminals beware: I AM NOT AFRAID TO PULL THE TRIGGER! So don't mess with me.
Comment by brian
December 08, 2008 01:12 PM
Logical and true, too bad most people can't accept it. Keep at it though. It may be our neighbor who thwarts the next terrorist attack in the US (perhaps this is why they haven't tried this sort of attack on American soil).
Comment by George Warm
December 08, 2008 01:24 PM

You should run for Governor of Texas. You can win. You would do more for America seeking the office of Governor of Texas than any other office for freedom loving Americans.
Comment by Bryan
December 08, 2008 01:24 PM
I went to the gun show in Dallas a few weeks back. I had not been in 10+ years. The place was so crowded it took a half an hour just to get in the place. Your friends and neighbors are arming themselves. Thanks God for those who can read the writing on the wall.
Comment by truethteller
December 08, 2008 01:26 PM
Supreme Court Justice Secilla (sp)wrote a review of the WA DC gun ban lift. He stated (what we all know) something to the effect that the 2nd Ammendment is not in place just for hunting. The purpose was for citizens to be able to protect themselves against a tyranical government.
Comment by R.C. Taylor
December 08, 2008 01:28 PM
Well said Dr. Paul, however it is not the criminal I fear for I can anticipate that he will be the criminal he is and do criminal things, but it is the Govt.I fear because he poses as my friend and helper when in fact his intentions are to harm me in some way.
Govt. is not our friend if it ever was. Until we have a leader like Dr. Ron Paul Govt. can never be trusted.
God Bless Ron Paul.
Comment by Rossta
December 08, 2008 01:36 PM
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

Thomas Jefferson
Comment by Sonja
December 08, 2008 01:37 PM
Be careful with concealed carry permits! You'll be the first doors knocked on if and or when the "authorities" decide to confiscate weapons. Check your local (city, county,state) regulations regarding carrying. Many states allow weapons to be carried in plain sight. -an equally (if not more) effective deterrent.
Comment by James
December 08, 2008 01:38 PM
I have noticed a sharp increase in media reporting of gun violence, at the same time ignoring violent crime committed by other means. I feel we are being buttered up to be disarmed.
Comment by Tycer
December 08, 2008 01:39 PM
Well written.

My response to articles espousing the four attacks on gun ownership found under Urban Policy on www.change.gov is:

The Tiahrt amendment only keeps sensitive firearms trace data (which is the sales history of a gun) from the general public. It has NEVER kept ANY data from law enforcement agencies. This is why Congress, the ATF, and law enforcement, including the nation's largest police organization, the Fraternal Order of Police, agree on the importance of securing this data.
Michael J. Sullivan, who is acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), U.S. Department of Justice, has written that neither the congressional language nor ATF rules prohibit the sharing of trace data with law enforcement conducting criminal investigations, or place any restrictions on the sharing of trace data with other jurisdictions once it is in the hands of state or local law enforcement. He also wrote that the ATF considers this information law-enforcement-sensitive because it is often the first investigative lead in a case. “We treat it no differently than fingerprint matches and other crime-scene information, since disclosure outside of law enforcement can tip off criminals to the investigation, compromise cases and endanger the lives of undercover officers, witnesses and confidential sources.”

"Assault Weapons" as defined by the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban are not machine guns. They are commonplace firearms that fire only one round at a time and use the same caliber and type of ammunition as the non-banned firearms. The difference between your great-grandfather's self loading hunting rifle and an "assault weapon" is not mechanical, it is only cosmetic. Substituting an ugly plastic stock for that pretty American Walnut one doth not make the rifle evil, just ugly


In order to close the “loophole” in the Brady Bill, all private
transactions must be registered. There has never been a federal gun registration in the USA. Great Britain created one and has sucessfully used it to confiscate guns. Great Britains violent crime rates have risen since then to where citizens have a 25% chance of being a victim of violent crime. We in the USA don’t even make the top ten in industrialized countries in regards to violent crime.

Childproofing entails redesigning products and retooling of facilities that already have a low profit margin. Good business sense would dictate cessation of production for the civilian market for those items. Law enforcement and military would not be required to be childproof. Only criminals and our government would have the opportunity to buy guns, essentially removing the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

Thank you for your time,
Comment by Jason
December 08, 2008 01:43 PM
Comment by Dan
December 08, 2008 01:54 PM
Congressman Paul,

I'd like to start by saying you should have been the one being inaugurated this coming January!
The economy is going to get worse before it rebounds and stabilizes. Most likely American society will reflect that in the ugliest of ways. And law abiding citizens should maintain the right to self protection and preservation! My worst fear is one day 'We the People' may have to rescue our constitution and national sovereignty. And that time might soon be upon us!
Comment by Mike Faiaz
December 08, 2008 01:58 PM
Thoughtful, acurate, and well said as always. God bless Ron Paul!
Comment by Donna
December 08, 2008 02:10 PM
The tyranny is already upon us and has been for a very long time. There is nothing left for conservatives to 'conserve'. It is time to consider secession. www.middleburyinstitute.org
Comment by Marlene
December 08, 2008 02:11 PM
Dr. Paul,
I concur. What confuses me is the people who do not see that OUR Second Amendment RIGHT, is just that - OUR RIGHT. And to take this away is only the beginning. They believe that we would be safer, tho this has been proved different in areas that have invoked this "law" (or whatever you want to call it). These people do NOT understand that (in a nut shell), this would only take away the rights of the righteous and that guns would be in the hands of the black market and the "street/gangs" etc. We, the "righteous" have the right, through the Second Amendment to protect OURSELVES. How can they be so blind!!!
Comment by Vincent
December 08, 2008 02:11 PM
Great article!! Please run for President again in 2012!! It is statistically proven that armed citizens prevent more crimes than police, even kill more crooks. In Florida, the murder rate dropped significantly after they passed the concealed weapons law. It is a well known fact that criminals avoid areas with lenient handgun laws.

Apparently a leftist minority in Switzerland finagled a ban on guns there as well. Lets see what happens in that country..
Comment by John
December 08, 2008 02:11 PM
I am a trained firearms instructor. In training, a person needs to examine their resolve to a basic question which is: When confronted by a potentially violent situation, am I willing to use the ultimate force ? Or stated another way, When inflicted upon by another, am I willing to be a victim ? Resolve your action before you NEED to act because ANY hesitation on your part could result in you being injured or worse. You should feel obligated to protect your loved ones from the violence another brings to you. Great article.
Comment by James
December 08, 2008 02:13 PM
Very well said indeed!

I have owned guns my entire life and I have never had one jump off the shelf and start firing at people. Once again, it's not the gun, it's the idiot behind the gun that kills for no good reason! Yes, there is a herd of people out there that continously screams for the government to protect them at all cost. If you believe for one moment that our government can protect us all then it will indeed cost you everything including your very freedom! Every single time a new law hits the books regardless of the circumstances another precious piece of freedom is lost forever! I have said it many times and I will say it again, "arm yourself with the knowledge of the truth in all matters big and small and you will never be easily decieved by no one and most especially government!" Knowledge is the most powerful and potent weapon on the face of this earth! Start by reading the Second Amendment. As for Gun Control, give me liberty or give me death! I will go down fighting for my freedom!
Comment by John Mahler
December 08, 2008 02:14 PM
In 1912 the Congress created the FED in direct contravention to the Constitution enumerated powers of Congress: United States Constitution Article 1, Section 8 "To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures"

Since citizen apathy has given the Congress the power of contrevention of the Constition, the primary law of our land, then what may it not do?

Having given up our sovereignty because Congress has deprived American citizens of their property via fiat money, what meaning can the Constitution have for Tribute Slaves? Not one article of the Bill of Rights applies to America's Tribute Slaves who yield up the fruit of their labors at the muzzle of a gun because the FED cartel of commercial banks is incorporated in within the governance of the central government.

Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King were fools exercising their false freedom movement at the pleasure of the FED. No Citizen of any ethnicity is free under the Central Government of the United States of America incorporated with the FED.

Do not think for a moment the popular will expressed in political polls has any democratic effect on Congress.

When the FED demands the Congress disregard the 2nd Amendment, the Congress will comply with the will of their corporate overlords.

Before 1912 and the creation of the Corporate Central Government Superstate, citizens were sovereign because they owned property "GOLD". Since 1933, gold ceased to back legal tender. Since that time only credit and deficet exist as vehicles of trade purchased, moment by moment, at interest. Without sovereignty of property registered in GOLD backed currency, no citizen of America is sovereign or free. We are all chattle of the FED.

Until the FED is dissolved of its lethal incorporation in the Central Government of the United States of America, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are in force at the pleasure of the FED.

Your purchase of arms is foolish until the FED is abolished!

John Mahler
Comment by Wicked Warren
December 08, 2008 02:17 PM
Lock and load!
Comment by Cory capps
December 08, 2008 02:23 PM
Well said!
Comment by Paul
December 08, 2008 02:27 PM
Keep in mind that most terrorist acts are a derivative of British interests. See larouchepac.com for more info. - As usual, a perfect article for the times. Thank you Ron Paul
Comment by Dieter
December 08, 2008 02:34 PM
One of the lowest rate of gun crime is in Switzerland, where the government give every male citizen a rifle, it is part of their citizen militia. Gun crime is rampant in the UK where owning handguns is illegal and sporting guns severely restricted.
Comment by Nathan
December 08, 2008 02:38 PM

If you want to take the concealed weapons class because you lack knowledge of firearms safety and proper shooting techniques then I'm all for it. I took a revolver safety class and a semi-auto safety class before I bought my first gun less than a year ago.


You need to remember that you have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms. A permit / liscense is for privledges. You do not need a concealed carry permit, and I don't think you should get one. Spend that money on some extra ammo instead.
Comment by Bob Q.
December 08, 2008 02:43 PM
Well said, Dr. Paul, and very sage advice under the new regime. An armed citizen not only has the ability to protect himself, but the humanitarian obligation to protect his fellow American.
Comment by J. Kennedy
December 08, 2008 02:44 PM
Dr. Paul.. Totally "On Point" as always. The Second Amendment isn't about hunting. It's about freedom, and the ultimate ability to say "No" to a police state. You SHOULD run for Govenor of Texas...you have my vote!
Comment by Yuksel Altinok
December 08, 2008 03:01 PM
Freedom pass thru self defense, man without a gun is defenseless and eventually not free. By the time governments even sincere ones can not hire an officer for each home so people must have a gun just in case.
Comment by Howard Bernbaum
December 08, 2008 03:02 PM
This is a question rather than a comment. There has been several e-mails crossing my screen advising that many states are in the process of passing an ammunition coding and registration scheme with all unmarked ammunition to be surrendered in a couple of years. If true, this is simply another form of gun confiscation. For what good is owning a gun without ammunition? If this is true, then the sneaky Petes are at it again. The foes of the 2nd Amendment are never willing to accept the will of the majority. Our country is getting more screwed up daily and the citizens are to blame for their own problems. They keep voting for the criminals.
Comment by Steve Allison
December 08, 2008 03:06 PM
An anarchist named Larken Rose who some of you might know, made a suggestion, that while not original, would be a good first step for Obama so he could claim to lead by example;
ask his Secret Service guards to turn in their weapons *first*.

Maybe that will convince 3 or 4 gun-owners to turn theirs in too - I won't be one of them.
Comment by Koh Choon Lin
December 08, 2008 03:10 PM
Tragically, my country Singapore lost her first citizen to terror attack in Mumbai. How I wish that had never happened.
Comment by Tank
December 08, 2008 03:19 PM
Dr. Paul, you hit the nail on the head, as always. PLEASE consider running for Governor of Texas and/or President in 2012.
Comment by Tim Parker
December 08, 2008 03:28 PM
Dr. Paul,

Your gun control essay is so appropriate for me at this point. I have been trying to educate my friends on protecting our second amendment rights since Obama's election. Your essay is on the way to everyone on my mailing list.

Thank you.

Tim Parker
Comment by Timuchin
December 08, 2008 03:29 PM
Sorry to say, but you had better investigate alternative armaments to firearms. If you object too loudly, you could end up incarcerated in a FEMA camp.

High powered gas-powered guns will still be available as well as archery and powerful slingshots. And don't forget machetes, hatchets, Bowie knives and sharpened screwdrivers.

When the Civilian National Security Force comes door-to-door with metal detectors, have dual-use weapons that you can try to keep.
Comment by N McLaren
December 08, 2008 03:40 PM
If there were proper gun controls, then the criminals wouldn't be able to get them. Further, being unarmed forces us to take our opponents' complaints seriously. A heavily armed society is not ipso facto tolerant.
Comment by diondonne
December 08, 2008 04:00 PM
To be specific - the 2nd amendment is a GOD GIVEN INALIENABLE RIGHT - Not permission granted by government, it is a control on government!!
Comment by Lorraine
December 08, 2008 04:03 PM
I agree with you as I deffinitely believe in the right to bear arms. This right was initiated from our forefathers experiences and given to the people "in order to resist an oppresive government". I understand that there has too be a certain amount of weapons control as everyone can't have a missile or nuclear weapons in their back yard for example however, that's as far as control needs to go. Without a means to protect and resist we are subject to oppression. One only has to review history to understand this. I applaud my fellow Americans who have this understanding.
Comment by Jean Faurisson
December 08, 2008 04:08 PM
You said Hitler did enact his final solution. Show me this enactment or his government's. My hopes with you are gone
Comment by Ed Baldwin
December 08, 2008 04:08 PM
Personally I'm stocking up on ammo. It'll be the first thing to go.
Comment by Ron Coleman
December 08, 2008 04:16 PM
No need to think too hard about this. A government building a civilian defense "force" and wanting to collect my guns is a government that will have to disarm America by force. Government is currently destroying America stock, by bank, by corporation, freedoms, by rights, all in the name of the untenable argument that we have to do something because "it" is too big to fail. "No need to buy more guns and ammo," Mr. Obama says; this from a man who wants to take guns away. Heck, I trust him, don't you? Well, let's get the incompetent and the crooks out of government and see how things might work better?
Comment by Daniel
December 08, 2008 04:20 PM
Wow. An excellent piece Dr. Paul.
Comment by J. Tom Harris
December 08, 2008 04:21 PM
The return of Christ will silience
all this talk of
death, guns and fiat money
Love will be sovereign.
Comment by tom
December 08, 2008 04:26 PM
I am not sure what part of "shall not be infringed" gun control advocates don't understand. Disarming or making absurd laws only hurts law abiding, peaceful citizens. criminals are already breaking the laws. Sen Obama wants people only to be able to own a hunting rifle or not own firearms at all. it is ridiculous, people should be able to own any assault rifles currently in use by US armed forces in the event they need to defend themselves from tyrannical government. Infringing on 2nd amendment rights will result in oppressed citizens with bolt action rifles being slaughtered by full body armored, automatic weapon carrying infantry units.
we have seen our god given rights of free expression, habeas corpus, privacy and others disregarded by "conservatives", now Obama has appointed clinton era gun control zealots to his administration. I am prepared for the assault on our civil liberties to continue.
Comment by Jim
December 08, 2008 04:29 PM
I feel that we have gone passed the point where people will fight gun control attempts. It seems like many believe the Gov't is benevolent and will take care of them, ala Germany in the early 30's
Comment by mzb
December 08, 2008 04:32 PM
the only thing between this American republic and complete tyranny is her 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms....period.
Comment by Lewis Habben
December 08, 2008 04:43 PM
you all should be taking notes in leadership and conveying ideas intelligently... We need more people like Ron Paul in this effort.
Comment by TAG
December 08, 2008 04:56 PM
I had a gentleman tell me today that his company has home security systems available at a discount. I told him I already had one. He asked the name and I told him.... Ruger, Remington, and Smith & Wesson.
Comment by Valery
December 08, 2008 05:30 PM
Amen! We need more people like you in government!
Comment by Norman Wilson
December 08, 2008 05:36 PM
Very well written and well thought out piece.
And right on the money for accuracy.
Comment by Henrietta Simon
December 08, 2008 05:38 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul for this artical. I will be sending this info to all my friends. You speak very wise words,as usual.
Comment by Rick K
December 08, 2008 05:43 PM
Well said. I am also concerned with gun control and after reading the comments before me I can see that many are also. I have just taken the course to obtain my Concealed Handgun License. I highly recommend it. I note that most stores that sell ammo are almost out. I believe the reason is the Ammo Accountability Act. The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture, a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.

Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including handloaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun! Guns are protected by the Constitution but ammo is not.
Comment by 4Freedomrider
December 08, 2008 05:53 PM
They will have to come and take it and if I know they are coming they will have to find it. We need to educate the military and Police as to what a Lawful order is. They have the power to arrest the issuer of unlawful orders.
Comment by John Clark
December 08, 2008 06:06 PM
I believe the Constitutional issue is not whether a gun regulation is reasonable, but whether it is an infringement. Any infringement on the individual right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional.

God Bless Dr. Paul and his family.
Comment by Rick
December 08, 2008 06:16 PM
The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor "ONLY", is because they knew that almost every American household had at least one gun in it, if not more.
We all know that even if all law abiding citizens turned in their guns...The bad guy's would not.
Comment by rob
December 08, 2008 06:24 PM
The reason I tote a pistol is that it is much easier than toting a policeman.
Comment by Tycer
December 08, 2008 06:30 PM
HOWARD BERNBAUM- The NSSF is on top of the coded ammo issue. www.nssf.org . HOWEVER, You should put your opinion to your legislators.

The coded ammo is a proprietary technology being lobbied by one company and the bills are introduced by very anti-rights politicians. Once the NSSF shows the rest of the legislators the real story, they don't back the bill and it never makes it to the floor.

Many fronts.
Comment by Jay
December 08, 2008 06:36 PM
Why would one need a permit, license or number to exercise a RIGHT?
Comment by Eric Leedberg
December 08, 2008 06:48 PM
Does anyone else forward these emails to their Congressman/woman? Or at least convey your support for Congressman Paul's statements/legislation? I hope so, or we'll all be screwed before long.
Comment by fred newton
December 08, 2008 07:04 PM
Not too long age the Burmese Military were slaughtering Buddist Monks for the leadership & inspiration they were providing thier people in their stuggle for liberty,justice & a better way of life. Could Dr Paul or anyone else research and let us know what kind of gun control laws exist in Burma?
Comment by d mays
December 08, 2008 07:11 PM
About time huh? i'm a 100% disabled marine vet, Viet Nam, and rest assured that I will defend myself and family. Whoever arrives here for not the right reason. (Beware)
Comment by Leo
December 08, 2008 07:13 PM
Dr. Paul;

Well spoken!

Being from rural Southeast Texas, I have been very familiar with firearms from an early age. I have noticed that most people who fear them have had ZERO experiance with them, and education plus a little supervised range time can't always overcome this fear, but as I have found in the military, familiarity breeds habit and when called on to use one, they can do so reliably and safly.

At my school, hunters saftely and firearm safty were manditory classes. So many of us had guns in our homes that it only made sence to teach the children how to use them without hurting themselves or others. Making this a state wide policy might be unpopular, but I'll bet good money the number of gun related accidents would drop drastically.

Also, in the wake of the hurricanes, looting in our town was unheard of! Imagine that.

Thank you for keeping your eyes open, and the liberal application of common sence!
Comment by Harley The Hog
December 08, 2008 07:19 PM
Gun control is a tradition in centuries old regal societies like Europe, China/Japan and their colonial societies like India and others around the world. But why is there such pressure for gun control in America where it is in the Constitution from the beginning of time?
Comment by Richard
December 08, 2008 07:42 PM
I'm Retired Law Enforcement. I Urge ALL Law Abiding Citizens To Arm Themselves and take a Gun Class And Be Proficient In their Use.I Thank all the Citizens here On Their Posts.We Are Americans and Live Life Through FREEDOM'!
Comment by David Hauber
December 08, 2008 07:47 PM
I am a fan of Ron Paul. However, I do not follow this arguement. Are you saying that the Mumbia terrorist attacks would have been thwarted if the public was better armed? Your average citizen would be no match for "a dozen well-armed and devastatingly well-trained terrorists". India's well armed military didn't do all that well. Are you saying we should promote more guns in "gun free zones, like schools" to prevent violence?

I am a responsible gun owner who believes strongly in the right to bear arms but I don't think this cause is strengthed by irrational claims. Somehow, we as a society, must figure out how to promote individual freedoms AND promote the public good. I fear that implying that promoting guns in schools will make my children safer will only marginalize us Libertarians.
Comment by Alice Lillie
December 08, 2008 07:51 PM
Absolutely right.

And it is true that municipalities are trying to raise more money through minor traffic fines. Look at this outrageous click-it-or-ticket campaign. And, look at the speed cameras that automatically ticket speeders, and a lot of times these are inaccurate. The only ones other than government that favor that stuff are the manufacturers of those cameras. In Phoenix, where it is apparently particularly bad, the good people are covering the cameras with postits and silly string.

We the people need to keep our guns, never, ever, ever turn them over! The stuff is going to hit the fan; Dr. Paul is right, as usual.
Comment by Michael Floyd
December 08, 2008 07:58 PM
My non-gun-owning friends used to ask me all the time why I carried a weapon. They asked if I thought I really needed to carry a weapon. I told them, "It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it."
Comment by GALT_
December 08, 2008 08:50 PM
The need to defend ourselves will be the final demonstration that the institution 'government' has failed. I may have to shrug. But, where can you go when the last vestige of Freedom is lost in a communist 'united states'? Can you use a gun to defend yourself from: taxes, inflation, hunger, your hungry neighbor? Put your gun safely away and get active in changing the country back to it's ideals - join the Campaign for Liberty. You will need your gun if we fail.
Comment by bert sargent
December 08, 2008 09:23 PM
thanks again ron for the art and insite.for just that crime,and world wide, it is good insureance to be armed.b sargent western colo.
Comment by Mark Trawick
December 08, 2008 10:07 PM
Here, Here!
Comment by Omer
December 08, 2008 10:09 PM
On the 235th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, on my birthday, I will be eligible to get a hand gun license. And I will do just that. (ick, I know, licenses on a God given right)

Anyways, thank you Dr. Paul for sharing your thoughts, they're always enlightening.
Comment by Chase Tpy
December 08, 2008 10:39 PM
Very well said!!
Comment by Colt
December 08, 2008 10:48 PM
i have always believed that the police wont always be there and in those times when they are not there, you have to defend yourself, i posses over 15 guns and know how to operate everyone of those "tools" in case i do need it, its just common sense to have a gun
Comment by Jimmy
December 08, 2008 11:21 PM
I cannot remember when our government has been so distrusted as it has become over the last several years. We all know what the globalist are up to and we know what's coming. Thank God for the Second Amendment.
Comment by Eddie
December 08, 2008 11:40 PM
Reply to Timuchin's posting. I will not have to worry about having alternate types of weapons to keep when the Civilian National Security force comes to my door. The first thing their metal detectors will find is lead coming their way. When it is over, they will be prying my weapons like the old saying: "From my dead cold hands." I will not be the only one dead though. Remember the British? The colonists rose up when the British tried to seize their weapons. However, some will give up like you as in Austraili or Great Britian. They rolled over and played dead.
Comment by David Whittenbarger
December 09, 2008 02:10 AM
A copy of this message will be placed on Gun Broker discussion Forum under Second Amendment and The Constitution.
Everyone who believes in gun ownership shoud check out this site.
Thank you Dr. Paul
Comment by michael folk
December 09, 2008 02:11 AM
a lot of us are armed and ready,and we intend to exceed the bag limit when the need to do so happens.we aim to kill them all and the hell with sorting them out.as it was done in vietnam we will count the ears
Comment by Lundbæk
December 09, 2008 02:21 AM
I wonder how many Americans would willingly put themselves and their wives and families at risk of death opposing a national gun confiscation with guns.
Comment by pheary watkins
December 09, 2008 03:00 AM
people give it up the 2nd amendment is dead like the rest of the bill of rights!are you going to overthrow the government tanks and airplanes with your 44.don't make me laugh. if you want to bring back the second amendment that is honorable but don't think that the peashooters this government will let you have is anything but just a ploy to keep you amused.while they transfer the rest of the your assets to the rich.
Comment by Doug M
December 09, 2008 03:20 AM
I don't believe any of your respondents constructs. Yes I believe that there should be some restrictions on gun ownership, the governments, either national, state or local, should have some say as that is the will of the people in their environment. This is not the wild west, but I do agree that responsible people can do what they want with the nature of materials and they can do what they want with steel pipes that shoot projectiles or shoot fireworks of on the fourth of july. The problem with guns is that the have a history of firing deadly loads at other humans and animals. We will never reverse or change the evolution of guns... we should work to change where they are shot. People should never be the target.

Thanks Ron, you have a good position to express opinions and I support your stance. I am a descendant of John Adams and John Quincey Adams and sometimes I think I am ready to defend our Heritage and their thoughtful works.
And to you all reading this it's not about a hard revolution but a soft one. It's time to re-convene and see if what we are doing makes sense.
We could get our guns but I think that we can work it out and you know what I'm talking about.
Peaceful Change.
Comment by Mark
December 09, 2008 03:46 AM
I moved out from Texas to San Francisco for a job a few years back and I'm astounded how much blind trust in the government people have when it comes to gun control. It is reminiscent of how people trusted Bush and his administration with out question. I intend to protect myself instead of hoping the police will arrive quickly enough to provide aid. Also, our government is centered around the principle of checks and balances. The 2nd amendment is yet another way to keep the people's government from drifting towards tyranny. Support your country and stand up for yourself.
Comment by Tom Cool
December 09, 2008 06:11 AM
Well said except the little known fact is that Hitler did not really disarm the German people. He armed the Germans and disarmed the non-Citizens (Jews). He did not like hollow point bullets and considered them cruel and did put a ban on them. Other than that, gun laws were slowly decreased during his time in power and the people had much more freedom to own firearms than under the previous administration.
Comment by Jason
December 09, 2008 06:29 AM
Couldn't agree with you more on this.
Comment by Chris M
December 09, 2008 06:59 AM
Well get ready, by the time this 8 year term is up and I say 8 years, because we will have Obama that long. He will have passed the assault weapons ban and have also banned gun shows. We can expect they will also attempt to enact a federal ban on state laws allowing ccw permits.
Comment by James McCluer
December 09, 2008 07:39 AM
We need an up to date list of like minded individuals who are running for state and national elections.
The NRA tries its best - however,Dr.Paul may have an even better insight into the candidates true thoughts..
Comment by Y. Schleiter
December 09, 2008 07:41 AM
Why always talk about Hitler and tell the Lie the media want you to tell? First, Hitler died 63 years ago, let him in peace! Have you ever wondered why all those lies about him?
I am surprised that a man like you can give way to such rubbish...
What the media call "the final solution" was actually a "final TERRITORIAL solution" (the word "territorial" is constantly left out!!
Comment by Dan Ditto
December 09, 2008 07:48 AM
The defence of our homes and families can never be abrogated to some governnment body no matter how competent. Like breathing, eating working and hygene it is ultimately a personal responsibility. This responsibility is made right under the US Constitution, thank God and our Founding Fathers.
Comment by mattyc
December 09, 2008 08:05 AM
We can all count on Ron Paul. As long as there's guys like him, we`ll be alright. load up boys, and when they come to get them, say hell no. I for one am willing to turn on any government that doesnt protect my rights!
Comment by Bill
December 09, 2008 08:33 AM
I like what I heard from a bodyguard that never goes out without a gun. "I would rather have a gun and not need it, than need one and not have it." Orderd 2 rifles for my boys yesterday and plan on spending quite a bit of time at the range getting use to them.
Comment by hirize
December 09, 2008 09:33 AM
Give up my weapons to this out of control, totally corrupt, criminal, lying piece of crap government...FAT CHANCE. Cross my threshold and I promise a high dose of lead poisoning!
Comment by Adam
December 09, 2008 09:53 AM
I love reading this column every week.
Comment by bobby
December 09, 2008 10:01 AM
Those who beat their swords into plows will plow for those who don't.
Comment by Bud Wood
December 09, 2008 10:31 AM
Now that I can hire bodyguards, there's no need for me to have a gun.
Comment by Alfonso Perez
December 09, 2008 10:56 AM
I am sick of people wanting to take away our guns. I've had guns for 18yrs and don't see anything monsterous about them. I once had to confront a would be burglar at gun point till the cops got to my house.(15-20min) It felt good to be able to defend myself when the COPS coundn't be there for me. I feel that in the society we live in today, the only way we are going to lower crime is to Arms the law abiding citizen. Sometimes I look at the news and it seems the bad guys have all the benifits instead of We the honest law abiding citizen. What has our legal system done to this country?
Comment by Philip Wagnon
December 09, 2008 10:58 AM
The best defense against terrorism (foreign or domestic) is an aware, well informed, and well armed citizen
Comment by Jack Grabit
December 09, 2008 11:12 AM
The views expressed by Dr. Paul have certainly given me reason to re-think my position on firearms. Perhaps, I should own a gun...? A gun has a much better advantage over a knife.
Comment by Wayne
December 09, 2008 11:22 AM
Before the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act, we could buy guns through the mail without background checks and people with mental illness or non-violent felonies were not disqualified from owning a gun, yet crime was low.

In 1965 Chicago had 395 Homicides, a year of Race Riots, yet after the passage of the 68 GCA and the Illinois FOID card the Homicide rate in Chicago sky Rocketed and has never been lower than in 1965.

Gun control has removed the checks and balances between the criminals and the people with no desire to commit crime.

If we were to follow the true meaning of the second amendment the only people that should be disarmed are those in prison, Illegal immigrants or in a mental hospital.
Comment by R.P. Fan
December 09, 2008 11:37 AM
To: N McLaren who wrote:
“If there were proper gun controls, then the criminals wouldn't be able to get them. Further, being unarmed forces us to take our opponents' complaints seriously. A heavily armed society is not ipso facto tolerant.”
Could you please explain what the terrorists in Mumbai’s complaints were so we can take them seriously, unfortunately “proper gun control” laws only serve to disarm law abiding people as criminals/terrorists, by definition, don’t obey laws. However well intended, “proper gun controls” only tend to make the law abiding more vulnerable to be victimized by the lawless.
Comment by Matt
December 09, 2008 12:23 PM
I constantly hear people who oppose the Assault Weapon Ban saying that it was merely cosmetic and people misinterpreted that it had to do with machine guns. This statement, while technically true, takes as granted the idea that automatic weapons shouldn't be readily available to citizens straight from manufacturers. Have you seen the prices on NFA registered "machine guns"? Do you think that a $10,000 price tag might be a form of gun control? Cut off the supply and demand will soar - that means prices do too. The point is, the 2nd Amendment, according to the writings of the Founders, was to allow CITIZENS to possess the same weapons that the basic Infantryman carries to assure that any standing army will meet the same basic armaments if it were turned on the citizens. That means cap and ball muskets in 1776, Springfield M1903's in the early 1900's, M1A1 Thompsons and M1's in 1945, M16's in 1965 and M4's, M249's etc. etc. etc. in 2008. To accept and argue from the standpoint that AMERICAN CITIZENS, who are SUPPOSED to be free, shouldn't be allowed EQUAL access to the MP5's and M4's that our police and military carry is COMPLETELY AGAINST THE INTENT OF THE 2ND AMENDMENT. Wake up people - We have been under UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN CONTROL SINCE 1934 and The National Firearms Act - Everything after that is just icing on the cake. If you really care about the Constitution, if you all really believe in fighting against encroachments - why don't I ever hear anyone else with the sand to say that MACHINE GUNS SHOULD BE READILY AVAILABLE FOR CITIZENS. Or do y'all want "Common Sense Gun Control"? We got Blackwater guys cutting down 17 unarmed innocent civilians with FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS THEY NEVER PAID THE TAX ON! They are not Federal Agents or LEO's - how is it they're so much safer with them than a Private Citizen is? Who cares that not even 1% of NFA weapons are used in crime. Who cares if the BATFE's record are so atrocious that Class III dealers often correct the agent's paperwork for them and then get arrested later. Who cares right? It's common sense gun control.
Comment by Stephen H. Jones
December 09, 2008 12:30 PM
To Jean Faurrison (the only NEGATIVE response to this article): The "final solution" was the extermination of the Jewish race, which Hitler was executing quite successfully (literally) until we and our allies stopped him and his bullies. Are you that ignorant of world history?

Dr. Ron Paul- thanks for the refreshing stands you present. Please keep up the great work. Clone yourself too if possible.
Comment by Tommy
December 09, 2008 12:43 PM
THE TRUTH ? WOW !!It's about time for the Anti-gunners to WAKE UP !!
Comment by Max
December 09, 2008 12:55 PM
If you own a weapon don't admit it or broadcast it.
Comment by david smith
December 09, 2008 01:11 PM
There's something a little "asymmetrical" about the current situation, as tom noted above. When the 2nd amendment was created, citizens owned state-of-the-art weaponry--muzzleloading weapons with rifled barrels which were at least the equal of any military arm then in existence. This parity of civilian and military armaments lasted quite a long time--whether it ended with the invention of the machine gun (or Gatling gun) or finally with the invention of the submachine gun and its descendant, the assault rifle, is a matter of debate. But the fact of the matter is, we no longer have parity in small arms technology with the military. This is not a good situation for the people of a free republic. Our only advantages now are greater numbers and the fact that we occupy the land. Hopefully that will be enough.
Comment by Nathan Patrick Watkin
December 09, 2008 01:21 PM
How can you not love this man for telling it like it is.
Comment by Dale Netherton
December 09, 2008 02:24 PM
The first step to disarmament is the ignoring of or distortion of rational ideas. Speak up or shoot it out later.
Comment by Aaron Mitschke
December 09, 2008 02:25 PM
For years, I have been telling my friends I was going to move to Montana because the Constitution is actually recognized there... Ever since discovering the good Dr, I am inclined to seriously consider moving into his neck of the woods... I registered to vote in Seattle for the first time ever (I'm 33), because everything Ron stands for makes sense... I am going to divorce my ability to vote as long as I remain in this state, because his name was not on the ballot here... Freedom of choice huh???
Comment by David Alan
December 09, 2008 02:26 PM
David Smith said, "If you own a weapon don't admit it or broadcast it."

Why? I want the government to know that I have 2 AK clones and an AR15. And I train once a month. And I have enough ammo to repel a dynamic entry.

I haven't broken any laws. The government has nothing to fear so long as it doesn't break any laws, but the beaurocrats should know that there are many, many Americans who will not get on the cattle cars.
Comment by Raul H. Diaz
December 09, 2008 02:32 PM
The total desintegration of our society is around the corner.When Goverment fears it's armed citizens it is because it wants to enslave the population.Wake UP AMERICANS!
Comment by Heath Foreman
December 09, 2008 02:43 PM
Please run for Governor of Texas!
Comment by Nick
December 09, 2008 02:52 PM
Guns don’t kill, People with guns kill. Even more specifically, men with guns kill. It has always been a problem with men. Women do not seem to have this problem. Until we begin the conversation with why men have this problem and are compelled to use these weapons we can never have an intelligent conversation. Why can’t we teach little boys that it takes more courage to leave the gun down rather than to pick the gun up.

But let’s face it Dr. Paul, the biggest arms dealer and the biggest terrorist is the US Government lead by King George. And let us be clear Dr. Paul, this is the company you work for, Gov Co.. Two independent studies have been done by the US and Great Britain estimating that over a million Iraqis have been killed as a result of this illegal occupation which means that we do not know how many more millions have been mutilated. We know that millions have been displaced internally and externally putting tremendous stress on their neighbors. We do not even know at this point how many tens of thousands have been detained… So at this point it appears that the Bush Administration policy seems to be that if you can kill enough of them, if you can mutilate enough of them, if you can displace enough of them and if you can detain enough of them… there will not be enough of them to put up enough of a resistance to stop us from sucking THEIR GREASE out of THEIR GROUND.

We, the United States of America are the largest arms dealers in the world. It would not surprise anyone if it turned out the weapons used in the Mumbai attack which was perpetrated by Pakistani radicals used arms that had originally been sold to the Pakistan government… That had been sold to them by US. Maybe the reason that we are so comfortable with selling our weapons to others is because we feel so comfortable with them ourselves. We live in a very violent society with the largest Penal System in the world that is even made worse by the fact that it has been privatized. The sad part is that we project our violence all over the world and now these two illegal occupations are destroying our economy and our society.
Comment by Jerry
December 09, 2008 04:12 PM
All of my rifles, shotguns and pistols are well deciplined - not one of them has gotten up, gone out, and killed anyone.

If people were as well deciplined, there would be a lot lower murder rate.

Get it straight in your mind - People, not firearms, kill people.
Comment by George Hayes
December 09, 2008 04:14 PM
Depriving the citizenry of the tools necessary in defending life and liberty only aids in creating despots.
Comment by Bruce, Tampa
December 09, 2008 05:37 PM
Gun & ammo sales up 500% since BO elected.
Stock up - God, Guns, Gold, & Grubb.
Prepare for a revolution. It's coming when unemployment grows. Measured by pre 1983 gov. enployment formula unemployment is currently 12.5% . The revolution will probably be after Spring 2009 when unemployed people become upset with BO's lack of economic results putting bread on the table and the local food bank is empty. The real thugs are not roaming dark alleys, but sitting in posh offices spending your childrens money by the trillions. No more being their financial slave. Give back your SS#. We don't need retirement benefits. A couple of chickens and cows should do. Let's get organized for a hopefully peaceful revolution. Ron Paul is but one leader for this revolution. We need many more. Consider the opportunity to lead.
Comment by Matt S
December 09, 2008 05:53 PM
Mr. Paul, I could not agree more with this article or anything else I've heard you say. You are right on target (pardon the pun). You have my support 100%
Comment by Paul
December 09, 2008 05:57 PM
As soon as Obama was declared the winner I signed up online for my TX concealed handgun permit. My wife and I took the class last month and we now await our licenses. In the meantime we have purchased guns and will use them if needed to protect our family, property and fellow citizens of needed.
Comment by John
December 09, 2008 06:12 PM
Thank you Ron Paul for your valuable words.
Responding to MATT above: Shame on you! Unless you were present on the scene, do not judge the Blackwater guards, for with their training and experience, you can bet there was a perceived threat that triggered their response. If one of the group was out of position to witness the threat, and now finds consolation in testifying against them, so be it. Forget not that it is the perceived "unarmed innocent civilians" that are piloting the truck and car bombs taking thousands of lives over there, often with their own children in the passenger seat ... so much better the deception. You are correct that the NFA tilted the scales in favor of the government, but it was but a mock attempt to disarm those perceived to be dealing in illegal goods ... untaxed liquor then, and drugs today. Outright actions to restore that right are only perceived as hostile and are to be avoided. Properly sculpted legislation can return that right if we are patient. In the mean time, calm, cool heads are needed to get the true message in front of the populace through a media heavily weighted ($$bought$$) toward the views of the liberal left. Be persistent and honest and never let down your guard. Never relax your defenses and don't loose your head. Focus on the true intent of their words - patiently and calmly countering every assault with the truth.
Comment by an anonymous person
December 09, 2008 06:23 PM
Before any kind of gun control happens in America, there will most definitly be some sort of revolution or civil war, or something in the case of the famous movie, "V for Vendetta", though it may be even more awesome.
Comment by James Gibson
December 09, 2008 06:30 PM
Personnally, I am more worried that something will happen at the California Border and in the name of proper policy the State will tell me to stay home and then send first the Guard and then the SMR down to deal with it with properly supplied guns by the State. I unfortunately know that under State law the SMR can't be armed without Congress first declaring war and that the Guard can only bare arms after they have completed certification. Further, that there is no State reserve of arms for the SMR and the arms in the Guard armories are Federal property that can't be released without Presidential permission. By the time all the paper work is done it will be three weeks before a response can be mounted. All proper in paper work, but "god help" the people who had to wait.
Comment by John
December 09, 2008 06:46 PM
Ron Paul you are a true partiot! You seem to be the ONLY politician with any brains. As far as guns go, Al Capone said "you get a lot further with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word". The bottom line is that we have a natural right to protect ourselves and our families. The criminals should fear us... not the other way around. RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT.
Comment by Stuart
December 09, 2008 07:07 PM
First off I'd like to address Nick,Dec.9th comments. Nick, if that is truly the way you feel about America, WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU STILL LIVING HERE??? You have to be kidding!!! I also agree with Sonja, WATCH YOUR BACK!!!
Comment by Rob Novak
December 09, 2008 07:37 PM
I wish You Rep. Ron Paul, to be our president, you are a great knowledgeable man
Comment by Doug
December 09, 2008 07:43 PM
Nick, many of Russia's finest WWII snipers were women.
Comment by Michael
December 09, 2008 07:52 PM
Dr. Paul,

Thank you for being a champion for freedom. I hope you consider running again in 2012. We need an executive that will respect the Constitution of the United States, individual freedom and the free-market. Good luck!
Comment by Bob
December 09, 2008 08:25 PM
It seems the the most antigun democraps are also the bigest crooks the arrest of the Il. gov. today makes my point look at Dodd Rangel etc.
Comment by x
December 09, 2008 08:29 PM
law or no law.
You'll take my gun away bullets first!

...or from my cold dead hand.
Comment by Rick
December 09, 2008 08:31 PM
Women with guns don't get raped.
Comment by kelly n
December 09, 2008 08:41 PM
This lady's speech before congress is the best 2nd amendment speech EVER!!!

Comment by John
December 09, 2008 08:58 PM
Taking away our guns would never work, so the Obamas will go after the ammunition makers, tax ammo, and limit the quantity we can purchase. Get ready! We're in for a rough eight years if 2012 is a repeat of '08.
Comment by Rachen
December 09, 2008 09:00 PM

Keep up the great work! This country needs you.
Comment by Dave Horting
December 09, 2008 09:34 PM
I've had a CC permit for a great many years and have never had to use it thankfully. That does not mean I'm not prepared to do so should I need to.

Gun confiscation always precludes totalalitarian control over it's citizens.


Comment by Hondo Lane, MD
December 09, 2008 09:35 PM
Dear Representative Paul”

Please do not answer this letter or waste your money on a form letter. I wish to thank you for being in “congress”. Please do not run for governor as you will just be buried. Where and how you get the money to do what you do is amazing as are your constituents. All the media play you for a fool or a joke and do not want you to even be a dog catcher. Please do what you do and you will maybe remembered in history books. Yours is a life worth living and I would say God Blesss you but the phrase is hackney and meaningless in the South. They buried you and unfortunately so be it. You gave up a well paying work for abuse. I can say nothing buy thank you. I live in Israel where women do the dishes with a machine gun at their side. I am a refugee here protecting my life being denied any help from the “Civil Rights Act”. I have been here 8 years and we just had out first death by shooting. Jews kill Jews but the weapon is a cast iron fry pan used by a wife. Everybody has a gun but forget to carry them and suffer for it. I want nothing from you.
Comment by Tom
December 09, 2008 09:41 PM
Have you ever noticed that strong gun laws, week prosecutions of violent criminals, and strong Unions seem to go hand in hand?
Comment by Kevin
December 09, 2008 10:00 PM
Re: Brian Dec. 08 --
Careful son, we all feel the same. But, with Obama and the liberals taking over you've got to speak not at all and stay locked and loaded.
God Bless America
God Bless all Americans ready, willing and able to defend our wonderful homeland!!
Comment by Rick
December 09, 2008 10:11 PM
Dr. Paul; very well stated. I hope America never has to deal with the problems of Great Britain and Japan.

Once the guns are gone, people still find ways to kill other people. The violent crime rates using blades in those countries has gone way up. And now Japan is talking about registration of any blade larger than 5 inches. When are they going to realize that their wonderful gun control laws have only served to disarm victims?

Keep up the good fight and protect the 2nd ammendment.

Oh, and by the way, Nick needs to get a clue and perhaps visit a few emergency rooms where innocent, law abiding citizens are routinely treated for injuries sustained during voilent crimes. Nick should take a survey and ask what each of those victims would have done if they had had a weapon to defend themselves.

Nick should then travel to Iraq, or other countries mentioned and then conduct the same survey.

Nick should then visit other countries that have enacted weapons confiscation laws and ask the citizens of those countries how safe they feel from their own government.

Then Nick should post his comments back on this forum.
Comment by DR. TED SOTTERY
December 09, 2008 11:41 PM
I am very sorry that you feel the way you do. You are wrong about men and women being different with firearms. Just the idea that only men should be in the fighting forces has promoted your view. In WWII women of the USSR fought in large numbers. I think the most effective snipers were women!
I am afraid your other ideas are as unfounded as your gender differences about guns!
Comment by Frederick Su
December 10, 2008 01:23 AM
The 2nd Amendment is the first right among free Americans.
Comment by Barry
December 10, 2008 01:49 AM
Understanding the inevitable rapture should be our utmost concern>>>
The Bloodshed on the Cross at Calvary is your Very Best Defense.
With this knowledge and understanding your CALIBER of CHOICE need not matter to hit the most important TARGET>>>>



Very Faithful Gun Owner on the side of FREEDOM and JUSTICE to ALL !!!
Comment by Steven Sullivan
December 10, 2008 03:58 AM
I am a veteran of the United States Navy, and the United States Army. I vividly remember that I swore an oath to protect and defend The Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I did not swear an oath to protect; The United States, The Office of The President of The United States, or the incompetent collection of political whores who reside in Washington. This solemn oath I will honor. Why? The acceptance of this oath is a life altering experience. We who abide by this sacred oath have a different perspective on the value of life. Why? Well…we may one day soon be in direct conflict with people we know who will not stop their assault until lethal force is applied. By this very solemn and serious oath, men will die. Our birthright as Americans was paid for in the blood of countless patriots who may never be known to this current generation. I do not say this lightly. This is a very serious.
At this point, we may all say that we will defend our rights. Our words and actions must agree. We as Americans must exhaust every reasonable, peaceable and legal means to defend our rights. If this is to no effect, then and only then, are we too progress as our Constitution allows in overthrowing this corrupt illegal and un-Constitutional government. I have seen the culmination of current events, both social and political coming to this end for the last thirty five years. If this is to happen, let it be now in my life time. I do not want my grandson to experience what I have hoped and prayed will never happen.

With respect, I remain.

Steven Sullivan

Veteran, United States Navy.
Veteran, United States Army.
Comment by Craig
December 10, 2008 05:34 AM
I don't need a gun to be polite to someone; I do however need one to kill them.
Comment by T Cooper
December 10, 2008 07:51 AM
As a Police Officer I absolutely agree that it is your responsibility to defend yourself. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. The vast majority of police in this country are very dedicated to protecting you. However, we are a reactionary force. All to often we only arrive in time to take photographs of your body. For those of you who say your local police are slacking off, I am sorry. I truly am. They are failing in their oaths to you. Please remember, their hands are tied most of the time. They are very restricted by federal, state, and local laws along with their individual agency rules.

I have never taken a firearm from a criminal that was legally purchased. They were all stolen or illegaly brought into the country. I can promise you that if guns are banned in the United States, you will only take firearms away from the law abiding citizens. Those who currently commit crimes with firearms will continue to commit crimes with firearms.
Comment by n.o.y.g.d.b.
December 10, 2008 10:39 AM
With no wepons there is no violenece.
Are guns wepons?
Comment by aj351m
December 10, 2008 11:07 AM
Nick, it does take more courage to leave the gun down and face the certain death and/or subjegation given those unwilling to defend themselves. Jesus faced certain death and stood peacefully by for his reward, yes in the end he won the day. Given his lineage perhaps I too would sacrifice myself knowing the outcome, perhaps not. Sadly I am not god like so I will do it the mortal way.
The truth is that we the people have ever so slowly over the last hundred years campaigned for our downfall. We have become weak and complacent want ing government to take care of us. Government has responded to the will of the people and has taken care of us, Removing the gold standard, Taking away the scary automatic weapons, Social Security, Required insurance for every aspect of life. If they really want to take guns from the public they need to mandate insurance for firearms buyers, that's how they are eliminating affordable healthcare after all. The United States as the founding fathers envisioned it has come and gone, that is the sad truth. We can hope that Obama's administration scares the public into find his polar opposite for election in 2012, but that hope is slim. Thank you Dr. Paul for your thoughtful article I hope it inspires more people to think before they vote for nominees or officials.
Comment by Mirand Sharma from Florida
December 10, 2008 11:55 AM
Although I don't own guns, I respect the right of law abiding citizens to carry them.
Comment by Dani
December 10, 2008 12:59 PM
Dr. Paul,
I can't stress enough how heartbreaking this election year has been. As time the inaugration draws closer; it would leave one with a not so "warm & fuzzy feeling" that all that was promised will not be fulfilled. It's sad & unfortunate that Sheeple having elected to set their fate in the hands of a Tyrannt.
In these troubling economic times; I am so thankful that there are people as yourself and Alex Jones to be the voice of informity. We are definately heading towards the Great Depression, The Sequel.
I would also post a request, as the others have here....Please consider running to office in 2012! It is a great tradgedy that you have been muted by the tyrannts on top.

with much respect & admiration,
Comment by Zman
December 10, 2008 01:31 PM
We need your clear sane thinking in this time of Reichstag Fires.
Comment by Joe Flamini
December 10, 2008 01:50 PM
Dr. Paul:
Well said, sir. If the #%$*! voters of Iowa and New Hampshire weren't the people who pick presidential candidates, you'd be the one with his hand on the Bible on January 20th.
Comment by William
December 10, 2008 05:30 PM
You know when I read a great article like that I remember why I was so impressed with you from the beginning. There is not a thing in that article I disagree with.

People keep looking to the government to protect them, like some big mother. I realize families who suffer a loss at the hand of some nut want to feel they are doing something or helping others, but they are not. Life is not safe, get used to it.

For every new oppressive law you pass you only loose freedom and gain nothing.
Comment by Steve Mettler
December 10, 2008 05:56 PM
Re; David Hauber
I don't think you quite understand how these attacks took place. The terrorists split up into small groups of 2-3 to attack their respective targets. Had they remained together, I agree that an armed cop or citizen had little chance of slowing them down, but in the small groups, if you take one down, it causes the other grave concern for his life and he may tend to run for his own safety. These guys operate in groups because they feel secure in their number. If you take that away from them, they aren't as effective or as brazen.
You also seem to forget that the Indian police at the scene had'nt had any effective range practice for 10 or more years so they obviously had little confidence in their ability to engage in an armed encounter. The military was requested, but took about 7 hours to mobilize. It's a wonder the death toll wasn't higher.
Comment by Michael
December 10, 2008 06:06 PM
I am proud to tell people that I wrote in Dr. Paul on Election Day. Don't be surprised if someday soon you see my car with a new bumper sticker: "Don't blame me... I wrote in Ron Paul!"
Comment by John
December 10, 2008 09:31 PM
I will give up my guns. If bad Guys and governments give there's up first.
Comment by Scott
December 10, 2008 11:31 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul,

I live in Hollywood, CA. On this past Monday, the "Public Safety Committee" approved new measures limiting my rights. I did not know, and missed my opportunity to speak.

Thank you sir. I needed to read this tonight, to get perspective and guidance on my problem...
Comment by Rodolpho
December 11, 2008 00:11 AM
Stop Gun control and " yes guns Rights"
Comment by Lonnie
December 11, 2008 00:36 AM
If anyone has really wanted to know why our Founding Fathers gave us the right to Keep and Bear Arms, read Federalist 29, and 46. Also go to Google and type in: "Founding Fathers Quotes on 2nd Amendment and Militia." If you ever notice what the media reports to us all the time (except Fox News), they always tell us the evil of firearms and never the good. They think that criminals and home intruders are members of the public, who deserve protection from the violent householders. Well, in life, the truth is so precious that it is always attended by a bodyguard of lies. Mel Gibson was right in the movie, "The Patriot," when he said, "Why should I trade 1 tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants only 1 mile away? Eternal vigilence is the price for liberty, freedom, and survival. A country's true enemy isn't a foreign invader, it is an all powerful government over them (like China with the Tiannamen Square event in 1989). The day we lose the 2nd Amendment is the day the 2nd Revolution begins. The 2nd Amendment is in place in case they forgot all the others.
Semper Fi,
Comment by Garret
December 11, 2008 08:59 AM
I'm moving to Texas District 14.
Comment by Darin Barrows
December 11, 2008 10:01 AM
No matter how many "false flags" are carried out, here and worldwide, guns should NEVER, EVER be taken from we the people! Guns don't kill people, people kill people! As Benjamin Franklin said, " Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Comment by Dan
December 11, 2008 10:30 AM
Jerry, Men use guns because it is our God-given role to protect.
Comment by Jason in Kentucky
December 11, 2008 11:43 AM
Dr. Paul, PLEASE run for governor of Texas, let's get the neo-cons out!
Comment by David
December 11, 2008 03:11 PM
Mr Paul,
I am from Canada. Your speeches and articles are so inspiring. I just hope that one day, we will have politicians like you that can inspire everybody.
Comment by Brenda S.
December 11, 2008 05:33 PM
In response to the post by David Hauber: Your argument against a well-armed populace in the defense against terrorism does not hold up in historical fact. Schools in Israel were regular targets for terrorists until armed parents and grandparents began voluntary patrols of the schools. After that, terrorist attacks in schools dropped to zero. Likewise, there is a county in Georgia which made it mandatory for all adults to own and be trained in the use of firearms. Violent crime disappeared. Terrorists and other criminals by their very nature select targets which are easily exploited and present little danger to themselves. If the general population is armed, the criminal thinks twice about opening fire, knowing there may be any number of skilled marksmen ready and able to return fire.

And to Doug M.: You propose that "people should never be the target [of guns.]" I would very much like to see what your opinion on that topic might be if you were faced with a situation in which your wife or children were being victimized (raped, tortured, threatened with starvation because some "person" was stealing your food.)

Thank you, Dr. Paul, for you ever-thoughtful and Constitutionally-sound perspectives!
Comment by Zimbabalouie
December 11, 2008 06:15 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul. Since the moment a friend introduced the idea that you were the only decent human in politics you have been a consistent wealth of sane and concerted thinking.

Again you speak as a man who understands the importance of commiting ones self to forming opinions through fact based rational education on an issue. Dr. Paul you are the actual winner of the 2008 presidential contest and those who understand will always follow your lead.

Remeber too, a well aremed society is always a polite society.
Comment by John Smith
December 12, 2008 00:04 AM
Registration can lead to Confiscation, if they know you have one, it will be easier to take it, especially when they have: Your Name, Address, Phone Number, Social Security Number, Etc. just be careful how & when you get one, but make it soon, Obama is a big anti-gun man. First he plans on heavy taxes, so you can't afford it, (ammo too)and then who knows, bans?
Comment by BYRON
December 12, 2008 12:41 PM
I have carried a gun almost every day since 1996. Sadly, I had to obtain state permission to do so so as to avoid legal hassles. I have had several incidents where my tempers have flaired and frustrations were evident, but never once presented my weapon, never contributed to "blood in the streets." I am rational and try to avoid places which put myself and family at risk...some of have old fashioned common sense.
Comment by bert sargent
December 12, 2008 01:22 PM
just read that only two more states needed for a const.convention,add b.o.'s ideas and we got a free for all.so be ready folks,if both happens in 09.not sure ob could get body fluid out of a boot.
Comment by Ron Peery
December 12, 2008 03:18 PM
The anti's have always operated using "doublespeak",or as my cherokee ancestors are frequently alleged to say.."him speak with forked tongue".

Let's redefine the terms.

Gun Control means being able to hit your target.

Gun Safety means not shooting the wrong target, or yourself.

Don't child proof your guns. Gun proof your children by teaching them early what a gun can do and how to handle it. This method worked for my dad. Is this generation less capable and intelligent than those that came before it?

I remember seeing a bumper sticker back in the day that read "Register Communists, not guns" It's still a valid sentiment. We require child molesters to register with the state, why not require the same of those who seek to enslave the rest of us?
Comment by One American
December 12, 2008 06:23 PM
I collect firearms from the period of WW II and later.

I have more guns than my town's police force, yet they've (police) been involved in more shootings in the last twenty years than I. That's right, the number for me is 0. They're somewhere in the 40+ range.

Let them come and try and disarm me. They may have shot more people than I have, but I'll wager I'll have a better rate of fire.
Comment by Steve
December 12, 2008 09:57 PM
I understand. I know history and I for one do not want to repeat it. The US government has already ignored the 2nd amendment by sending the guard into New Orleans to confiscate firearms from the rich.Yeah, like they are going hunting for tv's,booze and to mug people.
If they,(the government thugs,i.e.police etc)come for my weapons, food or me,I would rather die and be free than alive and in bondage. Remember the Jews of the 2nd World War?
Comment by tom
December 12, 2008 10:00 PM
What fallacy.
Guns are lethal. Homicide rates by shooting are far greater in countries with high gun ownership.
Have a think what will happen to your country when the riots start in the next few years. You'll eat your words. Alternatively, you'll you'll stick to your guns!
Comment by Michael Michola
December 13, 2008 10:29 AM
Great article Congressman Paul.

I'll be adding your article to The Wire, (American Defenders newsletter.)
Comment by Old Ben
December 13, 2008 01:09 PM
The only reason a government or a tyrant (Obama?) wants to disarm the people is so a gov't or a tyrant can plunder and terrorize the people WITHOUT fear of reprisal or rebellion.

The parasites in Washington today who have taken over our gov't are far more dangerous to the people than any foreign terrorists.

Homeland Security was created to protect the rich and powerful in Washington and their financial interests. It is not there to protect the working people. It's purpose among the people is to stir up fear and worry so they will be more willing to pay heavy taxes. It's a dirty trick to keep the people from questioning the gov't activities.

Thank you Dr. Paul for standing in defiance of tyranny, and against these cold blooded scoundrels in our gov't today!

Comment by TopSec
December 13, 2008 04:31 PM
God blessed me by having my birth in the great capital in the great state of Texas. I'm keenly aware of the current and future situations. Let's say I'm locked, loaded, and ready. My Dad, Dad inlaw, and Uncles were sworn to defend our nation for what it stands for against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I refuse to dishonor them, and those who value freedom by simply being unaware or lying down. Our Founding Fathers did not, while our children and/or future children expects us not to. So, I leave you with the words of Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty or give me death!!".
Comment by Bob
December 13, 2008 07:13 PM
Picking up a sniper rifle, shotgun, and handgun Mon.
Comment by Nash
December 14, 2008 02:31 AM
We're already being fingerprinted for drivers licenses. I renewed mine and the facial recognition in the camera locked the camera. I was told it did not recognize me. They had to call the Oklhoma City office and ask them to reset the camera.

Tey are tapping our phones without warrents now, tracking our internet use, and children are now given a SS number when they are born.

They are keeping track of everything we do and it's gonna get worse. Soon they will want to implant chips in us.

I don't like it at all. I am not a criminal or a terrorist.
Comment by sally
December 14, 2008 01:10 PM
What happend to our rights The Constitution of the United States. Also got to love this news don"t hardly talk about both sides thruthfuly. The Federal Reserve is taking the people forgranted. I have anothe question why most all over America. the America People need answers and no one is talking or telling the people the truth.
Comment by Henry Bowman
December 14, 2008 01:18 PM
To all members of the Brigade: Get ready.
Comment by Gagan
December 15, 2008 12:07 PM
I'm Canadian and I've never carried a gun. The cardinal issue is that making guns accessible and legal to have is a slippery slope as they become far more accessible to minors.

In Canada, schools shootings are seldom compared to America and gun violence is lower.

Furthermore, if we are allowed to have guns, than why not allow us to have nuclear weapons and biological weapons. Nuclear weapons would do a much better job of defending me from the government than a single hand pistol.

Now India is a unique case in terms of gun regulation. This is a country of one billion people, most of whom are living in poverty, disease and social inequality. The Indian constitution has many "regulation" that can never be earnestly implemented primarily due to India's massive size and diversity and the corruption in their democratic government (beleive me, I have first hand experience of India's corrupt legal system).

We must embrace pragmatism over ideology. I understand that libertarians belevie in freedom as the ultimate solution; however, the contrast in violence in countries that allow guns vs. those that do not vividly demonstrates that regulating gun control reduces gun crime (not completely) more than legalizing gun possession.
Comment by dan straley
December 15, 2008 12:26 PM
Thank you for running 4 pres and gitting the youth out. p.s check your tie .
Comment by Bryan
December 15, 2008 12:27 PM
Here is a solution. There should be strict reviews with people to determine their wants and needs for the weapon. Perhaps run them through a psychological examination. Then place micro-tracer chips on the weapon so that if it is ever lost or stolen it can be traced down by law-enforcement. This will stop two intrinsic by-products of a capitalistic weapon industry. 1-Crazy people who wanna cause mayhem won't be able to obtain guns 2-gangs won't be able to steal guns and traffic them without being caught.
Comment by Gilliam Harris
December 15, 2008 02:52 PM
When the various gov agencies decide to crack down on gun ownership it will be thru restricting ammunition sales. Guns are sturdy and last for hundreds of years. Once ammo is spent, your gun won't serve you. It will start by restricting the amount and/or types you can purchase. They will try to minimize hoarding by making you trade in spent shell casings in order to buy new ammo. Besides being an incredibly efficient way to stop gun owners from being able to use their guns, they can do it without a constitutional ammendment. THERE IS NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO AMMUNITON. Very easy to pass state, local, or federal ordinances restrictung ammunition...you will be prosecuted not for your guns, but for your ammo...Buy GUNS, Buy Ammo, Buy Gold..and HIDE THEM.
Comment by Sunny in the Midwest
December 15, 2008 05:14 PM
Thanks for the heads up Mr. Paul!
Comment by PlanetPrisoner
December 18, 2008 02:06 AM
You are truly an <b>Epic Statesman</b>. I am lucky to be alive in your time and your writings and contributions have enriched my patriotism, and I am sure that I am not alone.
When the neocons decide to starve or poison or disarm us, it is because of men like you that their plans will be met with a challenge from patriots..the likes of which they could never anticipate.
Thank you.
Comment by Doug Stewart
December 22, 2008 07:41 PM
Dr. Paul, you are truly a breath of fresh air. Are there any others in Congress who are like you? We need to know who they are! The Patriots need to rise up now, and make themselves known thru the entire USA.
Comment by Annonymous
December 23, 2008 09:12 PM
I just want to tell all of you on here as fellow Americans we must never become apathetic. If anything does go down I'll be on the front line with all of you. Thank God for Ron Paul. Without him we'd have nobody on our side in Washington. Thank you again Ron Paul!!
Comment by Mark Cepiel
December 28, 2008 09:31 PM
My country tis of thee, sweet land of Liberty, of thee I sing. I stand ready today to defend our country as it is "OUR" duty to defend it's liberties and protections. Like the founders said we have the right to remove from office any leader that does contrary to the will of the people. The contrary has been going on for too long if you haven't noticed and we are about to pay the price for our lack of action.
Comment by samba
December 31, 2008 03:58 PM
Dr. Paul

I purchased my first gun today. Our current government no longer has respect, reverence or an obedience to the constitution.
Comment by Linda
January 08, 2009 05:55 AM
Dear Dr. Paul: What are you doing about HR6257, which will reclassify any gun with a magazine (and almost everything else) as an "assault" weapon? Possession of a lousy Ruger 10-shot 22 rifle will land one in jail. Your knowledgeable readers have already mentioned ways the government intends to tax ammo outrageously and then force us to turn in anything that isn't "encoded." One supposes that in time ammo sales will be cut off, or the newly-produced ammo will have at best a 6 month shelf life (the technology has long existed and the Left has pushed for it) or may not fire at all. Yes, they will try to keep us from getting ammo, and succeed, but they want to confiscate our guns as a symbol of our impotence. The Liberal critics who appeared before me have no idea what they are talking about, and some will learn the truth of "When seconds count 9-1-1 is only minutes away." Or hours. To answer one critic, read Naomi Wolfe's The End of America, and you will find that the enabling legislation is all in place NOW. The problem with "They'll pry my gun from my cold, dead fingers" is that those coming after your guns will be glad to do so. Australia even outlawed slingshots! The government not only has much better weapons and armor, they have communications, supplies, and plans. THEY can cordon off cities, shut off your power, water, and telephone...they control all radio and TV stations. It's th' damnyankees against South'n gentlemen again, and we're going to be invaded, killed, enslaved, and raped again. Our Texas constitution states that we have a DUTY to remove corrupt despots, but who is going to bell the cat? I wish I could use the classic line, "Gentlemen, I regret that I am going to have to save your sorry hides along with mine," but I don't think either will be possible, and I have been an excellent shot for over 60 years without ever seeing so much as a round loosed carelessly, far less bloodshed. The American dream is dead, and the best you can do is save the last round for yourself. When asked what sort of government the Founding Fathers had given the country, he replied grimly, "We have given you a republic--if you can keep it." We could not. Like all before us, we learned that when you rob Peter to pay Paul you may be assured of Paul's vote. Keep trying, please, Dr. Paul. You are probably our last hope.

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