Web Discussions
Delve Into, Discover, Discuss
The Digital Reference Section offers Web-based programs that
provide participants an opportunity to interact with Library
of Congress specialists and librarians and other participants
around a focused topic based on the Library's collections.
Topics reflect the depth and breadth of the resources available
in the Library's collections, both digital and physical.
Examples of recent programs are The Civil Rights Movement
in America: A Tribute to Rosa Parks, From Telephone
to Ice Cream Cone: Inventions and Their Inventors,
and Irish in America. Currently, the Library's
Web site contains over ten million sound recordings, still
and moving images, prints, documents, maps, and sheet music
that document the American experience, as well as a growing
body of international and multi-lingual materials.
Web discussions are offered through OPAL (Online Programming
for All Libraries), an international collaborative effort
by libraries to provide cooperative web-based programs and
training for library users and staff. For a list of upcoming
programs, see http://www.opal-online.org/programs.htm.
more information or to request a program on a particular
topic for your group, contact the Digital Reference Section
via the Ask A Librarian form at http://www.loc.gov/rr/askalib/ask-digital.html.