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Federal Financial Assistance Specifically for Historic Preservation—Tribal

Tribal Heritage Grants
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Grants

Tribal Heritage Grants
Federal Agency: National Park Service
Recipients: Indian tribes; Alaska Native groups; Native Hawaiian organizations

In addition to assisting Tribal Historic Preservation Officers in maintaining their historic preservation programs, the Federal Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) is also a source of grants for individual preservation projects proposed by Federally recognized Indian tribes, Alaska Native villages, and Native Hawaiian organizations.

Preservation of specific historic properties is an eligible funding category, as is identification of cultural resources, preservation planning, oral history, and education and training. Since 1990, more than $18.5 million in grants have been awarded. In FY 2007, $678, 300 was awarded.

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Grants
Federal Agency: National Park Service
Recipients: Indian tribes; Alaska Native villages; Native Hawaiian organizations; museums and any other institution or State or local government agency (including any institution of higher learning) that have control over Native American cultural items

The National Park Service provides grants to assist Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, Alaska Native villages and corporations, and museums and other institutions with implementation of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).

Documentation grants help fund efforts to determine the cultural affiliation of Native American cultural items covered by NAGPRA that are currently in the control of museums or other institutions. Grants are also available to assist in repatriation of such items to the appropriate tribe, Alaska Native Village, or Native Hawaiian organization. In FY 2008, $2.331 million is available.

Updated May 16, 2008

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