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Hair Analysis Panel Discussion: Section: Appendix E

    Appendix E
    Meeting Agenda

    Hair Analysis: Exploring the State of the Science

    Day 1 Tuesday,
    June 12, 2001
    Discussing the State of the Science in Hair Analysis

    8:00 am Registration  
    8:30 am Introductory remarks Robert Amler, MD
    ATSDR Chief Medical Officer
    8:45 am Purpose of meeting and review of the charge Allan Susten, PhD, DABT
    Assistant Director for Science, DHAC
    9:00 am Impetus for panel discussions—
    a case example
    Deanna K. Harkins, MD, MPH
    Medical Officer, DHEP
    9:10 am Introduction of panelists LuAnn White, PhD, DABT
    Panel Chair
    9:20 am General physiology of hair—an overview Robert Baratz, MD, PhD, DDS
    9:40 am Topic #1: Analytical methods


    10:30 am Break  
    10:45 am Topic #1: Analytical methods (continued) Panelists
    11:30 am


    12:00 pm Lunch  
    1:00 pm Topic #2: Factors influencing the
    interpretation of analytical results
    3:15 pm Break  
    3:30 pm Topic #3: Toxicologic considerations Panelists
    4:45 pm Observer
    5:15 pm Adjourn  

    Day 2 Wednesday,
    June 13, 2001
    Developing Recommendations
    8:00 am Review of day 1 issues Panel chair
    8:15 am Topic #4: Data gaps and research needs Panelists
    9:00 am Topic #5: Identifying scenarios for which hair analysis may be appropriate Panelists
    10:15 am Break  
    10:30 am Observer comments  
    11:00 am Conclusions/recommendations Panelists
    12:30 pm

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