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Hair Analysis Panel Discussion: Appendix C

    Appendix C
    Pre-meeting Comments
    June 6, 2001

    Hair Analysis: Exploring the State of the Science


    This booklet includes the panelists' pre-meeting responses to the charge questions. It should be noted that the pre-meeting comments are preliminary in nature. The purpose of these comments is to stimulate meeting discussions. Some panelists' technical findings might change based on discussions during the meeting; therefore, pre-meeting comments should not necessarily be considered the panelists' final opinions.

    Any mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

    Panelist Comments

    LuAnn White, Chair

    Robert Baratz

    Thomas Clarkson

    Michael Greenberg

    Michael Kosnett

    Dan Paschal

    Sharon Seidel

    Note: Comments have been printed as received


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