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Hair Analysis Panel Discussion: Section 1.5

    Section 1
    1.5 The Report Organization

    The organization of this report generally follows the list of topics outlined in the agenda and charge to the panelists. Section 2 includes a summary of opening remarks. Sections 3, 4, and 5 summarize the panelists' comments and discussions related to analytical methodologies, various factors influencing the interpretation of results, and toxicological considerations. Section 6 reports overall conclusions drawn by the panel, including data gaps and research needs.

    Comments provided by observers throughout the meeting are presented in Section 7. Section 8 lists references cited in this summary report.

    Note: In subsequent sections, the panelists' initials are used to attribute comments. They are as follows: Dr. Robert Baratz (RB), Dr. Thomas Clarkson (TC), Dr. Michael Greenberg (MG), Dr. Michael Kosnett (MK), Dr. Dan Paschal (DP), Dr. Sharon Seidel (SS), Dr. LuAnn White (LW).

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