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Hair Analysis Panel Discussion: Section 1.4

    Section 1
    1.4 The Meeting Format

    After some introductory remarks by ATSDR and an overview of hair physiology by one of the panelists, the panel engaged in open discussions related to individual charge questions.

    Discussions generally followed the meeting agenda, as shown in Appendix E. However, as might be expected, some overlap occurred across topics due to the closely linked nature of the topics.

    Dr. LuAnn White led the panel discussions. At the beginning of the meeting, she clearly stated the ground rules for the discussion:

    • Focus on the scientific issues related to hair analysis.
    • Focus on the specific charge topics. In the context of the charge questions, describe the advantages and disadvantages of using hair analysis.
    • Limit discussions to topics directly or indirectly related to environmental exposures. Focus on the markers of environmental exposures or internal dose.
    • Actively listen to one another and exchange ideas and different perspectives.

    In addition to the panelists, approximately 50 observers attended one or both days of the meeting. The observers included representatives from ATSDR, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), other federal and state agencies, commercial laboratories, and professional organizations. A list of the observers who attended the meeting is included in Appendix F. Though the discussion at the meeting was largely among the panelists, observers were given three separate opportunities during the meeting to comment or ask questions (see the agenda) and also were encouraged to provide written comments to ATSDR in response to the charge questions and panel discussions. Written comments received from observers after the meeting are included in
    Appendix G.

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