Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Figure 2 - Analysis of Vehicles Traveling at Speeds Below 60 mph

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Six-lane sections

  % with speed below 60 mph Average speed (mph)
% Trucks % Cars Trucks speed Cars speed
Shoulder 3.23 2.41 58 58
Middle 0.06 0.10 57 55
Median 0.00 0.00    
Shoulder 2.50 8.34 58 58
Middle 0.19 0.16 59 58
Median 0.02 0.02 55 38
Shoulder 3.10 3.74 58 58
Middle 0.12 0.26 58 58
Median 0.17 0.27 59 57

Four-lane sections

  % with speed below 60 mph Average speed (mph)
% Trucks % Cars Trucks speed Cars speed
Median 0.18 0.07 46 53
Shoulder 1.63 0.90 56 57
Shoulder 1.70 1.59 57 57
Median 0.09 0.14 49 59
Shoulder 1.31 1.89 57 56
Median 0.08 0.58 56 42
Shoulder 13.49 7.93 56 56
Median 6.84 3.73 54 54
Shoulder 0.96 3.35 52 58
Median 0.06 0.03 38 59

Note: In the median lane on highway 320, no vehicles traveled below 60 mph.

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