Mt. Shasta Avalanche Center

Real -Time Weather Data

Real-Time Weather Data brought to you by the U.S. Forest Service,
Mt. Shasta Avalanche Center Personnel.
Current weather conditions are critical in making avalanche hazard assessments. The more weather information you can gather before venturing into the backcountry the better prepared you'll be to make safe decisions regarding travel in avalanche terrain. The following remote weather stations provide current mountain temperatures, wind speeds, wind directions and snowfall amounts which you'll find invaluable for planning your next backcountry adventure. At the very least it'll help you find the best slopes for riding and sliding.

Mt. Shasta Avalanche Center Weather Telemetry

Ski Bowl Weather Station @ 7,600' on the South Side of the Mountain

Grey Butte Weather Station @ 8,000' on South side of Mt. Shasta

Castle Lake Weather Station @ 5,900' on the West side of Hwy. 5

Mt. Eddy Weather Station @ 6509' on the East side of Mt. Eddy

External Weather Stations

Sand Flat Weather Station @ 6,750' on the Southwest side of Mt. Shasta

Peterson Flat Weather Station @ 7,150' on the West side of Mt. Eddy

National Weather Service Weather Stations


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Mt. Shasta Avalanche Hotline (530) 926-9613

Mt. Shasta Ranger District
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, California
U. S. Forest Service | Department of Agriculture