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National Guidance

Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories

Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis - Third Edition

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1. Introduction (PDF, 311 K)
1.1 Historical Perspective
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Relationship of Manual to Other Guidance Documents
1.5 Organization of this Manual

2. Monitoring Strategy (PDF, 412 K)
2.1 Screening Studies (Tier 1)
2.2 Intensive Studies (Tier 2)

3. Target Species (PDF, 352 K)
3.1 Purpose of Using Target Species
3.2 Criteria for Selecting Target Species
3.3 Freshwater Target Species

3.3.1 Target Finfish Species
3.3.2 Target Turtle Species
3.4 Estuarine/Marine Target Species
3.4.1Target Shellfish Species
3.4.2 Target Finfish Species

4.Target Analytes (PDF, 603 K)
4.1 Recommended Target Analytes
4.2 Selection of Target Analytes
4.3 Target Analyte Profiles

4.3.2 Organochlorine Pesticides
4.3.3 Organophosphate Pesticides
4.3.4 Chlorophenoxy Herbicides
4.3.5 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
4.3.6 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Total)
4.3.7 Dioxins and Dibenzofurans
4.4 Target Analytes under Evaluation
4.4.1 Lead

5. Screening Values for Target Analytes (PDF, 94 K)
5.1 General Equations for Calculating Screening Values

5.1.1 Noncarcinogens
5.1.2 Carcinogens
5.1.3 Recommended Values for Variables in Screening Value Equations
5.2 Recommended Screening Values for Target Analytes
5.3 Comparison of Target Analyte Concentrations with Screening Values
5.3.1 Metals
5.3.2 Organics

6. Field Procedures (PDF, 964 K)
6.1 Sampling Design

6.1.1 Screening Studies (Tier 1)
6.1.2 Intensive Studies (Tier 2)
6.2 Sample Collection
6.2.1 Sampling Equipment and Use
6.2.2 Preservation of Sample Integrity
6.2.3 Field Recordkeeping
6.3 Sample Handling
6.3.1 Sample Selection
6.3.2 Sample Packaging
6.3.3 Sample Preservation
6.3.4 Sample Shipping

7. Laboratory Procedures I Sample Handling (PDF, 251 K)
7.1 Sample Receipt and Chain-of-Custody
7.2 Sample Processing

7.2.1 General Considerations
7.2.2 Processing Fish Samples
7.2.3 Processing Turtle Samples
7.2.4 Processing Shellfish Samples
7.3 Sample Distribution
7.3.1 Preparing Sample Aliquots
7.3.2 Sample Transfer

8..Laboratory Procedures II Sample Analyses (PDF, 169 K)
8.1 Recommended Analytes

8.1.1 Target Analytes
8.1.2 Lipid
8.2 Analytical Methods
8.2.1 Lipid Method
8.2.2 Target Analyte Methods
8.3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Considerations
8.3.1 QA Plans
8.3.2 Method Documentation
8.3.3 Minimum QA and QC Requirements for Sample Analyses
8.4 Documentation and Reporting of Data
8.4.1 Analytical Data Reports
8.4.2 Summary Reports

9. Data Analysis and Reporting (PDF, 33 K)
9.1 Data Analysis

9.1.1 Screening Studies
9.1.2 Intensive Studies
9.2 Data Reporting
9.2.1 State Data Reports
9.2.2 Reports to the National Fish Tissue Data Repository

10. Literature Cited (PDF, 131 K)




This report was prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Fish and Wildlife Contamination Program. The EPA Project Manager for this document was Jeffrey Bigler who provided overall project coordination as well as technical direction. EPA was supported in the development of this document by the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) (EPA Contract Number 68-C7-0056). Pat Cunningham of RTI was the contractor's Project Manager. Preparation of the First Edition of this guidance in 1993 was facilitated by the substantial efforts of the numerous Workgroup members and reviewers listed in Appendix A.


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