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Data Validation Standard Operating Procedures for Contract Laboratory Program Routine Analytical Services
Revision 2.1
July 1999

US-EPA, Region 4, SESD, Athens, Georgia

The National Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) supports a major portion of the sample analysis needs of the EPA Superfund Program. Samples are collected by both EPA and contractor personnel and are submitted to an assigned contract laboratory for Routine Analytical Service (RAS) analysis. The laboratory analyzes the samples according to specified analytical protocols, assembles a data package (deliverables are specified by contract), and submits the package to the Science and Ecosystem Support Division, Athens, Georgia. The data package is given a technical quality assurance review (validation) and a report of this review is prepared. The validated data are entered into the Region 4 Laboratory Information Management System (R4LIMS) with final data reports being generated by this system.

The purpose of this document is to promote uniformity of data review, to help clarify and augment the review guidance of the National Functional Guidelines, to give guidance for areas of data review that require considerable professional judgement, and to specify procedures that are unique to the needs of Region 4.

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Data Validation SOP for CLP Routine Analytical Services
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