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Records Schedule


NARA Records Schedule - Chapter 16

September 9, 2008

Public Programs and Exhibits

These operational records document NARA's mission of promoting and publicizing its holdings and related educational and cultural programs. See file no. 1618 for records maintained by regional records services facilities.


1601 Files of Professional and Scholarly Conferences and Symposia 
Records accumulated by/for NARA organizational units that are responsible for planning, managing, and publishing proceedings of professional and scholarly conferences and symposia and associated receptions. Conferences and symposia may be sponsored by NARA or co-sponsored with other Federal agencies and/or private sector partners, such as the Foundation for the National Archives, Presidential library support organizations, private companies, and not-for-profit corporations. Item 1601 EXCLUDES records created and maintained exclusively for the business needs of the Foundation for the National Archives and Presidential library support organizations.

NOTE: Item 1601 covers conferences and symposia that last 1 day or longer. For records of similar outreach programs, see:
  • Chapter 13, Item 1305 - RACO and other records management conferences;
  • Chapter 16, Item 1602 - Ceremonies and events, including lectures, forums, seminars, and panel presentations, each lasting less than 1 day in duration; and
  • Item 1618 - Regional outreach activities of Regional Administrators and Records Management, Records Center Operations, and Archival Operations Programs at regional records services facilities.
1601-1 Administrative records associated with the logistics of planning, scheduling, and managing conferences, symposia, and associated receptions. Records may include any of the following: correspondence, forms, notes, mailing lists, invoices, receipts, advertisements, and other related records. Also may include records related to publishing the proceedings in textual and/or electronic formats. Cut off upon completion of the conference or symposium OR upon publication of proceedings in textual and/or electronic formats.
Destroy 3 years after cutoff OR when no longer needed for administrative or reference purposes, whichever is LATER. (N1-64-02-1, item 1a)
1601-2 Published and unpublished program proceedings and related records.
a. Textual and electronic records and supporting nontextual items pertaining to program proceedings. Records may include any of the following:
  • Programs;
  • Speeches, presentations, and handouts;
  • Invitations and lists of guests;
  • Lists and biographies of speakers;
  • Conference volumes or videotapes with accompanying transcripts that are intended to substitute for volumes;
  • Copyright releases and authorizations; and
  • Material relating to press coverage.
PERMANENT. Cut off upon completion of the conference or symposium OR upon publication of proceedings in textual and/or electronic formats.
Transfer to NARA 5 years after cutoff. (N1-64-02-1, item 1b[1])

NOTE: Audiovisual and electronic records must be transferred to NARA in accordance with 36 CFR 1228.266 and 36 CFR 1228.270 respectively. Electronic files must be transferred in a format that is acceptable to NARA at the time of transfer.
b. Video and audio recordings of proceedings, reception speeches, and interviews, copyright releases and authorizations, and any other related documentation.
    (1) Video and audio recordings and related documentation that significantly enhance knowledge and understanding of the proceedings and other related information. (See file no. 1601-2a for videotapes that are intended to substitute for conference volumes.) PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA in accordance with file no. 1601-2a. (N1-64-02-1, item 1b[2][a])
    (2) Video and audio recordings and related documentation that do NOT significantly enhance knowledge and understanding of the proceedings and other related information. Destroy when 10 years old OR when no longer needed for reference, whichever is LATER. (N1-64-02-1, item 1b[2][b])
1602 Ceremonies and Events Files
Records accumulated by/for NARA organizational units that are responsible for the planning and managing of ceremonies, events, and associated receptions. NARA may be a sponsor or a co-sponsor with one or more Federal agencies and/or private sector partners (e.g., the Foundation for the National Archives, Presidential library support organizations, private companies, and not-for-profit corporations). Item 1602 EXCLUDES records created and maintained exclusively for the business needs of the Foundation for the National Archives and Presidential library support organizations.

NOTE: For records of other outreach programs, see:
  • Chapter 13, Item 1305 for RACO and other records management conferences;
  • Chapter 16, Item 1601 - Professional and scholarly conferences and symposia lasting 1 day or longer;
  • Item 1603 - Tours;
  • Item 1606 - Archival and genealogical workshops;
  • Item 1607 - Teacher workshops;
  • Item 1608 - School programs; and
  • Item 1618 - Regional outreach activities of Regional Administrators and Records Management, Records Center Operations, and Archival Operations Programs at regional records services facilities.
1602-1 Unique ceremonies, events, and associated receptions, and those that occur annually, periodically, or frequently and are considered to be "historically significant." May also include "milestone" and "gala" ceremonies and events that otherwise would be covered under 1602-2.
a. Administrative records associated with the logistics of planning, scheduling, and managing ceremonies, events, and receptions. Records may include any of the following: correspondence, forms, notes, mailing lists, invoices, receipts, advertisements, and other related records. Cut off after all historical documentation of the ceremony or event has been collected.
Destroy 5 years after cutoff OR when no longer needed for administrative or reference purposes, whichever is LATER. (N1-64-02-1, item 2a[1])
b. Textual and electronic records and supporting nontextual items maintained for historical documentation. Records may include any of the following:
  • Programs or schedules;
  • Speeches, presentations, and handouts;
  • Invitations and lists of guests;
  • Lists and biographies of speakers;
  • Copyright releases and authorizations;
  • Material relating to press coverage;
  • Substantive correspondence;
  • Video and/or audio recordings; and
  • Photographs and posters.
PERMANENT. Cut off after all historical documentation of the ceremony or event has been collected.
Transfer to NARA 5 years after cutoff. (N1-64-02-1, item 2a[2])

NOTE: Audiovisual and electronic records must be transferred to NARA in accordance with 36 CFR 1228.266 and 36 CFR 1228.270 respectively. Electronic files must be transferred in a format that is acceptable to NARA at the time of transfer.
1602-2 Ceremonies, events, and associated receptions that occur routinely and are NOT considered to be "historically significant," "milestone," or "gala."
  • Administrative records pertaining to the logistics of planning, scheduling, and managing ceremonies, events, and receptions may include: correspondence, forms, notes, mailing lists, invoices, receipts, advertisements, and other related records.
  • Textual and electronic records and supporting nontextual items maintained for historical documentation may include:
    • Programs or schedules;
    • Speeches, presentations, and handouts;
    • Invitations and lists of guests;
    • Lists and biographies of speakers;
    • Copyright releases and authorizations;
    • Material relating to press coverage;
    • Substantive correspondence;
    • Video and/or audio recordings; and
    • Photographs and posters.
Cut off annually.
Destroy 3 years after cutoff OR when no longer needed for administrative or reference purposes, whichever is LATER. (N1-64-02-1, item 2b)
1603 Study Tour Files
Records accumulated in arranging tours for college groups, professional organizations, and other interested groups. Included are lists of these groups, program outlines, and related records. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1604 International Visitors File
Records accumulated pertaining to the arrangement of tours, special education, and education internships for foreign visitors. Included are lists of foreign visitors, training materials, and related records. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 5 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1605 Volunteer Program Files
Records created in developing and administering NARA's Volunteer Program (see NARA Directive 1606). Included are records documenting NARA's Volunteer Associations and types of work performed by volunteers (e.g., docent-led tours, visitor services, presentations of educational programs for schools and communities, and assistance with archival and publications projects).
1605-1 Development papers, brochures, and plans for program promotion and membership activities. Arranged by subject. PERMANENT. Cut off every 5 years, hold 2 years, and retire to records center.
Transfer to NARA in 10-year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1605-2 Correspondence, memoranda, and other records relating to the administration of these programs. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1605-3 Individual volunteer files. Includes application, records of hours worked, and other records pertaining to the volunteer's service. Cut off when volunteer departs program.
Destroy when 4 years old. (N1-64-92-3)


1606 Education Workshop Training Files
1606-1 Correspondence, memoranda, notices, mailing lists, and other records relating to archival and genealogical workshops. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1606-2 Training materials, including workshop outlines, handouts, and audiovisual materials. Destroy when superseded OR obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1607 Teacher Workshop Files
1607-1 Correspondence, memoranda, notices, mailing lists, and other records relating to workshops for teachers. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1607-2 Training materials, including workshop outlines, handouts, and audiovisual materials. Destroy when superseded OR obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1608 School Program Training Materials Files
1608-1 Correspondence, memoranda, notices, mailing lists, and other records relating to school programs. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1608-2 Training materials, including workshop outlines, handouts, and audiovisual materials. Destroy when superseded OR obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1609 Modern Archives Institute Files
Records related to developing, planning, administering, conducting, and evaluating the Modern Archives Institute, a program for persons working in the fields of archives, manuscripts, special collections management, and records management. NARA offers this 2-week course, in partnership with the Library of Congress, to provide an introduction to archival theory and practice and the responsibilities of archival work.
1609-1 Files maintained by the Institute Director.
a. Lists of class participants; class profiles; aggregated evaluation data; and curriculum plans, notes, and other records documenting major changes in course structure, direction, and/or content. Also includes, for every third year (starting with the 70th Institute in January 1992), the final brochure and a complete binder of instructional materials provided to participants. Records are arranged chronologically. PERMANENT. Cut off after closeout of each Institute.
Transfer to NARA in 10-year blocks when newest records are 10 years old. (N1-64-02-11, item 1)
b. Photographic materials for brochures; individual evaluation forms; and curriculum plans, notes, and other records documenting routine plans for and changes to semiannual Institutes. Also includes final brochures and complete binders of instructional materials that are NOT covered under 1609-1a. Records are arranged chronologically. Cut off after closeout of each Institute.
Destroy when 5 years old. (GRS 1, item 29a[1])
1609-2 Records relating to logistics and other administrative functions. Arranged chronologically by Institute. Cut off after closeout of each Institute.
Destroy 2 years after cutoff. (N1-64-02-11, item 3)
1609-3 Files maintained by NARA staff members who serve as instructors for Institute sessions. Destroy when superseded, obsolete, OR no longer needed for reference. (N1-64-02-11, item 4)


1610 NARA Exhibit Case Files
Records related to permanent and temporary exhibits on display at NARA facilities in the Washington, DC area, Presidential libraries, National Personnel Records Center, Federal records centers, regional archives, and/or other venues in a NARA facility's geographical area. Item 1610 also covers records of NARA's traveling exhibits. Records may include: lists of exhibited items, captions for exhibit cases, photographs, background materials, correspondence relating to items borrowed for exhibit, loan agreements for incoming records, contracts, news clippings, and related records. Case files are arranged by exhibit title.
1610-1 Records relating to the planning and preparation of exhibits, including photographs, correspondence, and lists of exhibit items. PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1610-2 Records of an administrative nature, such as copies of contracts and agreements, and records covered elsewhere in the NARA Records Schedule. Destroy when 10 years old OR sooner IF records are no longer needed. (N1-64-87-1)
1611 Graphic Record Files
1611-1 Exhibit-related graphics. Records accumulated in the production of exhibits. Included are blueprints, typeset proofsheets of text, specifications for fabrication, and samples of exhibits as installed. Cut off upon termination of exhibit.
Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1611-2 All other graphics. Records accumulated in the preparation of graphics for National Archives programs and events. Included are production boards for NARA publications, type and specifications for NARA signs, record copy of materials (such as graphics, posters, etc.), and educational program posters and brochures. Cut off after project is completed.
Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1612 Photographic Security Copies
Records created as security copies of NARA holdings that are on exhibit or loan. Included are black and white or color negatives, prints, transparencies, and photographs.
1612-1 Facsimiles accumulated by Exhibit Programs and Staffs. Transfer to the custodial unit when no longer needed. (N1-64-87-1)
1612-2 Facsimiles accumulated by custodial units. Destroy when superseded OR obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1613 Exhibit Loan Files
Records accumulated in administering loans of NARA holdings for exhibition by other Federal agencies, museums, historical societies, and educational institutions.
1613-1 Records relating to the preparation and administration of loans (whether approved or denied), including correspondence, lists of borrowers and items loaned, loan agreements, insurance policies, condition reports, news clippings, and related records. Arranged by assigned number. PERMANENT. Cut off after termination or disapproval of loan.
Transfer to NARA in 5 year blocks when 10 years old. (N1-64-90-1)
1613-2 Records relating to withdrawn loan requests. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 10 years old. (N1-64-90-1)
1613-3 Records of an administrative nature, such as copies of agreements and records covered elsewhere in the NARA Records Schedule. Destroy when 10 years old OR sooner IF records are no longer needed. (N1-64-90-1)


1614 Museum Shop Records
Records accumulated for the purpose of developing purchasing history, including: copies of purchase orders/agreements; samples of products; and vendor files that show products ordered, data, quantity, price, terms, frequency, etc. Also included are records relating to sales history, sales promotions, and product development specifications.
1614-1 Documents used to post history file. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1614-2 History file. Destroy when obsolete. (N1-64-87-1)
1614-3 Inventory records. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 3 years old. (N1-64-90-1)
1615 Marketing Files
Records relating to broad marketing plans, specific marketing campaigns for products (copies of space ads, direct mail pieces, etc.), mail lists and record of sources, and analytical reports. Cut off after life cycle of campaign.
Destroy when 4 years old. (N1-64-87-1)
1616 Reciprocal Advertising Files
Records accumulated in arranging reciprocal agreements with historical societies, educational institutions, and other organizations in printing advertisements. Included are copies of advertisements, contracts, and related records. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 4 years old. Earlier disposal is authorized IF records are no longer needed. (N1-64-87-1)
1617 Conference Exhibitions
Records accumulated in the preparation and scheduling of conference exhibitions. Information includes: titles of conferences, purpose(s) for attendance, arrangements for booth(s) and shipment(s) of materials, and lists or samples of materials displayed. Cut off annually.
Destroy when 4 years old. (N1-64-87-1)


1618 Regional Outreach
Includes promotion of NARA and its programs to the government, researcher, and educational communities, and to the general public within the region; development (fundraising) activities; and presentations of public programs and exhibits. Comprises records that document outreach activities of the Office of the Regional Administrator and the Records Management, Records Center Operations, and Archival Operations Programs. Examples of regional outreach include:
  • Presenting workshops and records management training to Federal employees;
  • Presenting workshops and preparing educational materials for teachers and/or students;
  • Producing and disseminating marketing materials;
  • Planning and conducting events and preparing related documentation materials;
  • Publishing newsletters; and
  • Evaluating attendance at and effectiveness of outreach programs (by developing and using sign in sheets, evaluations, customer surveys, and similar information collections).
Cut off at the end of the fiscal year in which the project/activity/transaction was completed or superseded.
Destroy 5 years after cutoff. (N1-64-07-5, item 3d)


1619 - 1698 Reserved


1699 Word Processing Files and Electronic Mail (E-mail) Records
1699-1 Word Processing Files. Documents such as letters, memoranda, reports, handbooks, directives, and manuals recorded on electronic media, such as hard disks or floppy diskettes, after they have been copied to an electronic recordkeeping system, paper, or microform for recordkeeping purposes. Delete from the word processing system when no longer needed for updating or revision. (GRS 20, item 13; N1-64-02-1, item 3a; and N1-64-02-11, item 5a)
1699-2 E-mail Records. Senders' and recipients' versions of e-mail messages that meet the definition of Federal records, and any attachments to the record messages after they have been copied to an electronic recordkeeping system, paper, or microform for recordkeeping purposes. Delete from the e-mail system after copying to a recordkeeping system. (GRS 20, item 14; N1-64-02-1, item 3b; and N1-64-02-11, item 5b)

NOTE: Along with the message text, the recordkeeping system must capture the names of sender and recipients and date (transmission data for recordkeeping purposes) and any receipt data when required.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272