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Early Psychological Intervention (EPI)
Points of Consensus Document

"Early Psychological Intervention (EPI) Points of Consensus Document" NOVA is pleased to announce that we, along with our primary partners who provide Early Psychological Intervention (EPI) and spiritual care for victims and survivors of crimes and disaster, have jointly released an historic document outlining our points of understanding and agreement. This document came into existence as a joint effort supported by the Emotional and Spiritual Care Committee of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). NVOAD facilitated the process of convening the four major groups who provide EPI:

  • the American Red Cross,
  • the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF),
  • The Salvation Army,
  • and NOVA.
This group coalesced into the Early Psychological Intervention Subcommittee. The goal of the Subcommittee was to begin the (often arduous) process of learning how to "Communicate, Collaborate, Coordinate and Cooperate" in our work so we could promote and provide better services to traumatized victims, survivors and responders.

The Subcommittee has been meeting for two years, hammering out the statement which we are pleased to call our Points of Consensus document. In the process, the four organizations learned more about one another and established good working relationships that will stand us in good stead for years to come. As you can imagine, getting these four head-strong organizations to agree, even on simple concepts such as definitions of terms, was a memorable process!

It has been a pleasure and an honor to work alongside our friends and colleagues in this endeavor. Join us in thanking Susan Hamilton and Earl Johnson (American Red Cross), Kevin Ellers and Major David Dalberg (The Salvation Army), and Dr. George Everly, Don Howell, Ken Bohn and Dr. Victor Welzant (ICISF), for their dedication and persistence in helping to ensure that this process could happen. Jeannette Adkins, NOVA's Former Executive Director, although new to the Subcommittee's discussion, has also supported the concept and the process.

In addition, we are indebted to Johanna Olson, Lutheran Disaster Response, the creator and first chair of the Subcommittee, which she often likened to "herding cats." The Subcommittee's new chair, Anastasia Holmes, of Disaster Psychiatry Outreach, faces the daunting task of shepherding the Subcommittee to the next steps in its evolution.

The Points of Consensus document was presented to the NVOAD Emotional and Spiritual Care Committee and to the national Board of Directors at its annual VOAD conference in Denver in June. Now, NOVA is pleased to present it to our members. Your comments and feedback are welcome!

Read the May 2005 Consensus Points document

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