Cover Graphic - Drinking, Riding, and Prevention: A Focus Group Study DOT HS 809 490, February 2003d

Table of Contents
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| Technical Documentation Page

| Executive Summary

| I. Introduction

| II. Purpose of the Focus Groups

| III. Methods

  1. Focus Group Logistics
    1. Locations and Group Types
    2. Recruiting
    3. Moderator�s Guides
    4. Group Procedures
  2. Data Analysis
  3. Strengths and Limitations
    1. Strengths
    2. Limitations

| IV. Findings

  1. Profile of Participants
    1. Rider Groups
  2. Rider Views
    1. Riding Habits and Attitudes/Reasons for Riding
    2. Group Riding vs. Riding Alone
    3. Drinking Behavior and Attitudes Regarding Drinking and Riding
  3. Rider Knowledge
    1. BAC
  4. Rider and Organizational Views
    1. Different BACs for Motorcycle Riders and Drivers of Automobiles?
    2. Willingness to Reduce Drinking and Riding 
    3. Acceptable Strategies to Reduce Drinking and Riding
    4. Riders� Views on Countermeasures and Strategies
    5. Peer Approaches
    6. Values Important to Riders: Their Motorcycles and Family
    7. Organizational Leadership Views
    8. Leadership Groups� Views on the Roles of Relevant Groups and Organizations
  5. Intervention Ballot Findings

| V. Overall Themes and Summary of Findings

  1. Rider Groups
  2. Leadership Groups
  3. Comparisons With the 1994 NHTSA Study
    1. Similarities
    2. Notable Differences

| VI. Conclusions and Recommendations

  1. Answers to Study Questions
  2. Strategies to Reduce Drinking and Riding
    1. Enhancing Peer Activities
    2. Social Norms Models
    3. Intervention Techniques
    4. Encouraging Motorcycle Impoundment
    5. Target the Message
  3. Other Recommendations

| VII. References

| Appendices

  1. Motorcycle Focus Group Telephone Screening Form
  2. Moderator�s Guide for Motorcycle Leadership Focus Group
  3. Moderator�s Guide for Motorcycle Rider Focus Group


List of Tables