Caregiving Tips
Legal and financial planning is essential
for both the person with Alzheimer's disease and for the family.
This planning should begin soon after a diagnosis has been
made to allow the person with Alzheimer's to participate if
they have the capacity to manage their own legal and financial
affairs. Advance planning allows persons with the disease and
their families to make decisions together for what may come.
Rights of Older Adults (AoA Web
Legal Hotlines
Below is a list of legal
hotlines (AoA Web Site) for people
over 60 in the states that presently have them. The service allows
persons 60 and over, or people calling on their behalf to speak
with an attorney about their legal questions or problems. They
do not offer actual representation but they may be able to provide
a referral to a legal service program or private bar member.
Some hotlines may charge small fees in certain cases which are
described in their informational boxes.
Book Resources
- Mace, Nancy L. and Peter V. Rabins. The
36-hour day: a family guide to caring for persons with
Alzheimer’s disease, related dementing illnesses,
and memory loss in later life.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991. ISBN:
0-8018-4033-3; 0-8018-4034-1 (pbk.) (available from the
Alzheimer’s Association, 800.272.3900, order no.
ED100Z, $9.95; pocket edition order no. ED100ZA, $6.95;
spanish version order no. ED100ZS, $9.95)
Classic, comprehensive guide to home care of those in all stages of progressive
dementing illness. Combining practical advice with specific examples, it
covers all the medical, legal, financial and emotional aspects of caring
for an impaired relative. Includes chapters on daily care and behavioral
issues, medical problems, family relationships, and nursing home placement.
- Rau, Marie T. Coping
with the communication challenges in Alzheimer’s
disease. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing
Group, 1993. ISBN: 1-879105-76-4. Focuses on communication
patterns in the different stages of the disease, and outlines
general guidelines for enhancing communication. Also discusses
how to talk to health, social service and legal professionals.