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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Routing Table List

Question: How can I display a list of all libraries which include my library in their routing table?

To view a list of libraries that route to your library:

  1. Select Requests, then Reports from the DOCLINE main menu.

  2. Click the "Routing Table Statistics (Report 1-7)" link from the list of the DOCLINE generated reports.

Report 1-7 lists all libraries that include your library in their routing tables at the time the report was generated. Contact the library directly if you wish to have your institution removed from their routing table. Click on the link to the LIBID to view the Institution record.

Questions or issues regarding routing tables should be directed to your regional DOCLINE coordinator. You may contact your Regional Medical Library at 1-800-338-7657 in the United States or 1-800-668-1222 in Canada. Within DOCLINE, select Contact Us from the top menu and click "Contact Your RML" from the Contact DOCLINE page. You can also click "Contact Your RML" from the DOCLINE system page which is located at

Related Questions:
How can I download my DOCLINE Reports to Excel?
How can I print my DOCLINE Reports?
How does Routing work?

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Last reviewed: 15 May 2007
Last updated: 15 May 2007
First published: 18 October 2001
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