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President Bush Pleased by Passage of FISA Reform Legislation
President Bush on Wednesday said, "Today the United States Congress passed a vital piece of legislation that will make it easier .. - 7.1KB
09 Jul 08
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Singh of India at G8 Summit
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Prime Minister Singh and I just had a typical conversation among friends. We talked .. - 7.5KB
09 Jul 08
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President Bush Meets with Chancellor Merkel of Germany at G8 Summit
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Madam Chancellor, thank you for yet another visit. I value your friendship. I value .. - 6.9KB
08 Jul 08
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President Bush Meets with President Medvedev of Russia at G8 Summit
President Bush on Monday said, "I want to thank the President for a good, meaningful discussion. It's the first time .. - 9.3KB
07 Jul 08
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President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with Prime Minister Fukuda of Japan
President Bush on Sunday said, "We discussed a variety of subjects, starting with... our work together to .. - 29.5KB
06 Jul 08
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President Bush Attends Monticello's 46th Annual Independence Day Celebration and ..
President Bush on Friday said, "..We must remember that the desire for freedom burns inside every man and .. - 15.1KB
04 Jul 08
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President Bush Attends Ceremonial Groundbreaking of Walter Reed National Military Medical ..
President Bush on Thursday said, "The greatest privilege of serving as President is to be the Commander-in- ... - 13.0KB
03 Jul 08
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President Bush Discusses 2008 G8 Summit
President Bush on Wednesday said, "Next week I'm going to travel to Japan for the eighth and final G8 summit of my presidency. At .. - 21.3KB
02 Jul 08
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President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Housing Counseling
President Bush on Tuesday said, "I'm confident in the long run America is going to be just fine. We're a country that has .. - 9.0KB
01 Jul 08
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President Bush Attends White House Tee Ball Game on South Lawn
President Bush on Monday said, "Opening Day 2008, tee ball on the South Lawn. I'm proud to be joined by the Commissioner .. - 7.6KB
30 Jun 08
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