Northeast Region, New York City


Records Center Program: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How much does it cost to store records at your facility?
The standard storage cost is $ .18/cubic foot/month. The classified or vault storage cost is $ .45/cubic foot/month.

How do I obtain an electronic SF-135?
An electronic SF-135 may be obtained by visiting the following url:

What is meant by item 6(h) on the SF-135, "disposal authority"?
The disposal authority is the records control schedule and item number of the record series the agency will be retiring. Every agency has a records control schedule. If you are unable to locate your records control schedule, contact the Records Management Division of your agency in Washington, DC. If you need assistance contact: Lees Summit

How do I get the boxes to the records center?
You may send the boxes using the USPS, UPS, FedEx, common carrier or deliver them via private courier.


I sent a request for a case file on mm/dd/yyyy and I have not received the record. Did you get my request?
To confirm request receipt please provide us with the record locator information for the request, including the transfer number, box number, records center location number and record name/number. If your request was submitted via email or CIPS, we can confirm (or deny) receipt at no additional cost. If you submitted your request by mail or fax however, we will need to conduct a physical search which will result in a charge of a records retrieval fee.


How do I get a copy of my dad's military records?
Go to

How do I get a copy of my military separation document (DD214)?
Go to


Our agency has a new records officer. Is there a manual or guide we can print and use for general reference in matters concerning the records center?
NARA offers the The FRC Toolkit which is especially useful for general training and reference.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272