Northeast Region

Northeast Region: New York City, NY

Press Release, October 2, 2006

Celebrate Archives Week, October 8-15, 2006, at the National Archives - New York City

The National Archives - Northeast Region welcomes you to participate in these special events to celebrate your local community, your local history, and your local National Archives.

Tuesday, October 10, 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Lecture: Finding Family: Using Library and Local Government Records

Genealogy expert and retired archivist Art Sniffen will present on a myriad of local government resources, including local libraries, that you can use to uncover information about your family history. He will discuss minutes, tax rolls, ear marks, almshouses, and vital records from city, country, town, and village governments. National Archives staff will provide a behind-the-scenes tour of the research and archival stack areas directly after the program.

Arthur Sniffen is a retired New York State Archives and Records Administration Regional Advisory Officer. He also served as university archivist for The Rockefeller University, archivist at the Library of the State of New York at Stony Brook, archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration, and field archivist at Cornell University. He is founding chairman of the Genealogy Workshop of the Huntington Historical Society, a past president and board member of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, and a member of numerous organizations including the Sons of the American Revolution, the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Genealogical Speakers Guild, and the Archives Committee of the Diocese of Rockville Centre program.

This lecture is free. However, space is limited so registration is required.

Thursday, October 12

Immigration Research Day
Lecture: Immigration Arrival Records Since 1892 (11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)
Hands-On Consultation (8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.)

Join Marian L. Smith, Historian, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, for a day of immigration research. Marian will be in the research room between 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. to help researchers with their questions, brick walls, and conundrums. Both the consultation and lecture are free. Marian will also give a lunchtime lecture featuring an in-depth overview of "Immigration Arrival Records Since 1892." National Archives staff will provide a behind-the-scenes tour of the research and archival stack areas directly after the program.

Marian L. Smith is the Senior Historian at US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security (formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Service). She regularly lectures at national and international genealogy conferences on the history and uses of immigration and naturalization records. Her articles appear in the National Archives journal Prologue, the FGS Forum, and other publications. Her research focus primarily involves official immigration agency records held in the National Archives in downtown Washington, DC.

This lecture is free. However, space is limited so registration is required.

Address :
We are located at 201 Varick Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10014.

For registration and information call us toll-free at: 866-840-1752 or e-mail us at:

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272