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Grantee Spotlight

Senior Medical Patrol Project of the Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Richmond, Virginia

On May 10, the Virginia Senior Medicare Patrol Project of the Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A) was honored to receive the "Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse Prevention" award, presented by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare at its 2001 Awards Ceremony in Washington, D.C. Begun in 1999, the National Committee's Awards Program honors innovation, creativity, exceptional service and concern for others.

E. Harris Spindle, Chief Executive Officer of the V4A and Marian Dolliver, Program Manager of the Virginia Senior Medicare Patrol Project, were presented with the award by Martha McSteen, President of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare. In her remarks, Ms. McSteen noted that the Project, presently completing its second year of operation, is a statewide, collaborative effort involving V4A and its membership of 25 area agencies on Aging and other community stakeholders. Representatives of rural areas, minorities, non-English speakers, the disabled, state government and the business community voluntarily serve on an advisory board ensuring that all Virginians are covered by outreach efforts. Recent Project activities have successfully focused on outreach to rural seniors and non-English speaking seniors.

A particularly innovative partnership presently being developed by the Project is with the Virginia travel and tourism industry for the purpose of disseminating information on Medicare and Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse, and to advertise Patrol volunteer opportunities on the Eastern Seaboard to retired tourists and their families traveling in and/or through Virginia. Information would be disseminated at major interstate tourist and retail establishments, such as the Williamsburg Pottery Center, and to other tourist and hotel industries that cater to interstate travelers. Plans include customizing the AoA brochure with contact information for the Patrol Projects in other states.

The Administration on Aging congratulates Harris Spindle, Marian Dolliver, and everyone associated with the Virginia Senior Medicare Patrol Project upon its receipt of the National Committee's award.

Spotlight Image
" From left to right: Harris Spindle, Marian Dolliver, and Martha McSteen. "
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