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Everglades National ParkRanger in a Cypress Dome
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Everglades National Park
Professional Development
Everglades Education offers a variety of developmental workshops for area educators and cooperators. Class size is limited, so participants are encouraged to register early. 
Wayne Drop

In-school teacher workshops are available to learn how to use our curriculum materials. Click here to learn more...

teacher workshop
In-park program workshops are available in the park for teachers interested in bringing students to the park for a guided activity. Workshops are available for both day programs and overnight camps, and are offered periodically during the school year. Click here for dates and more information.
Media Highlight
Traveling Libraries
Want films for your classroom?
Closeup of an Island Glass Lizard
E-Field Trip
Explore the reptiles and amphibians of the Everglades in this free online experience!
 Slough Slog
Special Programs
Information on how to arrange a special program for your groupl
 Ranger & Teacher
Ranger Guided Trips
Teachers can register their classes to participate in ranger-led tours.

Did You Know?
Limestone is the porous, sedimentary rock you see in the Everglades. These rocks are made of calcium and contain fossils of sea life, evidence of ancient seas that once covered the area. The limestone aquifer under the Everglades acts as the principal water recharge area for all of south Florida.

Last Updated: October 10, 2007 at 18:03 EST