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Database Fields

The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

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SQL SELECT General Syntax
SELECT [DISTINCT | ALL] {* | <val> [, <val> ...]}
FROM <tableref> [, <tableref> ...]
	[WHERE <search_condition>]
	[ORDER BY <order_list>]
<val> = {
col | <constant> | <expr> | <function> | NULL

<constant> = num | 'string'

<function> = {
COUNT (* | [ALL] <val> | DISTINCT <val>)
	| SUM ([ALL] <val> | DISTINCT <val>)
	| AVG ([ALL] <val> | DISTINCT <val>)
	| MAX ([ALL] <val> | DISTINCT <val>)
	| MIN ([ALL] <val> | DISTINCT <val>)
	| CAST (<val> AS <datatype>)
	| UPPER (<val>)

<tableref> = <joined_table> | table [alias]

<joined_table> = <tableref> <join_type> JOIN <tableref>
ON <search_condition> | (<joined_table>)

<join-type> = {[INNER] | {LEFT | RIGHT} [OUTER]} JOIN

<search_condition> = {<val> <operator>
{<val> | (<select_one>)} 
	| <val> [NOT] BETWEEN <val> AND <val> 
	| <val> [NOT] LIKE <val> [ESCAPE <val>] 
	| <val> [NOT] IN (<val> [, <val> ...] | <select_list>) 
	| <val> IS [NOT] NULL 
	| <val> {[NOT] {= | < | >} | >= | <=} 
		{ALL | SOME | ANY} (<select_list>) 
	| EXISTS (<select_expr>) 
	| SINGULAR (<select_expr>) 
	| <val> [NOT] CONTAINING <val> 
	| <val> [NOT] STARTING [WITH] <val> 
	| (<search_condition>) 
	| NOT <search_condition> 
	| <search_condition> OR <search_condition>
	| <search_condition> AND <search_condition>}
<operator> = {= | < | > | <= | >= | !< | !> | <> | !=}

<select_one> = SELECT on a single column that returns exactly one row.

<select_list> = SELECT on a single column that returns zero or more rows.

<select_expr> = SELECT on a list of values that returns zero or more rows.

<order_list> = 
{col | int} [COLLATE collation] [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]
[, <order_list>]
SELECT [DISTINCT | ALL] Specifies data to retrieve. DISTINCT prevents duplicate values from being returned. ALL, the default, retrieves every value.
{* | <val> [, <val> ...] * retrieves all columns for the specified tables. <val> [, <val> ...] retrieves a specific list of columns and values.
FROM <tableref> [, <tableref> ...] List of tables, views, and stored procedures from which to retrieve data. List can include joins and joins can be nested.
table Name of a table in the database
alias Brief, alternate name for a table. After declaration in <tableref>, alias can stand in for subsequent references to a table.
<joined_table> A table reference consisting of a JOIN.
<join_type> Type of join to perform. Default: INNER.
  • INNER: Records must exist for both the tables on the left and right of the JOIN.
  • LEFT [OUTER]: Records in the table on the left of the JOIN will be returned regardless of whether there are any corresponding records in the table on the right of the JOIN.
  • RIGHT [OUTER]: Records in the table on the right of the JOIN will be returned regardless of whether there are any corresponding records in the table on the left of the JOIN.
WHERE <search_cond> Specifies a condition that limits rows retrieved to a subset of all available rows.
ORDER BY <order_list> Specifies the order in which rows are returned.
The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Syntax >>
Notes >>
Examples >>
Tables in this Database Note that in the tables below, with the exception of the key fields mission, roll, and frame, that fields may have the value of NULL. Click on the linked field names for more detailed information.
Field NamePossible ValuesDescription
mission See the selection list on the query forms that list mission options for the possible values. This is the name of the mission using an approved standard for Earth Observations purposes.
filmms See the selection list on the main form for the possible values. This is the name of the mission as it is printed on the film.
roll NNNX where NNN is the right-justified numeric portion of the roll, no leading zeros, and X is an alphabetic extension if available, otherwise it is blank. At least one mission has odd roll IDs which start a letter. For these missions simply left justify. The roll identifies the roll of film the photograph is on. For digitally-acquired images in the NASA collection, it is E. For digitally-acquired images from other sources, it takes on other values:
EarthKam ESC[y] where y is the EarthKam mission designation for ISS. Prior to ISS, the y is left off.
frame NNNNNNNXX where NNNNNNN is the right-justified numeric portion of the frame, no leading zeros, and XX is the right-justified alphabet extension on the frame ID e.g.
"      1 A"
The frame identifies the photograph in the roll. For digitally-acquired images, it is uniquely assigned either in downlink sequence or based on the time the image was acquired.
geon See the selection list on the main form for the possible values. This usually identifies the country. Sometimes, when a country was unavaliable, it identifies the predominant feature, such as "CLOUDS" or "OCEAN".
feat 75 characters of text. This identifies features found in the photograph such as smoke or city names. Since these values vary in type and order, it is suggested that you use CONTAINING as the operator for searches. This will allow you to search for substrings and this operator does a case insensitive search. We recommend you use the most specific terms possible, and avoid generic terms such as RIVER or R which may be abbreviated, and will occur in thousands of entries.
lat Signed floating point number. Valid values range in [-90.0,90.0] although the photographs will be virtually all between -60 and 60. This is the latitude of the centerpoint of the photograph. Negative values indicate South of the equator.
lon Signed floating point number. Valid values range in [-180.0,180.0]. This is the longitude of the centerpoint of the photograph. Negative values indicate West of the prime meridian.
expo "N" (normal), "U" (under-exposed), "O" (over-exposed), "F" (out of focus). Indicates the film exposure quality. Not tracked after STS096 (June 1999).
tilt "NV" (near vertical), "LO" (low oblique), "HO" (high oblique), look angle. Indicates how the camera was tilted with respect to the Earth. "NV" indicates that the camera was looking nearly straight down at the Earth. "LO" indicates that some angle is noticeable but not enough to show the horizon. "HO" indicates that the tilt is great enough that the horizon is visible. When enough information is available to calculate a look angle, instead of using the tilt values of "NV" and "LO", the look angle from nadir to the center of the photo as measured from the camera/spacecraft location is used.
cldp Integer [0, 100]. Specifies what percentage of the photograph is clouds.
steo "Y" or "N". "Y" means Yes there is an adjacent photograph of the same area. "N" means No there is not. Not tracked after STS096 (June 1999)
fclt Positive integer. Units are millimeters. Indicates the focal length of the camera lens used. Note that this is not logged by the crew. So the most likely lens size determined by analyzing the photograph.
caption "Y" or "N". "Y" means Yes there is a caption in the captions table for this photograph. "N" means no there is not.
image Positive integer. This is a count of how many images there are for this photograph in the images table.
dir "N ", "NE", "E ", "SE", "S ", "SW", "W ", or "NW". Indicates the direction from the spacecraft nadir (suborbital) point to the center point of the photograph. "N" stands for North, "S" for South, "E" for East, and "W" for West.

Since the camera can be rotated in any direction without affecting the direction from the spacecraft nadir point to the center of the photograph, and since photographs can be viewed at any rotation, this field does not suggest that the top of the photograph is in the direction specified. This field is most useful for oblique photographs where it is possible to see the direction from the camera, visible as the edge of the photograph that appears to be the closest, to the center of the photograph, and thus determine the compass direction associated with that vector.

onc, jnc Text fields. Specifies the ONC and JNC map identifications for navigational charts produced by the Defense Mapping Agency. These fields were no longer recorded beginning with STS093 (July 1999).
nlat Signed floating point number. Valid values range in [-90.0,90.0] although the photographs will be virtually all between -60 and 60. This is the latitude of the nadir point (suborbital point) of the space craft at the time the photograph was taken. Negative values indicate South of the equator.
nlon Signed floating point number. Valid values range in [-180.0,180.0]. This is the longitude of the nadir point (suborbital point) of the space craft at the time the photograph was taken. Negative values indicate West of the prime meridian.
pdate 8 character text field consisting of numeric digits. The GMT date the photograph was taken in the form "YYYYMMDD" where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the day of the month.
ptime 6 character text field consisting of numeric digits. The GMT time the photograph was taken in the form "HHMMSS" where HH is the hour, MM is the minute, and SS is the second.
orb Positive integer. This is the orbit number the space craft was on when the photograph was taken. Note that this is only meaningful on short duration flights which orbited the Earth.
azi Positive integer in the range [0, 360). Specifies the angle in degrees from north to the location of the sun measured clockwise at the nadir location.
elev Integer in the range [-90, 90]. Specifies the sun elevation angle. This is the angle from the horizon to the sun measured in degrees at nadir. Negative values indicate that the sun is below the horizon.
alt Positive integer. Specifies the altitude above the Earth's surface of the space craft in nautical miles.
camera This is a two character code. See the metatdata link at the left for possible values. This is the make of camera.
film This is an eight character code. See the metatdata link at the left for possible values. For film cameras, this is the type of film. For digital cameras, this gives the imaging format.

Field NamePossible ValuesDescription
mission See the selection list on the main form for the possible values. This is the name of the mission using an approved standard for Earth Observations purposes.
roll NNNX where NNN is the right-justified numeric portion of the roll, no leading zeros, and X is an alphabetic extension if available, otherwise it is blank. At least one mission has odd roll IDs which start a letter. For these missions simply left justify. The roll identifies the roll of film the photograph is on. For digitally-acquired images in the NASA collection, it is E. For digitally-acquired images from other sources, it takes on other values:
EarthKam ESC[y] where y is the EarthKam mission designation for ISS. Prior to ISS, the y is left off.
frame NNNNNNNXX where NNNNNNN is the right-justified numeric portion of the frame, no leading zeros, and XX is the right-justified alphabet extension on the frame ID e.g.
"      1 A"
The frame identifies the photograph in the roll. For digitally-acquired images, it is uniquely assigned either in downlink sequence or based on the time the image was acquired.
caption Text. This contains all the captions along with their HTML in a single 32765 character text field.

Field NamePossible ValuesDescription
mission See the selection list on the main form for the possible values. This is the name of the mission using an approved standard for Earth Observations purposes.
roll NNNX where NNN is the right-justified numeric portion of the roll, no leading zeros, and X is an alphabetic extension if available, otherwise it is blank. At least one mission has odd roll IDs which start a letter. For these missions simply left justify. The roll identifies the roll of film the photograph is on. For digitally-acquired images in the NASA collection, it is E. For digitally-acquired images from other sources, it takes on other values:
EarthKam ESC[y] where y is the EarthKam mission designation for ISS. Prior to ISS, the y is left off.
frame NNNNNNNXX where NNNNNNN is the right-justified numeric portion of the frame, no leading zeros, and XX is the right-justified alphabet extension on the frame ID e.g.
"      1 A"
The frame identifies the photograph in the roll. For digitally-acquired images, it is uniquely assigned either in downlink sequence or based on the time the image was acquired.
version 3 character text field. Valid values are quoted positive integers other than 1 e.g. "2 " and "123". This identifies how many different images of a given type (see the type field) there are for the photograph. If there is only one version, then this field is NULL.
filename Text field of the form mission-roll-frame_version.type where _version only exists if the version is not NULL. There are no spaces in this field. This is the name of the image file.
width, height Positive integers. Specifies the width and height of the image in pixels.
annotated "Y" or "N". "Y" means Yes the image is annotated. "N" means No it is not.
cropped "Y" or "N". "Y" means Yes the image is cropped. "N" means No it is not.
directory "SCANNED" or "lowres\mission". Specifies the directory where the image file is located.
purpose Text. This is a brief phrase identifying the purpose for why this image file was created.
comments Text. Any comments deemed appropriate.
filesize positive integer. The size of the image file in bytes.
The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Syntax >>
Database Fields >>
Examples >>
  • The SQL operators, table names, and field names are not case sensitive.
  • LAT, LON, NLAT, and NLON are treated as straight numbers e.g. -50 degrees latitude is always considered less than -40 degrees latitude even though -50 is at a larger inclination.
  • You can use this interface to query tables other than the frames table. The Web form bases its queries on the frames table, so to submit queries which do not reference the frames table, use this interface.
  • Be aware that the frames table has a field named "caption" as does the captions table but that these two fields contain different data and are vastly different in size. The frames table caption field is only one character whereas the captions table caption field is over 32000 characters.
  • The anchors in the table of results you get when you submit your SQL query will only show up if your results contain unabiguous values for the fields mission, roll, and frame.
  • If you do an OUTER join (LEFT and RIGHT joins are OUTER joins) and use * for the field list for either table, the fields that exist in both tables that have the same name will show up twice and one will have values and the other won't if corresponding records do not exist in both tables. This is because the SQL server will return fields with the same name for each table in which the name exists. For example, SELECT f.*,i.* FROM frames f LEFT JOIN images i ON f.mission=i.mission AND f.roll=i.roll AND f.frame=i.frame WHERE f.mission='MER3' will return two MISSION and ROLL fields and one of them will be blank because those fields exist by that name in both the frames and images tables but the rolls table contains no entries for MER3. When this happens, then the table you get that displays your query results will not have an anchor for viewing more information on the record. This is because the software detects the NULL values for the key fields.

    You can resolve this problem by using the SQL AS operator to cause the returned fields to have different names in cases where there is name contention. For example: SELECT f.*,i.mission AS imagems,i.roll AS imageroll,i.width,i.height FROM frames f LEFT JOIN images i ON f.mission=i.mission AND f.roll=i.roll WHERE f.mission="MER3"

    Note that on INNER joins, even though duplicate fields will be returned, if you've joined using the table's key fields then records will be returned only when they exist in both tables and therefore the key fields will be equal.

  • It use to be that data values could be specified in quotation marks ("). Since the database software was updated, the new version reserves the quotation marks for field and other such token names to allow them to have spaces. So now when you specify data values in your queries you will need to use apostrophies ('). For example:
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM frames WHERE mission="MER3"
    is not valid. Now this syntax is required:
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM frames WHERE mission='MER3'
The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Syntax >>
Database Fields >>
Notes >>
Example SQL Statements This selects all fields from records in the images table for a mission that may or may not exist in the frames table:
SELECT * FROM images WHERE mission='STS089'

This returns a count of how many images there are under the scanned directory of the images table:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images WHERE directory STARTING WITH 'scanned'

This returns a count of how many images there are in the images table:

This returns a count of how many images there are in the images table that have comments:
SELECT COUNT(comments) FROM images

This returns a list of photo IDs (mission, roll, frame) for images under the scanned directory:
SELECT mission,roll,frame FROM images WHERE directory STARTING WITH 'scanned'

This returns a list of photos that have captions:
SELECT mission,roll,frame,lat,lon,geon,feat,pdate,expo,cldp,tilt,image,caption FROM frames WHERE caption='Y'

This returns a list of photos that have the word 'Houston' (not case sensitive) in their caption regardless of whether or not the photo exists in the frames table:
SELECT mission,roll,frame FROM captions WHERE caption CONTAINING 'Houston'

This returns a count of records that have no center point nor nadir point:
SELECT count(*) FROM frames WHERE lat IS NULL AND nlat IS NULL
Only the latitude fields are queried because there should be no cases in which either the latitude or longitude is NULL but the other is not NULL.

This returns a count of how many records have captions but do not have a corresponding record in the frames table:
SELECT count(*) FROM captions c LEFT JOIN frames f ON c.mission=f.mission AND c.roll=f.roll AND c.frame=f.frame WHERE frames.caption IS NULL

This shows the caption records from the above query that have no frames table record:
SELECT c.mission,c.roll,c.frame FROM captions c LEFT JOIN frames f ON c.mission=f.mission AND c.roll=f.roll AND c.frame=f.frame WHERE f.caption IS NULL

This lists the image records that do not have a corresponding frames record:
SELECT DISTINCT i.mission,i.roll,i.frame FROM images i LEFT JOIN frames f ON i.mission=f.mission AND i.roll=f.roll AND i.frame=f.frame WHERE f.mission IS NULL

This counts how many rolls of film are of type 5017:
SELECT count(*) FROM rolls WHERE film='5017'

This displays all the captions containing the word 'Houston' regardless of case:
SELECT * FROM captions WHERE caption CONTAINING 'Houston'

This lists the distinct FILMMS values for ISS002 along with counts of how many records there are of each:
SELECT filmms,COUNT(filmms) FROM frames WHERE mission='ISS002' GROUP BY filmms
Note that the GROUP BY takes care of providing the distinct list so no DISTINCT keyword is used.

  Server: 2

This service is provided by the International Space Station program.  
NASA Hierarchy