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Research, Education, and Marine Operations Working Group

The Research, Education and Marine Operations Working Group acquired data on and assessed the existing knowledge of ocean and coastal research, education, and marine operations. The Working Group will analyze such data and the state of knowledge to assess their adequacy in achieving the national goals set forth in the Oceans Act of 2000. The findings and recommendations of the Working Group were reported to the full Commission as the basis for discussion and possible action.

Working Group Members

Dr. James M. Coleman, Chairman
Dr. Robert D. Ballard
Mr. Ted A. Beattie
Mr. Edward B. Rasmuson
Admiral James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.)

Issues (subject to revision)

The Working Group intends to examine the following general areas (presented in no priority order) for their relevance to research, education and marine operations.

> Long-term ocean and coastal issues (effects of sea-level rise resulting from global change, coastal hazards, coastal land loss, ocean pollution and debris, non-point source pollution in estuaries and related matters)

> Maritime transportation and port infrastructure (financing, regulatory, tax mechanisms, safety and related matters)

> Coastal tourism and recreation (public/private partnerships and policies, resource management to foster sustainable tourism and related matters)

> Natural hazards in the coastal zone (regulations and policies, national response and related matters)

> Coastal environmental quality (in response to stresses related to nutrient, chemical, debris, transportation, and development causes, and related matters)

> Ocean and coastal facilities and technology (coastal and ocean observing systems, sea floor observatories, oceanographic vessels, facilities for data assimilation and integration, research institutions and laboratories, and related matters)

> Human and fiscal resources for research in the ocean and coastal areas

> Coastal and ocean data acquisition, analysis and archiving

> State of remote sensing technology in oceanic and coastal research

> Relative roles of stakeholders (academia, government, industry and public) in ocean and coastal science

> Status of marine biotechnology research

> Communication and coordination among various federal and state agencies in estuarine protection

> Ocean and coastal habitat mapping and description

> Coastal and ocean dredging and dumping

> Coordination of K-12, undergraduate and graduate education in the ocean and coastal sciences

> Research infrastructure in oceanography and marine and coastal ecosystems

> Strategy to expand exploration of the oceans, and use and sharing of technology (academia, government, private) and utilization of technology (submersibles, ROVs, and others)

> Non-conventional ocean energy resources (hydrates, power generation and others).


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