Office of Thrift Supervision

CRA Related News Releases

May 30, 1996

OTS 96-34 - CRA Examination Schedule for 3rd Quarter 1996

Office of Thrift Supervision


News Release

FOR RELEASE at 10:00 a.m. EST For further information
Thursday, May 30, 1996 Contact: Ella Allen
OTS 96-34 202/906-6924


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 30, 1996 -- The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) today announced the availability of a list of savings associations scheduled for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examinations during the third quarter of 1996.

CRA regulations adopted in April 1995 require all federal financial regulatory agencies to publish quarterly CRA examination schedules.

The lists are divided by OTS region and by state within each of the five regions. While the institutions listed are scheduled for examination, unforeseen circumstances can sometimes cause examination dates to change, OTS said.

For example, issues might arise that require OTS to spend more time and resources on a specific examination than originally allotted, thus delaying its completion and forcing a rescheduling of other examinations.

If an institution is rescheduled for a subsequent quarter, that information will be included in a later list.


The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), a bureau of the U.S. Treasury, regulates and supervises the nation's thrift industry. OTS' mission is to ensure the safety and soundness of thrift institutions and to support their role as home mortgage lenders and providers of other community credit and financial services. For copies of news releases or other documents call PubliFax at 202/906-5660, or visit the OTS web page at

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