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Vanpools are usually a more formal arrangement among a larger number of interested people than are carpools. If you commute more than 15 miles from home to work each way, the cost savings from joining a vanpool may offset the time involved for multiple pickups and drop-offs.

Vanpools usually are created for up to 15 people, each of whom have a guaranteed seat and share costs. The vanpool driver, frequently a co-worker, usually rides for free since it is his or her responsibility to ensure the smooth functioning of the vanpool. Just fill out the application. NJ TRANSIT sponsors vanpools in areas where public transportation is neither available nor feasible.

The three most common categories of vanpools are: third party, employer-sponsored and owner-operated.

Third party vanpools
In this arrangement, vehicles are owned and operated by a for-profit vendor. The vendor covers maintenance, insurance and administration of the vanpool. The vanpool members take care of promoting their van and collecting fees.

Employer-sponsored vanpools
The least expensive vanpooling option is the employer-sponsored vanpool. Employers purchase or lease the vans and arrange for maintenance, insurance and administration. Fares may also promote the program and help organize the groups. Participation is usually limited to employers of one company.

Owner-operated vanpools
An owner-operated vanpool is owned by one or more of the group’s members – sometimes through a corporation in order to protect the owner from personal liability. The owner(s) arrange for maintenance, insurance and billing.

Vanpools benefits for commuters

  • Reduces gas, toll and insurance costs
  • Reduces depreciation of your vehicle
  • Reduces stress of commuting
  • Allows you to relax

Vanpools benefits for employers

  • Reduces parking needs and costs
  • Reduces employee stress; improves productivity
  • Improves employee morale
  • Reduces absenteeism and late arrival

Vanpools benefits the environment

  • Reduce congestion
  • Improve air quality
  • Conserve energy

A free Rideshare Matchlist for vanpooling is available.

NJ TRANSIT Vanpool Sponsorship Program

NJ TRANSIT offers a statewide vanpool sponsorship program, which provides a financial incentive for vanpooling in areas where public transportation is neither available nor feasible. Each vanpool group may be eligible for $175 per month of sponsorship support.

Newly forming or existing vanpool groups who obtain their vehicles from a participating vanpool provider can apply for NJ TRANSIT sponsorship through a Transportation Management Association (TMA). There is an application process and other minimal reporting requirements to ensure that the vanpool group meets eligibility standards.

For more information regarding NJ TRANSIT's Statewide Vanpool Sponsorship program, contact your local TMA at 1-800-245-POOL, and they'll be happy to assist you.

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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  February 14, 2006