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2002 NAICS Definitions


561422 Telemarketing Bureaus

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing telemarketing services on a contract or fee basis for others, such as: (1) promoting clients' products or services by telephone, (2) taking orders for clients by telephone, and (3) soliciting contributions or providing information for clients by telephone. These establishments never own the product or provide the services they are representing and generally can originate and/or receive calls for others.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

Go to: No change 1997 to 2002 2002 NAICS to 1987 SIC 1997 Economic Census Bridge Between 1997 NAICS and SIC
Corresponding Index Entries
5614225614227389Floral wire services (i.e., telemarketing services)
5614225614227389Order-taking for clients over the internet
5614225614227389Telemarketing bureaus
5614225614227389Telemarketing services on a contract or fee basis
5614225614227389Telephone call centers
5614225614227389Telephone solicitation services on a contract or fee basis
5614225614227389Wire services (i.e., telemarketing services), floral