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Recycling in New Jerseysolid & hazardous waste

SRWM Solid & Hazardous Waste Program Recycling in NJ


Recycling Awards and Recycling Poetry Contest

  • Recycling Awards Program - The Department promotes recycling through the annual recycling awards program that is coordinated in conjunction with the Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR). The awards recognize the outstanding recycling achievements of municipalities, counties, businesses and industry and individuals, as well as schools and other institutions and are presented at ANJR’s annual recycling symposium. This program has generated positive publicity for New Jersey’s recycling efforts.
  • 2008 New Jersey Recycling Awards Application
  • Recycling Award Winners:
  • Recycling Poetry Contest - The Department’s annual recycling poetry contest for children in grades 4 – 6 has been a huge success. There were over 1,000 entries submitted this past year and much excitement was generated by this program. The winning entries were honored at the Association of New Jersey Recyclers annual recycling symposium and featured in a calendar that was distributed to all schools with grades 4, 5 or 6. Additional information about this program is available on the following weblink:
  • 2007 Recycling Poetry Contest Informational Materials
  • 2007 Recycling Poetry Calendar
  • Poetry Award Winners:
  • The New Jersey Environmental Excellence Awards Program – While this program is not specific to recycling, it was established by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as a way of recognizing outstanding environmental performance, programs and projects in the state. In addition to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT) and the State League of Municipalities are co-sponsors of this program. Visit for more information about this program.

Contact: Vicki Kerekes, NJDEP, Bureau of Recycling and Planning – or 609-984-3438.


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