Foundations of Leadership: Communication


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Air date: Tuesday, September 04, 2001, 1:00:00 PM
Category: Work/Life Center
Description: The importance of effective communication and its value in the workplace is incalculable. Employees in technical and scientific areas of study usually have significant expertise in their area and, in fact, may be technically brilliant. Their technical prowess may lead to promotions where they are not only using their technical skills but must also use "people skills" as they try to meet deadlines, motivate workers and keep productivity high - no easy task.

Designed to expand communication skills, this 3 hour workshop links concepts of emotional intelligence with effective communication - an important part of leadership.

For more information, visit the
NIH Work and Family Life Center Faces & Phase of Life Seminar Series
Author: NIH Work and Family Life Center (WFLC)
Runtime: 02:43:50
Rights: This is a work of the United States Government. No copyright exists on this material. It may be disseminated freely.
CIT File ID: 10811
CIT Live ID: 869
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