Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 1-14. Retaila New Passenger Car Sales (Thousands)

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1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Domesticb   7,119 7,053 6,581 8,205 6,897 6,137 6,277 6,742 7,255 7,129 7,254 6,917 6,761
Japan  313 808 1,906 2,218 1,719 1,500 1,452 1,328 1,239 982 727 726 691
Germany  750 493 305 424 265 193 201 186 192 207 238 297 367
Other  217 271 187 196 419 345 284 262 303 317 308 332 320
Total 1,280 1,571 2,398 2,838 2,403 2,038 1,937 1,776 1,735 1,506 1,273 1,355 1,378
TOTAL new passenger car sales 8,400 8,624 8,979 11,042 9,300 8,175 8,213 8,518 8,991 8,635 8,527 8,272 8,139

a Retail new car sales include both sales to individuals and to corporate fleets. It also includes leased cars.  
b Includes cars produced in Canada and Mexico.  

SOURCES: 1970: American Automobile Manufacturers Association, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures 1992 (Detroit, MI: 1992), p. 16. 
1980: Ibid., Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures 1997 (Detroit, MI: 1997), p. 19. 
1975, 1985-98: Ward's, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures 1999 (Southfield, MI: 1999), p. 21. 

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