When using information from this page,
please credit NOAA / NOAA Center for Tsunami Research
DART® buoy animations
MOST Model animations of actual Tsunami Events
November 14, 2007 Northern Chile
September 12, 2007 Sumatra
August 15, 2007 Peru
April 1, 2007 Solomon Islands
January 13, 2007 Kuril Islands, Russia
November 15, 2006 Kuril Island, Russia
December 26, 2004 Indonesia (Sumatra)
June 23, 2001 Peru
- Preliminary Numerical Simulations
July 17, 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake and Tsunam
June 10, 1996 Andreanov tsunami
July 12, 1993 Okushiri Tsunami (generated by the Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki earthquake)
- Tsunami Inundation Animation - Aonae, Japan - no aerial photography (7,599 KB, mpeg)
- Tsunami inundation animation - Anonae, Japan, (9,107 KB, mpeg)
- Tsunami Inundation Animation - Aonae, Japan with aerial photography (63,387 KB, quicktime)
- Anonae animation with captions and aerial photography (36,830KB, .Quicktime)
- Anonae animation with captions and aerial photography ( 36,830 KB, mpeg)
MOST Model animations of simulated Tsunami Events
Newport, Oregon
Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake: Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
The earthquake scenario depicted in these animations is a magnitude (Mw) 9.1 Cascadia Subduction Zone event (Priest et al., 1997 and Myers et al. 1999). This event's primary features are a rupture length of approximately 1050 km, average rupture width of 70 km, and slip of 17.5 m. More information is available in Venturato et al., 2004.
The NOAA Center for Tsunami Research modeled tsunami inundation from a great Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake for the coastal communities of Long Beach and Ocean Shores, Washington. A high-resolution numerical model was used to estimate tsunami propagation and inundation along the outer coast of southwest Washington. The tsunami source is based on prior work by Walsh et al., (2000) that simulates a great Mw 9.1 earthquake with an asperity off the coast of northern Washington. Details of this scenario and the model results are provided in Venturato et al., 2007. These animations depict wave propagation and inundation at each location.
Propagation and inundation (research products)
Detailed Inundation (research products)
Seattle Fault Earthquake
These animations are based on a simulated magnitude (Mw) 7.3 earthquake along the Seattle Fault. Details on the fault parameters and subsequent analysis at Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, are available in Titov et al., 2003 and Venturato et al., 2007, respectively.
Tacoma Fault Earthquake
These animations depict two possible earthquake scenarios along the Tacoma Fault. The first scenario considers a magnitude (Mw) 7.3 earthquake based on published fault traces from Johnson et al., 2004 extending from Case Inlet eastward through Dumas Bay. The second scenario considers a magnitude (Mw) 7.3 earthquake based on an inferred wedge tip along the Rosedale monocline described in Brocher et al., 2004. Details on the fault parameters for these scenarios are available in Venturato et al., 2007.