Title 27--Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms



TEXT PDF41.1 Importation of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes.
TEXT PDF41.11 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF41.21 Forms prescribed.
TEXT PDF41.22 Retention of records.
TEXT PDF41.23 Authority of TTB officers to enter premises.
TEXT PDF41.24 Interference with administration.
TEXT PDF41.25 Disposal of forfeited, condemned, and abandoned tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes.
TEXT PDF41.26 Alternate methods or procedures.
TEXT PDF41.27 Emergency variations from requirements.
TEXT PDF41.28 Penalties and forfeitures.
TEXT PDF41.29 Delegations of the Administrator.
TEXT PDF41.30 Pipe tobacco and roll-your-own tobacco.
TEXT PDF41.31 Cigar tax rates.
TEXT PDF41.32 Cigarette tax rates.
TEXT PDF41.33 Smokeless tobacco tax rates.
TEXT PDF41.34 Cigarette papers.
TEXT PDF41.35 Cigarette tubes.
TEXT PDF41.38 Cigarettes.
TEXT PDF41.39 Determination of sale price of large cigars.
TEXT PDF41.40 Persons liable for tax.
TEXT PDF41.41 Determination and payment of tax.
TEXT PDF41.50 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF41.60 Assessment.
TEXT PDF41.62 Customs' collection of internal revenue taxes on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, imported or brought into the United States.
TEXT PDF41.63 Payment of tax by electronic fund transfer.
TEXT PDF41.71 Package.
TEXT PDF41.72 Notice for smokeless tobacco.
TEXT PDF41.72a Notice for pipe tobacco.
TEXT PDF41.72b Notice for roll-your-own tobacco.
TEXT PDF41.72c Package use-up rule.
TEXT PDF41.73 Notice for cigars.
TEXT PDF41.74 Notice for cigarettes.
TEXT PDF41.75 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF41.81 Taxpayment.
TEXT PDF41.82 Restrictions on tobacco products labeled for export.
TEXT PDF41.83 Penalties and forfeiture for products labeled or shipped for export.
TEXT PDF41.85 Release from customs custody of imported tobacco articles.
TEXT PDF41.85a Release from customs custody of returned articles.
TEXT PDF41.86 Procedure for release.
TEXT PDF41.101 General.
TEXT PDF41.105 Prepayment of tax.
TEXT PDF41.106 Examination and record of shipment by taxpayer.
TEXT PDF41.109 Bond required for deferred taxpayment.
TEXT PDF41.110 Record of tax computation and shipment by bonded manufacturer under deferred taxpayment.
TEXT PDF41.111 Agreement to Pay Tax.
TEXT PDF41.112 Tax return.
TEXT PDF41.113 Return periods.
TEXT PDF41.114 Time for filing.
TEXT PDF41.114a Qualification for extended deferral.
TEXT PDF41.115 Remittance with return.
TEXT PDF41.115a Payment of tax by electronic fund transfer.
TEXT PDF41.116 Default.
TEXT PDF41.119 Corporate surety.
TEXT PDF41.120 Deposit of securities in lieu of corporate surety.
TEXT PDF41.121 Amount and Account of bond.
TEXT PDF41.122 Strengthening bond.
TEXT PDF41.123 Superseding bond.
TEXT PDF41.124 Extension of coverage of bond.
TEXT PDF41.125 Approval of bond and extension of coverage of bond.
TEXT PDF41.126 Termination of bond.
TEXT PDF41.127 Application of surety for relief from bond.
TEXT PDF41.128 Relief of surety from bond.
TEXT PDF41.129 Release of pledged securities.
TEXT PDF41.139 Records.
TEXT PDF41.140 Taxpayment in the United States.
TEXT PDF41.141 Reports.
TEXT PDF41.161 Abatement of assessment.
TEXT PDF41.162 Losses caused by disaster occurring after September 2, 1958.
TEXT PDF41.163 Refund of tax.
TEXT PDF41.165 Action by taxpayer.
TEXT PDF41.170 Reduction of tobacco products to materials; TTB action.
TEXT PDF41.171 Reduction of tobacco products to materials, action by appropriate TTB officer.
TEXT PDF41.172 Return to nontaxpaid status, action by taxpayer.
TEXT PDF41.173 Return to nontaxpaid status, action by appropriate TTB officer.
TEXT PDF41.174 Disposition of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, and schedule.
TEXT PDF41.181 Records of large cigars.
TEXT PDF41.182 Availability of records.
TEXT PDF41.190 Persons required to qualify.
TEXT PDF41.191 Application for permit.
TEXT PDF41.192 Transitional rule.
TEXT PDF41.193 Corporate documents.
TEXT PDF41.194 Articles of partnership or association.
TEXT PDF41.195 Trade name certificate.
TEXT PDF41.196 Power of attorney.
TEXT PDF41.197 Additional information.
TEXT PDF41.198 Investigation of applicant.
TEXT PDF41.199 Notice of contemplated disapproval.
TEXT PDF41.200 Issuance of permit.
TEXT PDF41.201 Duration of permit.
TEXT PDF41.202 Renewal of permit.
TEXT PDF41.203 Retention of permit and supporting documents.
TEXT PDF41.204 General.
TEXT PDF41.205 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF41.206 Reports.
TEXT PDF41.207 Filing.
TEXT PDF41.208 Retention.
TEXT PDF41.220 Change in individual name.
TEXT PDF41.221 Change in trade name.
TEXT PDF41.222 Change in corporate name.
TEXT PDF41.223 Fiduciary successor.
TEXT PDF41.224 Transfer of ownership.
TEXT PDF41.225 Change in officers, directors, or stockholders of a corporation.
TEXT PDF41.226 Change in control of a corporation.
TEXT PDF41.227 Change in location.
TEXT PDF41.228 Change in address.
