Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Duck Stamp photo

2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest


How To Find Us

Area Map Of Refuge

Chute Restoration

Fish & Wildlife Habitat

Visitor Regulations

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Contact Us

Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge
3720 Rivers Way
Fort Calhoun, NE 68023
Phone: (402) 468-4313
Fax:     (402) 468-4316


Welcome to Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge

Hunting Information

Picture of Part of the Boyer ChuteIn the centuries before European settlement in this area, the Missouri River had multiple, braided channels. During times of flooding, the river would change course suddenly and unpredictably across its wide floodplain. Between 1820 and 1937, natural meandering of the river moved it 3 miles eastward from the Fort Calhoun bluffs (site of historic Fort Atkinson) to its present location.

The area that is now Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) was originally an island of sand and sediments deposited in the Missouri River by the Boyer River. Gradually, the Missouri River eroded channels (chutes) through the sediment. One of the major channels was Boyer Chute, named after the Boyer River, which in turn got its name from a settler who hunted and trapped in the watershed before the time of Lewis and Clark. Missouri River explorers, including Lewis and Clark, John J. Audubon, Prince Maximillian, and Major Long, navigated through the area as they traveled up the river.

The Refuge is a joint Federal and local conservation partnership designed to restore a portion of the Missouri River habitat that flows through the 2 1/2 - mile long chute and parallels the main flow of the river. Riparian woodland, tallgrass prairie, and palustrine and riverine wetlands are the major upland wildlife habitats that are being restored and protected. These habitats benefit Missouri River fishes, migratory birds, endangered species, and resident wildlife.

The Piping Plover
The Piping Plover

Become a refuge "Friend" or volunteer. Contact the Friends of Boyer Chute and DeSoto NWRs for more details at:


Last updated: August 4, 2008