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PDF Icon A Litany of Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Things that Can Happen After the Disaster. Randy Silverman.

ATC-45 Field Manual: Safety Evaluation of Buildings after Wind Storms and Floods. Applied Technology Council (ATC). The following publications are available for download on the ATC web site:

PDF Icon Bibliography on Emergency Preparedness for Historic Sites. Compiled by David W. Look.

Building an Emergency Plan: A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions. Compiled by Valerie Dorge and Sharon Jones.

Chicora Foundation.

CPP Generic Disaster Plan Workbook

CPP Library Disaster Plan Template

PDF Icon Curriculum on Flood Damage Assessment of Cultural Heritage Properties. Stephen J. Kelley, AIA, SE.

NCPTT Publication PDF Icon Disaster Management Programs for Historic Sites. David W. Look and Dirk H. R. Spennemann.

Disaster Mitigation Planning Assistance Website: Sample Disaster Plans

Disaster Plan Workbook. New York University Bobst Library.

Disaster Planning for Cemeteries.

PDF Icon Disaster Preparedness Functions. This document provides an overview of tasks to be performed by individuals before, during and after a natural disaster strikes a museum or collection.

PDF Icon Disaster Roles. This document takes a team approach to preparing, responding and salvaging collections after a natural disaster.

Disaster Preparedness Bibliography. Compiled by Melissa Heaver.

PDF Icon Disaster Preparedness Functions. This document provides an overview of tasks to be performed by individuals before, during and after a natural disaster strikes a museum or collection.

dPlan™: The Online Disaster-Planning Tool. The online disaster planning tool funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Studies and the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training.

Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel. This is a slide chart tool developed by the Heritage Emergency National Task Force that explains how to save collections after a disaster.

PDF Icon Emergency Supplies Stockpile Checklist. Geared for museums and collections, this document provides a list of materials needed on hand before a disaster.

Field Guide to Emergency Response (Non-Member Price: $29.95)

Integrating Historic Property and Cultural Resource Considerations into Hazard Mitigation Planning.

PDF Icon Mold Summary in Emergency Response. Prepared by Hillary Kaplan of the National Archives and Records Administration, this document provides a brief introduction to the problems of mold after a natural disaster.

National Flood Mitigation Data Collection Tool Version 2.0. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Hurricane Katrina & Rita Clearinghouse Cooperative. This site acts as a clearinghouse for information shared between the State of Louisiana, federal agencies, and other organizations.

Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management & Response. This primer discusses how to plan for, salvage, and care for paper objects in emergencies, such as fire, flood, and earthquake. It was issued by the Smithsonian Institution, National Archives and Records Administration, Library of Congress, and National Park Service.

Risk Preparedness. The Federal Preservation Institute (FPI) has a large collection of documents about risk preparedness and disaster management.

SHA: Disaster Planning for Collections

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Updated: Thursday, September 11, 2008
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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