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The American Institute for Conservation (AIC) is offering free emergency response assistance to cultural organizations. The AIC-CERT "hotline" is 202-661-8068. Receive advice by phone or request a team to come to perform damage assessments and help with salvage organization.

After the Fire: Salvaging the Stores of the Department of Archaeology & Natural History

AIC Disaster Response & Recovery

PDF Icon Archeological Resource Damage Assessment: Legal Basis and Methods

CPP Pocket Response Plan for Collections

Conserve-O-Grams. A series of 11 National Park Service publications covering disaster recovery topics like salvaging water-damaged collections (paper, non-paper archives, textiles, natural history collections), health and safety, and how to develop an emergency operations plan.

Disaster Mitigation Planning Assistance Website

PDF Icon Disaster Preparedness Functions. This document provides an overview of tasks to be performed by individuals before, during and after a natural disaster strikes a museum or collection.

PDF Icon Disaster Reentry Checklist. A good list of action steps and precautions for teams before re-entering a facility.

Heritage Emergency National Task Force: Preparedness Resources

Library of Congress: Preservation

Louisiana Cultural Assets Rescue

PDF Icon Mold Summary in Emergency Response. Prepared by Hillary Kaplan of the National Archives and Records Administration, this document provides a brief introduction to the problems of mold after a natural disaster.

Northeast Document Conservation Center: Disaster Assistance

Northeast Document Conservation Center: Preservation Leaflets

NPS Conserve O Grams

NPS Museum Handbook

Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management & Response. This primer discusses how to plan for, salvage, and care for paper objects in emergencies, such as fire, flood, and earthquake. It was issued by the Smithsonian Institution, National Archives and Records Administration, Library of Congress, and National Park Service.

PDF Icon Priorities for Salvage. After the disaster strikes, how do you determine where to begin and what to salvage? This document provides guidelines for curators and collectors.

PDF Icon Recordkeeping in Emergency Response. This document provides guidelines for necessary record keeping in emergency response so that accurate tracking of all collections is maintained.

Save Your Treasures the Right Way. The Heritage Emergency National Task Force, a coalition of 41 national organizations and federal agencies including FEMA, offers these basic guidelines from professional conservators.

PDF Icon Saving Your Family Heirlooms. This document provided by the American Institute for Conservation is a simple decision tree for homeowners to use after flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, or hurricanes.

SOLINET: Disaster Assistance

The Impact of the Fires on San Diego's Historic Sites provides updates with photographs on some of the 1,500 historic structures and thousands of archeological sites potentially impacted by the California wildfires.

Water Damage and Wet Recovery. Videos and other resources on how to stabilize and care for books, papers, texties, photographs, and other cultural resources that have sustained water damage.

PDF Icon Working with Emergency Responders: Tips for Cultural Institutions. Tips for cultural institutions. What do they need to know before, during, and after a disaster.

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NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
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Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Thursday, November 06, 2008
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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