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Since 2001, the Administration:
  • Transformed the Federal Bureau of Investigation, dramatically improving the Nation’s ability to combat potential terrorism and resulting in more than 400 individuals being charged in terrorism-related cases, more than 220 of whom have been convicted or pled guilty to date; and
  • Made $2.3 billion in investments in critical crime fighting initiatives, including Project Safe Neighborhoods and the DNA Initiative, accompanying a historic drop in the violent crime rate, which has dropped to the lowest levels in at least three decades.
The President’s Budget:
  • Requests $6 billion for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, including $248 million for improvements in critical intelligence infrastructure needed to support its counterterrorism mission and leverage its intelligence workforce;
  • Provides $395 million for a more robust, refocused Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative, which will combat violent gun crime and gangs with prosecution assistance and grants, as well as Federal agents and training;
  • Provides more than $6.3 billion to Federal detention programs, incarcerating violent criminals and contributing to the decrease in crime at the local level; and
  • Requests $25 million for the Drug Enforcement Administration to expand its overseas operations and improve intelligence collection and coordination in order to further reduce the availability of drugs in the United States.


    The Department of Justice (DOJ) plays a vital role in protecting our Nation through its counterterrorism efforts and its prosecution, detention, and incarceration of Federal criminals. While combating terrorism is the first priority of the Department, DOJ also leads Federal efforts to fight corporate crime and eliminate drug trafficking organizations within the United States. By maintaining key State and local assistance programs, the Department enhances the capability of State and local governments to reduce crime in our communities.

    DOJ’s top priority continues to be the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of those responsible for terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens and interests. Since September 11, 2001, the Department has charged over 400 individuals on terrorism-related charges and obtained convictions or guilty pleas in over 220 terrorism-related and anti-terrorism cases. The President’s 2007 Budget further strengthens these counterterrorism efforts by investing in critical intelligence infrastructure and information technology.

Countering the Threat of Terrorism

The FBI efforts are central to our success in the war on terror...

President George W. Bush
FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia
July 11, 2005

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has received significant resource increases in recent years, with funding rising from $3.2 billion in 2001 to $5.7 billion in 2006. These increases have supported a surge in the number of personnel at the FBI, adding 6,700 positions since 2001, an increase of 27 percent. The 2007 Budget provides over $6.0 billion for the FBI, a 6.6-percent increase over the previous year and an 87-percent increase over 2001, allowing the FBI to focus on building the infrastructure critical to supporting its counterterrorism mission. Investments in 2007 will empower the FBI to leverage and support its workforce, particularly the agents, intelligence analysts, and support staff in the newly created National Security Branch, the focal point for counterterrorism and counterintelligence efforts.

California Terror Plots Foiled

In August 2005, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced the indictment of four men planning terrorist strikes in southern California. The indictment alleged that the group was plotting to attack military facilities, an Israeli consulate building, the El Al Israeli airline, and Jewish synagogues in the Los Angeles area. FBI and State and local law enforcement officials in California broke the case by sharing information through FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in Long Beach, California.

    The FBI is continuing its transformation from a law-enforcement agency primarily dedicated to criminal matters to a full member of the Intelligence Community focused on counterterrorism. Over the past four years, the FBI has developed its intelligence capabilities and improved its ability to protect the American people from threats to national security. It has built on its established capacity to collect information and enhanced its ability to analyze and disseminate intelligence. The FBI continues to work toward development of a specialized national security workforce, integration of its intelligence functions and operational elements, and coordination with other members of the Intelligence Community. The President’s 2007 program supports FBI’s priorities and its continuing transformation by providing critical infrastructure needed for its intelligence operations and continued modernization of its operations. These initiatives will:

  • Increase the number of secure facilities for conducting intelligence analysis;

  • Enhance intelligence collection, systems, and training;

  • Continue development of the FBI’s new case management system that will reduce paperwork and improve information sharing; and

  • Upgrade fingerprint identification systems to improve screening activities to identify potential terrorists.

This stacked bar chart titled, "FBI Funding Increases" shows FBI funding has steadily grown over the past five years.  FBI’s budget authority has risen from $3.2 billion in 2001 to $5.7 billion in 2006.  It also shows the supplemental funding the FBI received in 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005.  2002 was the largest supplemental funding of approximately $750 million while 2003 was half of that, and 2004 and 2005 are shown as slivers.

    The prevention of terrorist attacks and the prosecution of the war on terrorism remain the top priorities of DOJ. The United States Attorneys are critical to this effort. In the past year alone, there have been several convictions in terrorism cases across the Nation. These convictions follow a successful track record established over the past four years in previous cases, such as those involving John Walker Lindh, Zacarias Moussaoui, and Richard Reid, among others. The 2007 Budget supports these ongoing activities with $1.6 billion in resources, of which $92 million will support increased national security and terrorism-related prosecutions.

    Within the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), the 2007 Budget provides $40 million for the Regional Information Sharing System, which helps local police agencies, as well as their State and Federal partners, identify and share criminal intelligence, including terrorist-related threats. The 2007 Budget also requests $5 million for the expansion of Citizen Corps’ Neighborhood Watch and the Volunteer in Police Service programs, which are part of USA Freedom Corps. Citizen Corps provides a way for volunteers to help their communities prepare for and counter the threat of terrorism.

Enhancing Immigration-Related Enforcement and Litigation

    On November 28, 2005, President Bush outlined his plan to enhance America’s homeland security through comprehensive immigration reform. Two major partners in this reform are the Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) and the Civil Division’s Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL). The 2007 Budget will strengthen the Department’s ability to handle increasing numbers of immigration cases and ensure that these cases will not take away from DOJ’s other critical functions. The Budget provides EOIR with enhancements totaling $9 million. The increase will provide 20 new immigration judges, 10 new immigration appeals attorneys, and support staff that will enable EOIR to adjudicate a larger percentage of an estimated annual increase of 25,000 detained immigrant cases and 4,000 appeals. A stronger adjudication process will help make the best use of Department of Homeland Security enforcement strategies and resources.

    OIL is the last line of defense in immigration enforcement. OIL defends challenges to the Government’s immigration laws and enforcement actions in the Nation’s courts. OIL’s immigration attorneys have defended the Government’s efforts to detain and remove illegal aliens, many of whom are criminals or suspected terrorists. The 2007 Budget provides $9 million in enhancements to assist OIL in responding to litigation associated with immigration enforcement. Immigration has been the fastest growing part of the Civil Division’s docket. Since 2001, OIL’s attorneys have seen their average caseloads more than triple. These additional funds will support 86 new attorney positions and reduce OIL attorneys’ cases-per-attorney ratio by 20 percent.

Prioritizing Assistance to States and Localities

    The 2007 Budget includes $1.9 billion for State and local assistance programs, including Project Safe Neighborhoods, the DNA Initiative, USA Freedom Corps, the Regional Information Sharing System, Methamphetamine Lab Cleanup, and other initiatives. These and other DOJ programs enhance the capability of State and local governments to reduce crime in our communities, reduce domestic violence, assist victims of crime, and reduce our vulnerability to terrorism.

Project Safe Neighborhoods

Project Safe Neighborhoods has produced significant increases in Federal prosecutions of firearms violations. This program succeeds because it relies on local information and local partners to fight local crime. In short, it relies on you.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Fraternal Order of Police, New Orleans, Louisiana,
August 1, 2005

    Project Safe Neighborhoods. Today, violent crime is at its lowest rate in at least three decades, decreasing 2.2 percent in 2004. The Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) initiative, announced by the President and the Attorney General in 2001, has helped bring together Federal, State, and local resources to help stamp out firearms-related crime in our communities. Beginning in 2007, PSN will become a more robust strategy that targets not just illegal gun crime, but also the violent gangs that plague some of our communities. Since 2001, the Administration has dedicated over $1.5 billion in Federal resources to PSN, including grants to State and local task forces through OJP, increased Federal prosecutors in U.S. Attorneys Offices, and agents and training within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). For 2007, the Budget requests $395 million for PSN, an increase of $154 million, or 64 percent, over the 2006 enacted level. The program increase will:

  • Provide $59 million in grant assistance for State and local prosecution of criminal misuse of firearms and illegal gang activity;

  • Increase funding for States to update criminal history records, which are needed to deter illegal firearms purchases, by $29 million—almost four times the 2005 enacted level;

  • Make available $15 million in technical assistance to State and local law enforcement to assist in combating gangs; and

  • Permit the deployment of ATF Violent Crime Impact Teams to 15 additional cities to assist States/localities in combating violence.

    The DNA Initiative. The 2007 Budget continues funding for the President’s DNA initiative, Advancing Justice through DNA Technology, a plan to devote $1 billion over five years to help realize the full potential of DNA technology in the criminal justice system. The initiative advances the use of DNA to solve crimes and protect the innocent. The initiative will help clear the backlog of unanalyzed DNA samples from the most serious violent offenders; invest in DNA analysis technology for crime labs; train criminal justice professionals to make better use of DNA evidence; and promote the use of DNA to identify missing persons. The Administration proposes $234 million in 2007 for this initiative, an increase of $68 million over the 2006 enacted level. Priorities include using DNA to help solve crimes by eliminating backlogs of unanalyzed DNA evidence, strengthening crime lab capacity, stimulating research and development, and training the criminal justice community, as well as using DNA to help protect the innocent and identify missing persons. With DOJ assistance, the backlog of convicted offender DNA samples was reduced by 67 percent in 2005, and casework samples were reduced by 21 percent. An important tool in this initiative is the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), an electronic DNA database that is maintained by the FBI and shared among all 50 States and Puerto Rico. With the help of CODIS, DNA information can be stored and used to help solve future crimes.

    Protecting Our Children. DOJ is committed to fighting child pornography and obscenity, and to protecting children from trafficking and other forms of exploitation. The Department works with other law enforcement agencies to target, dismantle, and prosecute predatory child molesters and those who traffic in child pornography. In 2005, the Department charged 1,616 individuals and obtained 1,370 guilty pleas and convictions in criminal cases involving predation against children—a 51-percent increase above the 2004 total of 907 guilty pleas and convictions. The 2007 Budget includes $15.4 million for local Internet Crime Against Children investigative task forces.

    Child abductions, especially by strangers, are among the most tragic of crimes. With the help of the growing AMBER (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert network, more children are being found and returned to their homes every year. AMBER Alerts are emergency alerts broadcast by local authorities when law enforcement discovers that a child has been abducted and is in imminent danger of harm. Since the President announced an Administration effort to expand and coordinate the AMBER Alert network in October 2002, AMBER Alert has been credited with the recovery of about 200 children, or over 85 percent of all 230 recoveries since AMBER Alert began in Texas in 1996. Today, there are 114 AMBER Alert plans operating across the country, including 37 local, 27 regional, and 50 State-wide plans. The Budget includes $5 million for the continued development of the successful AMBER Alert network across America.

    Violence Against Women. More than 500,000 reported incidents of domestic violence and over 200,000 reported rapes were committed in the United States in 2004. Approximately one-third of women who are murdered each year are killed by their current or former husband or partner. In the 2002 Budget, the President requested and secured a $100 million increase in funding for Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) programs and has continued to provide similar levels of funding in every Budget since then. In an effort to combat the problem, the Administration has obtained over $2.2 billion in funding since 2001 for programs that combat violence against women. The Budget requests $369 million for VAWA programs that target domestic violence and strengthen services for victims and their dependents, and hold offenders accountable. Not only do VAWA-funded programs provide training and support to local law enforcement, but VAWA programs also provide services and support to hundreds of thousands of victims each year. VAWA programs are funded primarily through DOJ’s Office on Violence Against Women.

    Prisoner Re-entry. More than 600,000 offenders are released from local, State and Federal prisons each year and face multiple barriers on their return to society, including inadequate job skills and lack of housing. Approximately one-half of prisoners are re-arrested within three years of their release, and half return to prison during that same period. To confront this problem, the President announced in his 2004 State of the Union Address a four-year $300 million Prisoner Re-entry Initiative to help individuals leaving prison make a successful transition to community life and long-term employment. Drawing on the collaborative efforts of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Justice, and harnessing the experience of faith-based and community organizations, the program offers a range of job training, housing, and mentoring services to help reduce recidivism and ensure that former prisoners are reintegrated into society. The President’s Budget provides $59 million for this initiative in 2007, including $15 million within DOJ.

Faith-Based Efforts

Government can hand out money, but government cannot put hope in people’s hearts, or a sense of purpose in people’s lives. That’s why I’m such a strong believer in the faith-based initiative, an initiative which will empower people of all faiths in America to do what they’ve been called to do, to help a neighbor in need, to love somebody.

President George W. Bush
2002 Unity Luncheon, Atlanta, Georgia
October 17, 2002

    Improving Capital Litigation. The Nation’s criminal justice system depends not just on our ability to apprehend criminals, but also on the ability of our courts to fairly prosecute those suspected of crimes. Cases involving the death penalty must be handled in full accordance with constitutional guarantees. The 2007 Budget provides $15 million to enhance the Capital Litigation Improvement Grant program, an increase of $14 million over the 2006 enacted level. This program will provide grants for training of defense counsel, State, and local prosecutors, and State trial judges, with the goal of improving the quality of representation and the reliability of verdicts in State capital cases.

    Cleanup of Methamphetamine Labs. Methamphetamine’s addictive and harmful properties are well-documented. Production of methamphetamine (also known as “meth”) often takes place in small, informal laboratories set up in homes, sheds, and other buildings. The hazardous byproducts of methamphetamine production can threaten the health and life of those making the illegal drug, their families and communities, as well as the law enforcement officers who respond. Cleanup of these sites strains the resources of the communities, often rural, in which they are found. The Budget provides $40 million for the clean-up of these toxic waste sites, an increase of $20 million and 100 percent over the enacted 2006 level. The additional funding will ensure that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is able to respond to all requests for cleanup of methamphetamine laboratories seized by State and local law enforcement agencies and fund the start up costs for container programs in all States requesting them.

    Drug Courts. The 2007 Budget provides $69 million to increase the number of America’s drug courts, an increase of $59 million over the 2006 enacted level. In 2001, there were only 750 drug courts offering treatment and other alternatives for non-violent drug offenders. Today, there are over 1,600 drug courts, and more are in the planning stages. The funding will allow hundreds of additional communities to plan for drug courts, and provide grants to implement or enhance over 100 drug courts across the country.

    Combating Domestic Trafficking in Persons. The 2007 Budget provides $20 million for new grants for State and local law enforcement to improve programs to investigate and prosecute acts of severe forms of trafficking.

Enhanced Funding for Detention and the Bureau of Prisons

    The 2007 Budget provides $5 billion for the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and $1.3 billion for the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT). These DOJ components ensure that Federal criminals are safely detained and incarcerated to assure public safety. The costs of Federal incarceration and detention activities account for almost a third of DOJ’s annual budget. At present, there are over 188,000 inmates in Federal custody, of which approximately 11 percent represent immigration-related arrests and over 53 percent represent drug-related offenses. The number of Federal detainees has also experienced record growth, up over 300 percent over the past decade. The largest increases in the detainee population have occurred along the U.S. Southwest border because of increased Department of Homeland Security immigration enforcement. While current system-wide crowding at Federal prisons is at the lowest level in several years, more prison and detention space is still needed.

    In the recently released report, Contracting for Imprisonment in the Federal Prison System: Cost and Performance of the Privately Operated Taft Correctional Institution, the National Institute of Justice found that contractors can offer affordable and safe alternatives to building new low security prisons, in turn reducing crowding at existing facilities. The 2007 Budget provides $40 million to add new prisoner space located at a new contractor-managed low security prison in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania; to secure other new contractor-managed prison bed space; and to activate a new housing unit at an existing correctional institution in the northeast region, adding 1,962 beds.

    OFDT has implemented management efficiencies and streamlining that have reduced the amount of time immigration offenders spend in detention awaiting incarceration. Innovative initiatives such as the “e-designate” pilot—a paperless, electronic offender transition process that allows the courts, the United States Parole Commission, the United States Marshals (USMS), BOP, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of the Department of Homeland Security to move paperwork electronically between offices and agencies—has already reduced the amount of time offenders spend in detention in Arizona from 147 to 118 days, resulting in savings of $28 million. In addition, BOP continues to make progress in its streamlining and other efficiency measures. BOP has already abolished nearly 700 management positions, closed several outmoded and inefficient prison camps, and begun the transfer of inmates with the most critical medical needs to consolidated BOP medical centers, resulting in savings to the taxpayer.

Improving Drug Enforcement Efforts

    DEA is responsible for investigating drug trafficking organizations in tandem with the other Federal agencies participating in the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) program. DEA and OCDETF focus their efforts on Consolidated Priority Organization Targets (CPOTs), the largest and most significant international drug trafficking organizations operating in the United States. During 2005, DEA and OCDETF successfully dismantled 119 organizations linked to those on the CPOT List, and significantly disrupted the activities of 208 others. The 2007 Budget continues to support this focus on priority international organizations by expanding the Department’s overseas presence. The Budget provides $9 million for enhanced DEA operations in the drug production and transit zones of Central and South America, as well as $4 million in funding for DEA teams deployed to Afghanistan to stem the supply of heroin entering the global narcotics market from that country.

    The 2007 Budget also focuses on enhancing intelligence capabilities within the Department’s drug enforcement components by providing $12 million to improve DEA’s intelligence collection and coordination.

    For 2007, the Budget also proposes transferring the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program, operated by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, to DOJ in order for the program to be better coordinated with OCDETF and the Department’s other drug enforcement efforts. The program originally was intended to focus resources on a limited number of regions experiencing the most serious problems with organized drug trafficking. It now spends $225 million on 28 areas that include much of the populated United States. Efforts to focus the HIDTAs on the President’s National Drug Control Strategy priority of targeting high-level organizations, such as the CPOT List have been hindered by the practice of funding individual HIDTAs at the same level year after year. As a result, the Budget proposes a HIDTA program that will focus funds on regions that are primary national drug distribution or transit zones. The Budget provides this new, better-focused HIDTA program with funding of $208 million.

This photo shows several rows of rectangular and square packages of drugs lying on the ground while people mill about.  There is a large office building in the background.

Improving Drug Enforcement Efforts

By investigating and dismantling drug trafficking organizations overseas, DEA disrupts the flow of illegal narcotics into the United States and reduces the availability of drugs on our streets. Colombian Coast Guard officers, working with DEA agents and analysts, seized two tons of cocaine, pictured here, before these drugs could be shipped north for distribution in the United States. The 2007 Budget provides DEA with additional resources to expand their overseas operations in Central and South America, as well as Southwest Asia.

Other Federal Law Enforcement Efforts

    ATF continues to play an integral role in the fight against illegal firearms traffickers, explosives violations and arson. The 2007 Budget includes $980 million for ATF, of which $120 million will come from a new user fee to help pay for regulations enacted to ensure that explosives stay out of hands of terrorists and other criminals. The Safe Explosives Act of 2002, requires ATF to issue mandatory permits for explosives purchasers and perform background checks for all licensees and their employees. Since the Act’s passage and implementation, regulatory activities have become a larger portion of ATF’s budget.

    The 2007 Budget also includes $16 million to increase the number of Violent Crime Impact Teams—part of the Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative. By assisting local police forces, proactively enlisting community involvement, and committing targeted Federal law enforcement resources, these teams have proven to be effective at mitigating violent crime in communities that have experienced sharp increases in such crime.

    The USMS provides protection to Federal courthouses, members of the Federal judiciary, and witnesses associated with Federal court cases. The 2007 Budget provides resources to expand the USMS Office of Protective Intelligence and to enhance off-site judicial security. This will enable the Marshals to detect, assess, and respond to potential threats in a timely manner and will strengthen threat analysis capability. The Budget also provides new resources to make important upgrades to USMS information technology and financial management capabilities.


    The 2007 Budget aims to focus the Nation’s resources on priorities, which requires an evaluation of existing programs to ensure they are continuing to meet an important national need and demonstrate results. When programs can no longer demonstrate that they are effectively meeting an important national priority, it is time to reconsider whether they should continue to be funded as spending priorities.

Eliminating Non-performing Programs

    The President’s Budget reduces or eliminates a number of programs that do not have a record of producing results, including:

  • The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), which serves as a form of revenue sharing rather than a program to improve Federal immigration-related enforcement. The President is committed to protecting our borders and enforcing immigration laws. The President’s 2007 Budget reflects this commitment by proposing a 34-percent increase in Government-wide immigration enforcement and a 90-percent increase since 2001. These increases will support initiatives to expedite removal of illegal immigrants and expand successful partnerships between Federal, State, and local entities committed to immigration enforcement. Currently, SCAAP is not focused on crime reduction and cannot demonstrate an impact on crime, and there is no requirement that funds be used to address local crime or correctional issues. A 2003 Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) assessment rated SCAAP as Results Not Demonstrated. Ending this program will save $400 million a year.

  • General purpose State and local law enforcement programs, such as the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants, which are not able to demonstrate an impact on reducing crime. A 2005 PART assessment of the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants also found the program’s lack of long-term goals and measures inhibited targeting of resources to address real crime needs, notwithstanding funding of $542 million in 2005 and $327 million in 2006. Eliminating this program will save $327 million a year.

  • Programs such as the Byrne Discretionary Grants and the COPS Law Enforcement Technology Grants, which are earmarked in their entirety by the Congress. Such programs prevent targeting of assistance based on competitive need. Eliminating these programs will save $317 million a year.

  • Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG), which provide a variety of non-focused juvenile justice grants to States and localities. A 2002 PART assessment rated JABG as Ineffective. Without undergoing a major redesign, the program cannot target resources effectively. Terminating this program will save $49 million a year.

Reductions Achieved in 2006

    In 2006, the President’s Budget proposed a number of reductions in programs that have not demonstrated results. Some of the reductions enacted by the Congress include:

  • The COPS Hiring Grant program. A 2002 PART assessment rated the COPS Hiring Grants as Results Not Demonstrated with respect to reducing crime. Additionally, the program has already achieved its mandate, which was to help local police agencies to hire over 100,000 police officers. As a result, additional funding is unwarranted. No funding was provided in 2006.

  • COPS Interoperable Communications Grants. Redundant of Department of Homeland Security efforts to assist States and localities with improving the emergency communications systems of first responders, the 2006 enacted level fell to $10 million from the 2005 level of $99 million.

Providing For More Effective Government

    The PART process assesses the effectiveness of programs and helps inform management actions, budget requests, and legislative proposals directed at achieving results. During 2005, the Department and OMB completed nine new PART assessments, bringing the total of DOJ’s programs that have been assessed to 27; programs representing approximately 80 percent of the Department’s resources. New assessments completed in 2005 include:

  • DOJ General Legal Activities (GLA)—Rated Effective. In 2005, the GLA program successfully resolved 91 percent of criminal court cases and 84 percent of civil court cases in favor of the Government, exceeding its targets. To continue improving, the program is seeking an independent evaluation of its activities and implementing new skills and training programs for managers.

  • The United States Trustees Program—Rated Effective. In 2005, the program achieved a 99-percent success rate in its efforts to prevent fraud and abuse of the U.S. bankruptcy system. DOJ is reviewing performance targets, aiming for more aggressive performance improvements.

  • FBI Counterterrorism Program—Rated Adequate. To improve its counterterrorism program, the FBI is increasing the percentage of human intelligence sources that have been validated and the percentage of counterterrorism personnel who have been appropriately trained.

  • FBI Counterintelligence Program—Rated Moderately Effective. The FBI is working to increase the percentage of field offices that partner with other intelligence agencies, maintain contact with possible targets of foreign intelligence services, and identify operations of threat countries.

  • Bureau of Prisons Construction—Rated Adequate. BOP is evaluating low and minimum-security prison space for the housing of higher-security prisoners and examining State, local, and private facilities for housing more low and minimum-security inmates.

  • National Institute of Justice—Rated Adequate. In 2005, the public requested over seven million copies of the Institute’s reports and other publications. Future budget requests will provide more information to help link resources requested for the Institute’s research programs to program goals.

  • Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)—Rated Effective. Each month 30,000 users access BJS’s website for the latest in national criminal justice statistics. The Budget supports increased funding to improve criminal justice statistics on crime and victimization.

  • Multipurpose Law Enforcement Grants (Byrne Grants)—Rated Results Not Demonstrated. In response to the assessment, the Budget eliminates funding for these grants.

  • The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program—Rated Adequate. The program is planning to evaluate its impact and design, as well as improve techniques for projecting the program’s financial liabilities.

Update on the President’s Management Agenda

    The table below provides an update on DOJ’s implementation of the President’s Management Agenda as of December 31, 2005.

  Human Capital Competitive Sourcing Financial Performance E-Government Budget and Performance Integration
Status Green Bullet Yellow Bullet Red Bullet Yellow BulletUp Arrow Yellow Bullet
Progress Green Bullet Green Bullet Green Bullet Green Bullet Green Bullet

Arrow indicates change in status rating since the prior evaluation as of September 30, 2005.

During 2005, DOJ has made strong progress in implementing most areas of the President’s Management Agenda. DOJ launched a new human capital strategic plan and developed metrics to guide workforce-related decision-making. After two quarters of strong performance in the area of human capital, DOJ has created sets of best practices to be shared within and outside the Department. In competitive sourcing, DOJ is proceeding with the development of a new FAIR Act inventory of commercial positions and will develop a plan for future competitions in 2006. In 2005, DOJ completed five streamlined competitions, including a total of 58 full time equivalents, which resulted in an estimated $2.3 million in savings. The Department has addressed weaknesses in OJP’s grant accounting, restoring its unqualified opinion on the 2004 financial statements and leading to an unqualified opinion on the Department’s 2005 financial statements. DOJ also is taking steps to develop a Unified Financial Management System. DOJ continues information technology improvements in support of the 24 Presidential E-Government initiatives. Additionally, DOJ continues to improve its planning, management, and execution of information technology projects. The Department also has made improvements in budget and performance integration. Senior leaders now review integrated budget and performance information on a quarterly basis and use it to make management decisions and to direct improvements in program results. Further, the Department has created and approved efficiency measures for 100 percent of PART-assessed programs.

Initiative Status Progress
Faith-Based and Community Initiative Green Bullet Green Bullet
Real Property Asset Management Yellow BulletUp Arrow Green Bullet

Arrow indicates change in status rating since the prior evaluation as of September 30, 2005.

DOJ has launched and is operating several pilot programs open to faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs), including: faith-based residential units in Federal prisons and in a State juvenile facility; projects to train clergy in helping victims of domestic violence and elder fraud; and programs to provide sub-grants to small FBCOs working with crime victims. The Department continues to conduct outreach to FBCOs and is reporting accurate, timely information on the extent of FBCO participation in the Department’s discretionary grant programs. In support of the Real Property initiative, the Department has appointed a senior officer with responsibility for DOJ’s real property assets and implemented changes to its Department Rent Management System (DRMS) to enable DRMS to serve as the repository for all Department real property assets. A complete inventory of the Department’s real property assets has been completed and will continue to be maintained and updated by DOJ.

Department of Justice
(In millions of dollars)

2006 2007
   Discretionary Budget Authority:      
      Federal Bureau of Investigation 5,208 5,669 6,040
      Drug Enforcement Administration 1,696 1,665 1,736
      Federal Prison System 4,751 4,919 4,962
      United States Marshals Service 748 792 826
      Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 878 912 860
      Detention Trustee 874 1,162 1,332
      United States Attorneys 1,544 1,580 1,637
      General Legal Activities 625 653 684
      National Security Division 67
      Office of Justice Programs, COPS, Office on Violence Against Women 2,795 2,414 1,228
      Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force 552 483 706
      All other 779 722 628
   Subtotal, Discretionary budget authority 20,450 20,971 20,706
      Less Crime Victims’ Fund rescission −1,255
   Total, Discretionary budget authority 20,450 20,971 19,451
    Memorandum: Budget authority from enacted supplementals 267 229
   Total, Discretionary outlays 21,343 20,839 22,247
   Total, Mandatory outlays 1,408 1,505 2,491
   Total, Outlays 22,751 22,344 24,738
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