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Real-World Research Experiences for Undergraduates
at the National Weather Center

A world of experiences awaits

The National Weather Center (NWC) in Norman, Oklahoma invites motivated undergraduate students from any major who are interested in a career in scientific research to apply for a 10-week summer research program. The Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the Oklahoma Weather Center is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation to the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms.

Students participate in a 10-week research program during the summer under the supervision of mentors from the National Weather Center:

Students will conduct research on such topics as: severe weather, tornadoes, numerical weather prediction models, atmospheric radiation, climatological studies, dryline studies, and more. Students will prepare and present papers reporting the results of their research.

Student research will be supplemented by tours, field trips, and lectures to produce a well-rounded experience that will give students the opportunity to judge whether a career in research is for them. Housing, travel allowance, and a stipend are provided.

The 2009 application form is now online!!
Summer 2009
applications are due February 11, 2009.

Last Updated: December 15, 2008

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