[DOCID: f:sr381.110]
From the Senate Reports Online via GPO Access

                                                       Calendar No. 813
110th Congress                                                   Report
 2d Session                                                     110-381




                 June 16, 2008.--Ordered to be printed


   Mr. Bingaman, from the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                        [To accompany H.R. 1483]

    The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was 
referred the Act (H.R. 1483) to amend the Omnibus Parks and 
Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to extend the authorization 
for certain national heritage areas, and for other purposes, 
having considered the same, reports favorably thereon with an 
amendment and recommends that the Act, as amended, do pass.
    The amendment is as follows:
  Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu 
thereof the following:


  This Act may be cited as the ``Celebrating America's Heritage Act''.


  The table of contents is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.
Sec. 3. Definition of Secretary.

                          TITLE I--DESIGNATIONS

            Subtitle A--Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area

Sec. 1101. Purposes.
Sec. 1102. Definitions.
Sec. 1103. Establishment.
Sec. 1104. Duties and authorities of local coordinating entity.
Sec. 1105. Management plan.
Sec. 1106. Duties and authorities of the secretary.
Sec. 1107. Relationship to other Federal agencies.
Sec. 1108. Property owners and regulatory protections.
Sec. 1109. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1110. Termination of financial assistance.

          Subtitle B--Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area

Sec. 1201. Purposes.
Sec. 1202. Definitions.
Sec. 1203. Establishment.
Sec. 1204. Duties and authorities of local coordinating entity.
Sec. 1205. Management plan.
Sec. 1206. Duties and authorities of the secretary.
Sec. 1207. Relationship to other Federal agencies.
Sec. 1208. Property owners and regulatory protections.
Sec. 1209. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1210. Termination of financial assistance.

                             TITLE II--STUDY

Sec. 2001. Northern Neck National Heritage Area Study.


Sec. 3001. Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor technical 
Sec. 3002. John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage 


  In this Act, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the 

                         TITLE I--DESIGNATIONS

            Subtitle A--Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area


  The purposes of this subtitle are--
          (1) to preserve, support, conserve, and interpret the legacy 
        of the region represented by the Heritage Area as described in 
        the feasibility study prepared by the National Park Service;
          (2) to promote heritage, cultural, and recreational tourism, 
        and to develop educational and cultural programs for visitors 
        and the general public;
          (3) to recognize and interpret important events and 
        geographic locations representing key developments in the 
        growth of the United States, including the Native American, 
        Colonial American, European American, and African American 
          (4) to recognize and interpret the manner by which the 
        distinctive geography of the region has shaped the development 
        of the settlement, defense, transportation, commerce, and 
        culture of the region;
          (5) to provide a cooperative management framework to foster a 
        close working relationship with all levels of government, the 
        private sector, and the local communities in the region to 
        identify, preserve, interpret, and develop the historical, 
        cultural, scenic, and natural resources of the region for the 
        educational and inspirational benefit of current and future 
        generations; and
          (6) to provide appropriate linkages between units of the 
        National Park System and communities, governments, and 
        organizations within the Heritage Area.


  In this subtitle:
          (1) Heritage area.--The term ``Heritage Area'' means the 
        Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area established by section 
          (2) Local coordinating entity.--The term ``local coordinating 
        entity'' means the Muscle Shoals Regional Center, the local 
        coordinating entity for the Heritage Area designated by section 
          (3) Management plan.--The term ``management plan'' means the 
        plan for the Heritage Area required under section 1104(a)(1).
          (4) Map.--The term ``map'' means the map entitled ``Muscle 
        Shoals National Heritage Area'', numbered T08/80,000, and dated 
        October 2007.
          (5) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of Alabama.


  (a) In General.--There is established the Muscle Shoals National 
Heritage Area in the State.
  (b) Boundaries.--The Heritage Area shall be comprised of the 
following areas, as depicted on the map:
          (1) The Counties of Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, 
        Limestone, and Morgan, Alabama.
          (2) The Wilson Dam.
          (3) The Handy Home.
          (4) The birthplace of Helen Keller.
  (c) Availability Map.--The map shall be on file and available for 
public inspection in the appropriate offices of the National Park 
Service and the local coordinating entity.
  (d) Local Coordinating Entity.--The Muscle Shoals Regional Center 
shall be the local coordinating entity for the Heritage Area.


  (a) Duties of the Local Coordinating Entity.--To further the purposes 
of the Heritage Area, the local coordinating entity shall--
          (1) prepare, and submit to the Secretary, in accordance with 
        section 1105, a management plan for the Heritage Area;
          (2) submit an annual report to the Secretary for each fiscal 
        year for which the local coordinating entity receives Federal 
        funds under this subtitle specifying--
                  (A) the accomplishments of the local coordinating 
                  (B) the expenses and income of the local coordinating 
                  (C) the amounts and sources of matching funds;
                  (D) the amounts leveraged with Federal funds and 
                sources of the leveraged funds; and
                  (E) grants made to any other entities during the 
                fiscal year;
          (3) make available for audit for each fiscal year for which 
        the local coordinating entity receives Federal funds under this 
        subtitle, all information pertaining to the expenditure of the 
        funds and any matching funds;
          (4) encourage, by appropriate means, economic development 
        that is consistent with the purposes of the Heritage Area; and
          (5) serve as a catalyst for the implementation of projects 
        and programs among diverse partners in the Heritage Area.
  (b) Authorities.--The local coordinating entity may, subject to the 
prior approval of the Secretary, for the purposes of preparing and 
implementing the management plan, use Federal funds made available 
under this subtitle to--
          (1) make grants to the State, political subdivisions of the 
        State, nonprofit organizations, and other persons;
          (2) enter into cooperative agreements with, or provide 
        technical assistance to, the State, political subdivisions of 
        the State, nonprofit organizations, Federal agencies, and other 
        interested parties;
          (3) to hire and compensate staff, including individuals with 
        expertise in--
                  (A) natural, historical, cultural, educational, 
                scenic, and recreational resource conservation;
                  (B) economic and community development; and
                  (C) heritage planning;
          (4) obtain funds or services from any source, including funds 
        and services provided under any other Federal law or program;
          (5) contract for goods or services; and
          (6) support activities of partners and any other activities 
        that further the purposes of the Heritage Area and are 
        consistent with the approved management plan.
  (c) Prohibition on Acquisition of Real Property.--The local 
coordinating entity may not use Federal funds received under this 
subtitle to acquire any interest in real property.


  (a) In General.--Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds 
are made available to develop the management plan, the local 
coordinating entity shall submit to the Secretary for approval a 
proposed management plan for the Heritage Area.
  (b) Requirements.--The management plan for the Heritage Area shall--
          (1) describe comprehensive policies, goals, strategies, and 
        recommendations for telling the story of the heritage of the 
        area covered by the Heritage Area and encouraging long-term 
        resource protection, enhancement, interpretation, funding, 
        management, and development of the Heritage Area;
          (2) include a description of actions and commitments that 
        Federal, State, tribal, and local governments, private 
        organizations, and citizens plan to take to protect, enhance, 
        interpret, fund, manage, and develop the natural, historic, 
        cultural, educational, scenic, and recreational resources of 
        the Heritage Area;
          (3) specify existing and potential sources of funding or 
        economic development strategies to protect, enhance, interpret, 
        fund, manage, and develop the Heritage Area;
          (4) include an inventory of the natural, historic, cultural, 
        educational, scenic, and recreational resources of the Heritage 
        Area relating to the stories and themes of the Heritage Area 
        that should be protected, enhanced, interpreted, managed, 
        funded, or developed;
          (5) recommend policies and strategies for resource 
        management, including the development of intergovernmental and 
        interagency agreements to protect, enhance, interpret, fund, 
        manage, and develop the natural, historic, cultural, 
        educational, scenic, and recreational resources of the Heritage 
          (6) describe a program for implementation of the management 
        plan, including--
                  (A) performance goals;
                  (B) plans for resource protection, enhancement, 
                interpretation, funding, management, and development; 
                  (C) specific commitments for implementation that have 
                been made by the local coordinating entity or any 
                Federal, State, tribal, or local government agency, 
                organization, business, or individual;
          (7) include an analysis of, and recommendations for, ways in 
        which Federal, State, tribal, and local programs may best be 
        coordinated (including the role of the National Park Service 
        and other Federal agencies associated with the Heritage Area) 
        to further the purposes of this subtitle; and
          (8) include a business plan that--
                  (A) describes the role, operation, financing, and 
                functions of the local coordinating entity and of each 
                of the major activities described in the management 
                plan; and
                  (B) provides adequate assurances that the local 
                coordinating entity has the partnerships and financial 
                and other resources necessary to implement the 
                management plan for the Heritage Area.
  (c) Termination of Funding.--If the management plan is not submitted 
to the Secretary by the date that is 3 years after the date on which 
funds are first made available to develop the management plan, the 
local coordinating entity shall not qualify for additional financial 
assistance under this Act until the management plan is submitted to, 
and approved by, the Secretary.
  (d) Approval of Management Plan.--
          (1) Review.--Not later than 180 days after the date on which 
        the Secretary receives the management plan, the Secretary shall 
        approve or disapprove the management plan.
          (2) Consultation required.--The Secretary shall consult with 
        the Governor of the State in which the Heritage Area is located 
        before approving the management plan.
          (3) Criteria for approval.--In determining whether to approve 
        the management plan, the Secretary shall consider whether--
                  (A) the local coordinating entity represents the 
                diverse interests of the Heritage Area, including 
                Federal, State, tribal, and local governments, natural 
                and historic resource protection organizations, 
                educational institutions, businesses, community 
                residents, recreational organizations, and private 
                property owners;
                  (B) the local coordinating entity--
                          (i) has afforded adequate opportunity for 
                        public and Federal, State, tribal, and local 
                        governmental involvement (including through 
                        workshops and public meetings) in the 
                        preparation of the management plan; and
                          (ii) provides for at least semiannual public 
                        meetings to ensure adequate implementation of 
                        the management plan;
                  (C) the resource protection, enhancement, 
                interpretation, funding, management, and development 
                strategies described in the management plan, if 
                implemented, would adequately protect, enhance, 
                interpret, fund, manage, and develop the natural, 
                historic, cultural, scenic, and recreational resources 
                of the Heritage Area;
                  (D) the management plan would not adversely affect 
                any activities authorized on Federal land under 
                applicable laws or land use plans;
                  (E) the Secretary has received adequate assurances 
                from the appropriate State, tribal, and local officials 
                whose support is needed to ensure the effective 
                implementation of the State, tribal, and local aspects 
                of the management plan;
                  (F) the local coordinating entity has demonstrated 
                the financial capability, in partnership with others, 
                to carry out the management plan; and
                  (G) the management plan demonstrates partnerships 
                among the local coordinating entity, Federal, State, 
                tribal, and local governments, regional planning 
                organizations, nonprofit organizations, and private 
                sector parties for implementation of the management 
          (4) Disapproval.--
                  (A) In general.--If the Secretary disapproves the 
                management plan, the Secretary--
                          (i) shall advise the local coordinating 
                        entity in writing of the reasons for the 
                        disapproval; and
                          (ii) may make recommendations to the local 
                        coordinating entity for revisions to the 
                        management plan.
                  (B) Deadline.--Not later than 180 days after 
                receiving a revised management plan, the Secretary 
                shall approve or disapprove the revised management 
          (5) Amendments.--
                  (A) In general.--An amendment to the management plan 
                that substantially alters the purposes of the Heritage 
                Area shall be reviewed by the Secretary and approved or 
                disapproved in the same manner as the original 
                management plan.
                  (B) Implementation.--The local coordinating entity 
                shall not use Federal funds authorized by this subtitle 
                to implement an amendment to the management plan until 
                the Secretary approves the amendment.
          (6) Authorities.--The Secretary may--
                  (A) provide technical assistance under the authority 
                of this subtitle for the development and implementation 
                of the management plan; and
                  (B) enter into cooperative agreements with interested 
                parties to carry out this subtitle.


  (a) Technical and Financial Assistance.--
          (1) In general.--On the request of the local coordinating 
        entity, the Secretary may provide technical and financial 
        assistance, on a reimbursable or nonreimbursable basis (as 
        determined by the Secretary), to the local coordinating entity 
        to develop and implement the management plan.
          (2) Cooperative agreements.--The Secretary may enter into 
        cooperative agreements with the local coordinating entity and 
        other public or private entities to provide technical or 
        financial assistance under paragraph (1).
  (b) Evaluation; Report.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 3 years before the date on 
        which authority for Federal funding terminates for the Heritage 
        Area under section 1110, the Secretary shall--
                  (A) conduct an evaluation of the accomplishments of 
                the Heritage Area; and
                  (B) prepare a report with recommendations for the 
                future role of the National Park Service, if any, with 
                respect to the Heritage Area, in accordance with 
                paragraph (3).
          (2) Evaluation.--An evaluation conducted under paragraph 
        (1)(A) shall--
                  (A) assess the progress of the local coordinating 
                entity with respect to--
                          (i) accomplishing the purposes of this Act 
                        for the Heritage Area; and
                          (ii) achieving the goals and objectives of 
                        the approved management plan for the Heritage 
                  (B) analyze the Federal, State, tribal, local, and 
                private investments in the Heritage Area to determine 
                the leverage and impact of the investments; and
                  (C) review the management structure, partnership 
                relationships, and funding of the Heritage Area for 
                purposes of identifying the critical components for 
                sustainability of the Heritage Area.
          (3) Report.--
                  (A) In general.--Based on the evaluation conducted 
                under paragraph (1)(A), the Secretary shall prepare a 
                report that includes recommendations for the future 
                role of the National Park Service, if any, with respect 
                to the Heritage Area.
                  (B) Required analysis.--If the report prepared under 
                this paragraph recommends that Federal funding for the 
                Heritage Area be reauthorized, the report shall include 
                an analysis of--
                          (i) ways in which Federal funding for the 
                        Heritage Area may be reduced or eliminated; and
                          (ii) the appropriate time period necessary to 
                        achieve the recommended reduction or 
                  (C) Submission to congress.--On completion of a 
                report under this paragraph, the Secretary shall submit 
                the report to--
                          (i) the Committee on Energy and Natural 
                        Resources of the Senate; and
                          (ii) the Committee on Natural Resources of 
                        the House of Representatives.


  (a) In General.--Nothing in this subtitle affects the authority of a 
Federal agency to provide technical or financial assistance under any 
other law.
  (b) Consultation and Coordination.--To the maximum extent 
practicable, the head of any Federal agency planning to conduct 
activities that may have an impact on the Heritage Area is encouraged 
to consult and coordinate the activities with the Secretary and the 
local coordinating entity to the maximum extent practicable.
  (c) Other Federal Agencies.--Nothing in this subtitle--
          (1) modifies, alters, or amends any laws (including 
        regulations) authorizing a Federal agency to manage Federal 
        land under the jurisdiction of the Federal agency;
          (2) limits the discretion of a Federal land manager to 
        implement an approved land use plan within the boundaries of 
        the Heritage Area; or
          (3) modifies, alters, or amends any authorized use of Federal 
        land under the jurisdiction of a Federal agency.


  Nothing in this subtitle--
          (1) abridges the rights of any owner of public or private 
        property, including the right to refrain from participating in 
        any plan, project, program, or activity conducted within the 
        Heritage Area;
          (2) requires any property owner to--
                  (A) permit public access (including Federal, tribal, 
                State, or local government access) to the property; or
                  (B) modify any provisions of Federal, tribal, State, 
                or local law with regard to public access or use of 
                private land;
          (3) alters any duly adopted land use regulations, approved 
        land use plan, or any other regulatory authority of any 
        Federal, State, or local agency, or tribal government;
          (4) conveys any land use or other regulatory authority to the 
        local coordinating entity;
          (5) authorizes or implies the reservation or appropriation of 
        water or water rights;
          (6) diminishes the authority of the State to manage fish and 
        wildlife, including the regulation of fishing and hunting 
        within the Heritage Area; or
          (7) creates any liability, or affects any liability under any 
        other law, of any private property owner with respect to any 
        person injured on the private property.


  (a) In General.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out 
this subtitle $10,000,000, of which not more than $1,000,000 may be 
made available for any fiscal year.
  (b) Availability.--Funds made available under subsection (a) shall 
remain available until expended.
  (c) Cost-Sharing Requirement.--
          (1) In general.--The Federal share of the total cost of any 
        activity under this subtitle shall be not more than 50 percent.
          (2) Form.--The non-Federal contribution may be in the form of 
        in-kind contributions of goods or services fairly valued.
  (d) Use of Federal Funds From Other Sources.--Nothing in this 
subtitle precludes the local coordinating entity from using Federal 
funds available under provisions of law other than this subtitle for 
the purposes for which those funds were authorized.


  The authority of the Secretary to provide financial assistance under 
this subtitle terminates on the date that is 15 years after the date of 
enactment of this Act.

          Subtitle B--Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area


  The purposes of this subtitle are--
          (1) to establish the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area 
        in the State of Arizona;
          (2) to implement the recommendations of--
                  (A) the ``Alternative Concepts for Commemorating 
                Spanish Colonization'' study completed by the National 
                Park Service in 1991; and
                  (B) the ``Feasibility Study for the Santa Cruz Valley 
                National Heritage Area'' prepared by the Center for 
                Desert Archaeology in July 2005;
          (3) to provide a management framework--
                  (A) to foster a close working relationship with all 
                levels of government, the private sector, and the local 
                communities in the region; and
                  (B) to conserve the heritage of the region while 
                continuing to pursue compatible economic opportunities;
          (4) to assist communities, organizations, and citizens in the 
        State in identifying, preserving, interpreting, and developing 
        the historic, cultural, scenic, and natural resources of the 
        region for the educational and inspirational benefit of current 
        and future generations; and
          (5) to provide appropriate linkages between units of the 
        National Park System and communities, governments, and 
        organizations in the Heritage Area.


  In this subtitle:
          (1) Heritage area.--The term ``Heritage Area'' means the 
        Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area established by section 
          (2) Local coordinating entity.--The term ``local coordinating 
        entity'' means the local coordinating entity for the Heritage 
        Area designated by section 1203(d).
          (3) Management plan.--The term ``management plan'' means the 
        plan for the Heritage Area required under section 1204(a)(1).
          (4) Map.--The term ``map'' means the map entitled ``Santa 
        Cruz Valley National Heritage Area, Pima and Santa Cruz 
        Counties, Arizona'', numbered T09/80,000, and dated November 
        13, 2007.
          (5) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of Arizona.


  (a) In General.--There is established the Santa Cruz Valley National 
Heritage Area in the State.
  (b) Boundaries.--The Heritage Area shall consist of portions of Santa 
Cruz and Pima Counties, Arizona, as depicted on the map.
  (c) Availability of Map.--The map shall be on file and available for 
public inspection in the appropriate offices of--
          (1) the National Park Service; and
          (2) the local coordinating entity.
  (d) Local Coordinating Entity.--The Santa Cruz Valley Heritage 
Alliance, Inc., shall be the local coordinating entity for the Heritage 


  (a) Duties.--To further the purposes of the Heritage Area, the local 
coordinating entity shall--
          (1) prepare a management plan for the Heritage Area, and 
        submit the management plan to the Secretary, in accordance with 
        this subtitle;
          (2) submit an annual report to the Secretary for each fiscal 
        year for which the local coordinating entity receives Federal 
        funds under this subtitle, specifying--
                  (A) the specific performance goals and 
                accomplishments of the local coordinating entity;
                  (B) the expenses and income of the local coordinating 
                  (C) the amounts and sources of matching funds;
                  (D) the amounts leveraged with Federal funds and 
                sources of the leveraged funds; and
                  (E) grants made to any other entities during the 
                fiscal year;
          (3) make available for audit for each fiscal year for which 
        the local coordinating entity receives Federal funds under this 
        subtitle, all information pertaining to the expenditure of the 
        funds and any matching funds; and
          (4) encourage, by appropriate means, economic viability and 
        sustainability that is consistent with the purposes of the 
        Heritage Area.
  (b) Authorities.--For the purposes of preparing and implementing the 
approved management plan for the Heritage Area, the local coordinating 
entity may use Federal funds made available under this subtitle to--
          (1) make grants to the State, political subdivisions of the 
        State, nonprofit organizations, and other persons;
          (2) enter into cooperative agreements with or provide 
        technical assistance to political subdivisions of the State, 
        nonprofit organizations, Federal agencies, and other interested 
          (3) hire and compensate staff, including individuals with 
        expertise in--
                  (A) natural, historical, cultural, educational, 
                scenic, and recreational resource conservation;
                  (B) economic and community development; and
                  (C) heritage planning;
          (4) obtain funds or services from any source, including funds 
        and services provided under any other Federal law or program;
          (5) contract for goods or services; and
          (6) support activities of partners and any other activities 
        that further the purposes of the Heritage Area and are 
        consistent with the approved management plan.
  (c) Prohibition on Acquisition of Real Property.--The local 
coordinating entity may not use Federal funds received under this 
subtitle to acquire any interest in real property.
  (d) Other Sources.--Nothing in this subtitle precludes the local 
coordinating entity from using Federal funds from other sources for 
authorized purposes.


  (a) In General.--Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds 
are made available to develop the management plan, the local 
coordinating entity shall submit to the Secretary for approval a 
proposed management plan for the Heritage Area.
  (b) Requirements.--The management plan for the Heritage Area shall--
          (1) describe comprehensive policies, goals, strategies, and 
        recommendations for telling the story of the heritage of the 
        region and encouraging long-term resource protection, 
        enhancement, interpretation, funding, management, and 
        development of the Heritage Area;
          (2) include a description of actions and commitments that 
        Federal, State, tribal, and local governments, private 
        organizations, and citizens plan to take to protect, enhance, 
        interpret, fund, manage, and develop the natural, historic, 
        cultural, scenic, and recreational resources of the Heritage 
          (3) specify existing and potential sources of funding or 
        economic development strategies to protect, enhance, interpret, 
        fund, manage, and develop the Heritage Area;
          (4) include an inventory of the natural, historic, cultural, 
        educational, scenic, and recreational resources of the Heritage 
        Area relating to the stories and themes of the region that 
        should be protected, enhanced, interpreted, managed, funded, 
        and developed;
          (5) recommend policies and strategies for resource management 
        including, the development of intergovernmental and interagency 
        agreements to protect, enhance, interpret, fund, manage, and 
        develop the natural, historic, cultural, educational, scenic, 
        and recreational resources of the Heritage Area;
          (6) describe a program for implementation of the management 
        plan, including--
                  (A) performance goals;
                  (B) plans for resource protection, enhancement, 
                interpretation, funding, management, and development; 
                  (C) specific commitments for implementation that have 
                been made by the local coordinating entity or any 
                Federal, State, tribal, or local government, 
                organization, business, or individual;
          (7) include an analysis of, and recommendations for, means by 
        which Federal, State, tribal, and local programs may best be 
        coordinated (including the role of the National Park Service 
        and other Federal agencies associated with the Heritage Area) 
        to further the purposes of this subtitle; and
          (8) include a business plan that--
                  (A) describes the role, operation, financing, and 
                functions of the local coordinating entity and of each 
                of the major activities described in the management 
                plan; and
                  (B) provides adequate assurances that the local 
                coordinating entity has the partnerships and financial 
                and other resources necessary to implement the 
                management plan for the Heritage Area.
  (c) Termination of Funding.--If the management plan is not submitted 
to the Secretary in accordance with this section, the local 
coordinating entity shall not qualify for additional financial 
assistance under this subtitle until the management plan is submitted 
to, and approved by, the Secretary.
  (d) Approval of Management Plan.--
          (1) Review.--Not later than 180 days after the date on which 
        the Secretary receives the management plan, the Secretary shall 
        approve or disapprove the management plan.
          (2) Consultation required.--The Secretary shall consult with 
        the Governor of the State and any tribal government in which 
        the Heritage Area is located before approving the management 
          (3) Criteria for approval.--In determining whether to approve 
        the management plan, the Secretary shall consider whether--
                  (A) the local coordinating entity represents the 
                diverse interests of the Heritage Area, including 
                governments, natural and historic resource protection 
                organizations, educational institutions, businesses, 
                community residents, and recreational organizations;
                  (B) the local coordinating entity--
                          (i) has afforded adequate opportunity for 
                        public and Federal, State, tribal, and local 
                        governmental involvement (including through 
                        workshops and public meetings) in the 
                        preparation of the management plan; and
                          (ii) provides for at least semiannual public 
                        meetings to ensure adequate implementation of 
                        the management plan;
                  (C) the resource protection, enhancement, 
                interpretation, funding, management, and development 
                strategies described in the management plan, if 
                implemented, would adequately protect, enhance, 
                interpret, fund, manage, and develop the natural, 
                historic, cultural, scenic, and recreational resources 
                of the Heritage Area;
                  (D) the management plan would not adversely affect 
                any activities authorized on Federal or tribal land 
                under applicable public land laws or land use plans;
                  (E) the Secretary has received adequate assurances 
                from the appropriate State, tribal, and local officials 
                whose support is needed to ensure the effective 
                implementation of the State, tribal, and local aspects 
                of the management plan;
                  (F) the local coordinating entity has demonstrated 
                the financial capability, in partnership with others, 
                to carry out the management plan; and
                  (G) the management plan demonstrates partnerships 
                among the local coordinating entity, Federal, State, 
                tribal, and local governments, regional planning 
                organizations, nonprofit organizations, or private 
                sector parties for implementation of the management 
          (4) Action following disapproval.--
                  (A) In general.--If the Secretary disapproves the 
                management plan, the Secretary--
                          (i) shall advise the local coordinating 
                        entity in writing of the reasons for the 
                        disapproval; and
                          (ii) may make recommendations to the local 
                        coordinating entity for revisions to the 
                        management plan.
                  (B) Deadline.--Not later than 180 days after 
                receiving a revised management plan, the Secretary 
                shall approve or disapprove the revised management 
          (5) Amendments.--
                  (A) In general.--An amendment to the management plan 
                that substantially alters the purposes of the Heritage 
                Area shall be reviewed by the Secretary and approved or 
                disapproved in the same manner as the original 
                management plan.
                  (B) Implementation.--The local coordinating entity 
                shall not use Federal funds authorized to be 
                appropriated by this subtitle to implement an amendment 
                to the management plan until the Secretary approves the 


  (a) Technical and Financial Assistance.--
          (1) In general.--On the request of the local coordinating 
        entity, the Secretary may provide technical and financial 
        assistance, on a reimbursable or nonreimbursable basis (as 
        determined by the Secretary), to the local coordinating entity 
        to develop and implement the management plan.
          (2) Cooperative agreements.--The Secretary may enter into 
        cooperative agreements with the local coordinating entity and 
        other public or private entities to provide technical or 
        financial assistance under paragraph (1).
  (b) Evaluation; Report.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 3 years before the date on 
        which authority for Federal funding terminates for the Heritage 
        Area under section 1210, the Secretary shall--
                  (A) conduct an evaluation of the accomplishments of 
                the Heritage Area; and
                  (B) prepare a report with recommendations for the 
                future role of the National Park Service, if any, with 
                respect to the Heritage Area, in accordance with 
                paragraph (3).
          (2) Evaluation.--An evaluation conducted under paragraph 
        (1)(A) shall--
                  (A) assess the progress of the local coordinating 
                entity with respect to--
                          (i) accomplishing the purposes of this 
                        subtitle for the Heritage Area; and
                          (ii) achieving the goals and objectives of 
                        the approved management plan for the Heritage 
                  (B) analyze the Federal, State, local, and private 
                investments in the Heritage Area to determine the 
                leverage and impact of the investments; and
                  (C) review the management structure, partnership 
                relationships, and funding of the Heritage Area for 
                purposes of identifying the critical components for 
                sustainability of the Heritage Area.
          (3) Report.--
                  (A) In general.--Based on the evaluation conducted 
                under paragraph (1)(A), the Secretary shall prepare a 
                report that includes recommendations for the future 
                role of the National Park Service, if any, with respect 
                to the Heritage Area.
                  (B) Required analysis.--If the report prepared under 
                this paragraph recommends that Federal funding for the 
                Heritage Area be reauthorized, the report shall include 
                an analysis of--
                          (i) ways in which Federal funding for the 
                        Heritage Area may be reduced or eliminated; and
                          (ii) the appropriate time period necessary to 
                        achieve the recommended reduction or 
                  (C) Submission to congress.--On completion of a 
                report under this paragraph, the Secretary shall submit 
                the report to--
                          (i) the Committee on Energy and Natural 
                        Resources of the Senate; and
                          (ii) the Committee on Natural Resources of 
                        the House of Representatives.


  (a) In General.--Nothing in this subtitle affects the authority of a 
Federal agency to provide technical or financial assistance under any 
other law.
  (b) Consultation and Coordination.--To the maximum extent 
practicable, the head of any Federal agency planning to conduct 
activities that may have an impact on the Heritage Area is encouraged 
to consult and coordinate the activities with the Secretary and the 
local coordinating entity.
  (c) Other Federal Agencies.--Nothing in this subtitle--
          (1) modifies, alters, or amends any laws (including 
        regulations) authorizing a Federal agency to manage Federal 
        land under the jurisdiction of the Federal agency;
          (2) limits the discretion of a Federal land manager to 
        implement an approved land use plan within the boundaries of 
        the Heritage Area; or
          (3) modifies, alters, or amends any authorized use of Federal 
        land under the jurisdiction of a Federal agency.


  Nothing in this subtitle--
          (1) abridges the rights of any owner of public or private 
        property, including the right to refrain from participating in 
        any plan, project, program, or activity conducted within the 
        Heritage Area;
          (2) requires any property owner to--
                  (A) permit public access (including Federal, tribal, 
                State, or local government access) to the property; or
                  (B) modify any provisions of Federal, tribal, State, 
                or local law with regard to public access or use of 
                private land;
          (3) alters any duly adopted land use regulations, approved 
        land use plan, or any other regulatory authority of any 
        Federal, State, or local agency, or tribal government;
          (4) conveys any land use or other regulatory authority to the 
        local coordinating entity;
          (5) authorizes or implies the reservation or appropriation of 
        water or water rights;
          (6) diminishes the authority of the State to manage fish and 
        wildlife, including the regulation of fishing and hunting 
        within the Heritage Area; or
          (7) creates any liability, or affects any liability under any 
        other law, of any private property owner with respect to any 
        person injured on the private property.


  (a) In General.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out 
this subtitle $10,000,000, of which not more than $1,000,000 may be 
made available for any fiscal year.
  (b) Availability.--Amounts made available under subsection (a) shall 
remain available until expended.
  (c) Cost-Sharing Requirement.--
          (1) In general.--The Federal share of the total cost of any 
        activity under this subtitle shall be not more than 50 percent.
          (2) Form.--The non-Federal contribution may be in the form of 
        in-kind contributions of goods or services fairly valued.


  The authority of the Secretary to provide financial assistance under 
this subtitle terminates on the date that is 15 years after the date of 
enactment of this Act.

                            TITLE II--STUDY


  (a) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Proposed heritage area.--The term ``proposed Heritage 
        Area'' means the proposed Northern Neck National Heritage Area.
          (2) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of Virginia.
          (3) Study area.--The term ``study area'' means the area that 
        is comprised of--
                  (A) the area of land located between the Potomac and 
                Rappahannock rivers of the eastern coastal region of 
                the State;
                  (B) Westmoreland, Northumberland, Richmond, King 
                George, and Lancaster Counties of the State; and
                  (C) any other area that--
                          (i) has heritage aspects that are similar to 
                        the heritage aspects of the areas described in 
                        subparagraph (A) or (B); and
                          (ii) is located adjacent to, or in the 
                        vicinity of, those areas.
  (b) Study.--
          (1) In general.--In accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3), 
        the Secretary, in consultation with appropriate State historic 
        preservation officers, State historical societies, and other 
        appropriate organizations, shall conduct a study to determine 
        the suitability and feasibility of designating the study area 
        as the Northern Neck National Heritage Area.
          (2) Requirements.--The study shall include analysis, 
        documentation, and determinations on whether the study area--
                  (A) has an assemblage of natural, historical, 
                cultural, educational, scenic, or recreational 
                resources that together are nationally important to the 
                heritage of the United States;
                  (B) represents distinctive aspects of the heritage of 
                the United States worthy of recognition, conservation, 
                interpretation, and continuing use;
                  (C) is best managed as such an assemblage through 
                partnerships among public and private entities at the 
                local or regional level;
                  (D) reflects traditions, customs, beliefs, and 
                folklife that are a valuable part of the heritage of 
                the United States;
                  (E) provides outstanding opportunities to conserve 
                natural, historical, cultural, or scenic features;
                  (F) provides outstanding recreational or educational 
                  (G) contains resources and has traditional uses that 
                have national importance;
                  (H) includes residents, business interests, nonprofit 
                organizations, and appropriate Federal agencies and 
                State and local governments that are involved in the 
                planning of, and have demonstrated significant support 
                for, the designation and management of the proposed 
                Heritage Area;
                  (I) has a proposed local coordinating entity that is 
                responsible for preparing and implementing the 
                management plan developed for the proposed Heritage 
                  (J) with respect to the designation of the study 
                area, has the support of the proposed local 
                coordinating entity and appropriate Federal agencies 
                and State and local governments, each of which has 
                documented the commitment of the entity to work in 
                partnership with each other entity to protect, enhance, 
                interpret, fund, manage, and develop the resources 
                located in the study area;
                  (K) through the proposed local coordinating entity, 
                has developed a conceptual financial plan that outlines 
                the roles of all participants (including the Federal 
                Government) in the management of the proposed Heritage 
                  (L) has a proposal that is consistent with continued 
                economic activity within the area; and
                  (M) has a conceptual boundary map that is supported 
                by the public and appropriate Federal agencies.
          (3) Additional consultation requirement.--In conducting the 
        study under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall--
                  (A) consult with the managers of any Federal land 
                located within the study area; and
                  (B) before making any determination with respect to 
                the designation of the study area, secure the 
                concurrence of each manager with respect to each 
                finding of the study.
  (c) Determination.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
        Governor of the State, shall review, comment on, and determine 
        if the study area meets each requirement described in 
        subsection (b)(2) for designation as a national heritage area.
          (2) Report.--
                  (A) In general.--Not later than 3 fiscal years after 
                the date on which funds are first made available to 
                carry out the study, the Secretary shall submit a 
                report describing the findings, conclusions, and 
                recommendations of the study to--
                          (i) the Committee on Energy and Natural 
                        Resources of the Senate; and
                          (ii) the Committee on Natural Resources of 
                        the House of Representatives.
                  (B) Requirements.--
                          (i) In general.--The report shall contain--
                                  (I) any comments that the Secretary 
                                has received from the Governor of the 
                                State relating to the designation of 
                                the study area as a national heritage 
                                area; and
                                  (II) a finding as to whether the 
                                study area meets each requirement 
                                described in subsection (b)(2) for 
                                designation as a national heritage 
                          (ii) Disapproval.--If the Secretary 
                        determines that the study area does not meet 
                        any requirement described in subsection (b)(2) 
                        for designation as a national heritage area, 
                        the Secretary shall include in the report a 
                        description of each reason for the 



  The Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Act (16 U.S.C. 461 note; 
Public Law 106-554) is amended--
          (1) in section 804--
                  (A) in subsection (b)--
                          (i) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by 
                        striking ``27'' and inserting ``at least 21 
                        members, but not more than 27'';
                          (ii) in paragraph (2), by striking 
                        ``Environment'' and inserting 
                        ``Environmental''; and
                          (iii) in paragraph (3)--
                                  (I) in the matter preceding 
                                subparagraph (A), by striking ``19'';
                                  (II) by striking subparagraph (A);
                                  (III) by redesignating subparagraphs 
                                (B) and (C) as subparagraphs (A) and 
                                (B), respectively;
                                  (IV) in subparagraph (B) (as 
                                redesignated by subclause (III)), by 
                                striking the second sentence; and
                                  (V) by inserting after subparagraph 
                                (B) (as redesignated by subclause 
                                (III)) the following:
                  ``(C) The remaining members shall be--
                          ``(i) appointed by the Secretary, based on 
                        recommendations from each member of the House 
                        of Representatives, the district of which 
                        encompasses the Corridor; and
                          ``(ii) persons that are residents of, or 
                        employed within, the applicable congressional 
                  (B) in subsection (f), by striking ``Fourteen members 
                of the Commission'' and inserting ``A majority of the 
                serving Commissioners'';
                  (C) in subsection (g), by striking ``14 of its 
                members'' and inserting ``a majority of the serving 
                  (D) in subsection (h), by striking paragraph (4) and 
                inserting the following:
          ``(4)(A) to appoint any staff that may be necessary to carry 
        out the duties of the Commission, subject to the provisions of 
        title 5, United States Code, relating to appointments in the 
        competitive service; and
          ``(B) to fix the compensation of the staff, in accordance 
        with the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 
        53 of title 5, United States Code, relating to the 
        classification of positions and General Schedule pay rates;''; 
                  (E) in subsection (j), by striking ``10 years'' and 
                inserting ``15 years'';
          (2) in section 807--
                  (A) in subsection (e), by striking ``with regard to 
                the preparation and approval of the Canalway Plan''; 
                  (B) by adding at the end the following:
  ``(f) Operational Assistance.--Subject to the availability of 
appropriations, the Superintendent of Saratoga National Historical Park 
may, on request, provide to public and private organizations in the 
Corridor (including the Commission) any operational assistance that is 
appropriate to assist with the implementation of the Canalway Plan.''; 
          (3) in section 810(a)(1), in the first sentence, by striking 
        ``any fiscal year'' and inserting ``any fiscal year, to remain 
        available until expended''.


  Section 3(b)(2) of Public Law 99-647 (16 U.S.C. 461 note; 100 Stat. 
3626, 120 Stat. 1857) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``shall be the the'' and inserting ``shall be 
        the''; and
          (2) by striking ``Directors from Massachusetts and Rhode 
        Island;'' and inserting ``Directors from Massachusetts and 
        Rhode Island, ex officio, or their delegates;''.


    The purposes of H.R. 1483, as ordered reported, are to 
establish the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area in the State 
of Alabama, and the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area in 
the State of Arizona; to authorize a study of a potential 
Northern Neck National Heritage Area in the Commonwealth of 
Virginia; and to make technical and clarifying amendments to 
the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor in the State of 
New York and the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley 
National Heritage Corridor in the State of Rhode Island and the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

                          Background and Need

    As ordered reported, H.R. 1483 includes authorizations for 
two new national heritage areas, the Muscle Shoals National 
Heritage Area in Alabama and the Santa Cruz Valley National 
Heritage Corridor in Arizona. The bill also authorizes a study 
of the Northern Neck region in northern Virginia to determine 
whether the area is appropriate for national heritage area 
designation, and makes technical and clarifying changes to two 
national heritage corridors.
    The Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area would include six 
counties in northwestern Alabama. The area is named after the 
Muscle Shoals of the Tennessee River, noted for its historic 
navigation hazards due to treacherous shoals. The completion of 
the Wilson Dam in 1925 created a lake over the shoals, and the 
facilities were transferred to the Tennessee Valley Authority 
upon its establishment in 1933. As a result, Muscle Shoals is 
generally considered the birthplace of the TVA. The proposed 
heritage area also includes several antebellum homes and other 
examples of early American architecture, and includes many 
historically significant towns and cities.
    The Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area encompasses 
over 3,300 square miles of the upper and middle Santa Cruz 
River watershed and the upper Sonoran Desert. The heritage area 
includes the city of Tucson and two National Park System units, 
Saguaro National Park and Tumacacori National Historical Park. 
The Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail also crosses 
through the area. The area is home to abundant wildlife, 
including over 200 migratory bird species. The Santa Cruz 
Valley has a rich cultural heritage, and still contains 18th 
Century Spanish Missions. Spanish cultural traditions still 
play a prominent role in the area's identity.
    The study of the proposed Northern Neck National Heritage 
Area includes a part of Virginia between the Potomac and 
Rappahannock Rivers. The Northern Neck of Virginia was 
described by George Washington as ``the Garden of Virginia.'' 
The Northern Neck region was the birthplace of our first 
President, and of James Madison, the fourth President, and 
James Monroe, the fifth. The region includes the George 
Washington Birthplace National Monument.

                          Legislative History

    H.R. 1483, sponsored by Representative Regula, passed the 
House of Representatives by a vote of 291-122 on October 24, 
2007. The Subcommittee on National Parks held a hearing on H.R. 
1483 on April 23, 2008.
    At its business meeting on May 7, 2008, the Committee on 
Energy and Natural Resources ordered H.R. 3332 favorably 
reported, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute.

                        Committee Recommendation

    The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, in open 
business session on May 7, 2008, by a voice vote of a quorum 
present, recommends that the Senate pass H.R. 1483, if amended 
as described herein.

                          Committee Amendment

    During the consideration of H.R. 1483, the Committee 
adopted an amendment in the nature of a substitute. As passed 
by the House of Representatives, H.R. 1483 authorized the 
establishment of six new National Heritage Areas, the study of 
one new area, and technical amendments and extensions of 
authorizations for several other areas. Three of those areas, 
the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area, the 
Niagara Falls National Heritage Area, and the Abraham Lincoln 
National Heritage Area, as well as the extension of 
authorizations and several of the technical amendments, were 
also included in S. 2739, which was signed into law on May 8, 
2008 (Public Law 110-229). The substitute amendment removes 
those provisions from H.R. 1483 that have now been signed into 
law. With respect to the remaining areas included in the 
amendment, the amendment removes the findings and makes other 
conforming amendments so that the authorization for the 
heritage areas is consistent with other heritage bills reported 
by the Committee. The amendment is explained in detail in the 
section-by-section analysis, below.

                      Section-by-Section Analysis

    Section 1 provides the short title, the ``Celebrating 
America's Heritage Act''.
    Section 2 contains the table of contents.
    Section 3 defines the term ``Secretary'' to mean the 
Secretary of the Interior.

              Title I--National Heritage Area Designations

            Subtitle A--Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area

    Section 1101 describes the purposes of the subtitle.
    Section 1102 defines key terms used in the subtitle.
    Section 1103(a) establishes the Muscle Shoals National 
Heritage Area (``heritage area'') in the State of Alabama.
    Subsection (b) describes the boundaries of the heritage 
area as depicted on the referenced map.
    Subsection (c) states that a map of the heritage area shall 
be on file and available for public inspection in the 
appropriate offices of the National Park Service and the local 
coordinating entity.
    Subsection (d) designates the Muscle Shoals Regional Center 
as the local coordinating entity for the heritage area.
    Section 1104(a) details the duties of the local 
coordinating entity.
    Subsection (b) lists the authorities of the local 
coordinating entity. The subsection authorizes the local 
coordinating entity to use Federal funds to prepare activities 
recommended in the management plan for the heritage area, pay 
for operational expenses, make grants and enter into 
cooperative agreements, hire staff, obtain funds or services 
from any source, and contract for goods or services.
    Subsection (c) prohibits the local coordinating entity from 
using Federal funds made available under this Act to acquire 
any real property or interest therein.
    Section 1105(a) requires the local coordinating entity to 
prepare and submit for review a management plan to the 
Secretary not later than three years after the date on which 
the funds are made available to carry out this Act.
    Subsection (b) lists the requirements for the contents of 
the management plan.
    Subsection (c) states that if the management plan is not 
submitted within the three-year period, Federal funding is 
suspended until the plan is submitted to the Secretary.
    Subsection (d) requires the Secretary to approve or 
disapprove of the management plan within six months after the 
receiving the plan and lists the criteria the Secretary is to 
consider in determining whether to approve or disapprove the 
    Section 1106(a) authorizes the Secretary to provide 
technical and financial assistance to the local coordinating 
entity to develop and implement the management plan.
    Subsection (b) requires the Secretary to conduct an 
evaluation of the accomplishments of the national heritage area 
not later than three years before the date Federal funding 
authority terminates. The evaluation shall assess the progress 
of the management entity with respect to accomplishing the 
purposes of this Act for the heritage area and whether the 
management entity achieved the goals and objectives of the 
approved management plan for the heritage area. The evaluation 
is also required to analyze governmental investments in the 
heritage area to determine the leverage and impact of the 
investments. The Secretary is directed to prepare a report, 
based on the evaluation, that includes recommendations for the 
future role of the National Park Service, if any, for the 
heritage area. If the report recommends that Federal funding 
for the area be reauthorized, it is required to include an 
analysis of ways Federal funding may be reduced or eliminated. 
The report is to be submitted to the House and Senate 
authorizing committees.
    Section 1107(a) states nothing in this Act affects the 
authority of a Federal agency to provide technical or financial 
assistance under any other law.
    Subsection (b) encourages the head of any Federal agency 
planning to conduct activities that may have an impact on the 
heritage area to consult and coordinate the activities with the 
Secretary and the local coordinating entity to the maximum 
extent possible.
    Subsection (c) clarifies that nothing in this Act shall 
modify any use or law authorizing a Federal agency to manage 
Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Federal agency and 
it limits the discretion of a Federal land manager to implement 
an approved land use plan within the boundaries of the Heritage 
    Section 1108 contains several savings provisions to clarify 
that the designation of the national heritage area will not 
affect private property rights, affect governmental land use 
regulation, reserve or appropriate water rights, diminish the 
authority of the State to manage fish and wildlife, or create 
any liability for property owners within the heritage area.
    Section 1109(a) authorizes the total appropriations of $10 
million, with not more than $1 million authorized to be 
appropriated for any fiscal year.
    Subsection (b) states amounts made available under 
subsection (a) shall remain available until expended.
    Subsection (c) requires Federal funding to be matched on a 
50:50 basis with funds from non-Federal sources.
    Section 1110 provides that the authority of the Secretary 
to provide financial assistance under the Act terminates 15 
years after the date of enactment.

          Subtitle B--Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area

    Section 1201 describes the purposes of the subtitle.
    Section 1202 defines key terms used in the subtitle.
    Section 1203(a) establishes the Santa Cruz Valley National 
Heritage Area (``heritage area'') in the State of Arizona.
    Subsection (b) describes the boundaries of the heritage 
area as depicted on the referenced map.
    Subsection (c) states that a map of the heritage area shall 
be on file and available for public inspection in appropriate 
offices of the National Park Service and the local coordinating 
    Subsection (d) designates the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage 
Alliance, Inc. as the local coordinating entity for the 
heritage area.
    Section 1204(a) details the duties of the local 
coordinating entity
    Subsection (b) lists the authorities of the local 
coordinating entity. The subsection authorizes the local 
coordinating entity to use Federal funds to prepare activities 
recommended in the management plan for the heritage area, pay 
for operational expenses, make grants and enter into 
cooperative agreements, hire staff, obtain funds or services 
from any source, and contract for goods or services.
    Subsection (c) prohibits the local coordinating entity from 
using Federal funds made available under this Act to acquire 
any real property or interest therein.
    Subsection (d) states that nothing in this subtitle 
precludes the local coordinating entity from using Federal 
funds from other sources for authorized purposes.
    Section 1205(a) requires the local coordinating entity to 
prepare and submit for review a management plan to the 
Secretary not later than three years after the date on which 
the funds are made available to carry out this Act.
    Subsection (b) lists the requirements for the contents of 
the management plan.
    Subsection (c) states that if the management plan is not 
submitted within the three-year period, Federal funding is 
suspended until the plan is submitted to the Secretary.
    Subsection (d) requires the Secretary to approve or 
disapprove of the management plan within six months after the 
receiving the plan and lists the criteria the Secretary is to 
consider in determining whether to approve or disapprove the 
    Section 1206(a) authorizes the Secretary to provide 
technical and financial assistance to the local coordinating 
entity to develop and implement the management plan.
    Subsection (b) requires the Secretary to conduct an 
evaluation of the accomplishments of the national heritage area 
not later than three years before the date Federal funding 
authority terminates. The evaluation shall assess the progress 
of the management entity with respect to accomplishing the 
purposes of this Act for the heritage area and whether the 
management entity achieved the goals and objectives of the 
approved management plan for the heritage area. The evaluation 
is also required to analyze governmental investments in the 
heritage area to determine the leverage and impact of the 
investments. The Secretary is directed to prepare a report, 
based on the evaluation, that includes recommendations for the 
future role of the National Park Service, if any, for the 
heritage area. If the report recommends that Federal funding 
for the area be reauthorized, it is required to include an 
analysis of ways Federal funding may be reduced or eliminated. 
The report is to be submitted to the House and Senate 
authorizing committees.
    Section 1207(a) states nothing in this Act affects the 
authority of a Federal agency to provide technical or financial 
assistance under any other law.
    Subsection (b) encourages the head of any Federal agency 
planning to conduct activities that may have an impact on the 
heritage area to consult and coordinate the activities with the 
Secretary and the local coordinating entity to the maximum 
extent possible.
    Subsection (c) clarifies that nothing in this Act shall 
modify any use or law authorizing a Federal agency to manage 
Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Federal agency and 
it limits the discretion of a Federal land manager to implement 
an approved land use plan within the boundaries of the Heritage 
    Section 1208 contains several savings provisions to clarify 
that the designation of the National Heritage Area will not 
affect private property rights, affect governmental land use 
regulation, reserve or appropriate water rights, diminish the 
authority of the State to manage fish and wildlife, or create 
any liability for property owners within the heritage area.
    Section 1209(a) authorizes the total appropriations of $10 
million, with not more than $1 million authorized to be 
appropriated for any fiscal year.
    Subsection (b) states amounts made available under 
subsection (a) shall remain available until expended.
    Subsection (c) requires Federal funding to be matched on a 
50:50 basis with funds from non-Federal sources.
    Section 1210 provides that the authority of the Secretary 
to provide financial assistance under the Act terminates 15 
years after the date of enactment.

          Title II--Northern Neck National Heritage Area Study

    Section 2001(a) defines key terms used in this title.
    Subsection (b) directs the Secretary of the Interior, in 
consultation with appropriate State, local, and private 
organizations, to prepare a study of the Northern Neck region 
in northern Virginia to determine its suitability for 
designation as a National Heritage Area. The subsection also 
provides specific requirements of the study, including 
consultation with other federal land managers within the study 
    Subsection (c) directs the Secretary, in consultation with 
the Governor of Virginia, to review, comment on, and determine 
if the study area meets each requirement for designation as a 
National Heritage Area. Not later than 3 fiscal years after the 
date on which funds are first made available to carry out the 
study, the Secretary shall submit a report describing the 
findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study. If the 
Secretary determines that the study area does not meet any 
requirement for designation as a National Heritage Area, the 
Secretary shall include in the report a description of each 
reason for the determination.

                    Title III--Technical Amendments

    Section 3001 makes technical, clarifying, and conforming 
amendments to the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Act 
(16 U.S.C. 461 note; Public Law 106-554).
    Section 3002 makes technical, clarifying, and conforming 
amendments to the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley 
National Heritage Corridor Act (16 U.S.C. 461 note; Public Law 

                    Cost and Budgetary Considerations

    The following estimate of costs of this measure has been 
provided by the Congressional Budget Office:

H.R. 1483--Celebrating America's Heritage Act

    H.R. 1483 would establish the Muscle Shoals National 
Heritage Area (NHA) in Alabama and the Santa Cruz National 
Heritage Area in Arizona. The legislation would designate local 
nonprofit organizations as management entities for the proposed 
NHA's and would authorize the appropriation of $10 million, not 
to exceed $1 million annually, for financial assistance to each 
of the nonprofits and other eligible local entities over the 
next 15 years.
    CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 1483 would cost $10 
million over the 2009-2013 period and an additional $10 million 
after 2013. Enacting the legislation would have no effect on 
direct spending or revenues.
    H.R. 1483 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector 
mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and 
would impose no costs on state, local, or tribal governments.
    On October 10, 2007, CBO transmitted a cost estimate for 
H.R. 1483 as ordered reported by the House Committee on Natural 
Resources on September 26, 2007. Although both versions would 
create the Muscle Shoals and Santa Cruz NHAs, the estimated 
cost of the House version is much higher than that of the 
Senate version because the House version would also establish 
several other NHAs and increase the ceiling on authorizations 
of appropriations for nine existing NHAs.
    The CBO staff contact for this estimate is Deborah Reis. 
This estimate was approved by Theresa Gullo, Deputy Assistant 
Director for Budget Analysis.

                      Regulatory Impact Evaluation

    In compliance with paragraph 11(b) of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee makes the following 
evaluation of the regulatory impact which would be incurred in 
carrying out H.R. 1483. The Act is not a regulatory measure in 
the sense of imposing Government-established standards or 
significant economic responsibilities on private individuals 
and businesses.
    No personal information would be collected in administering 
the program. Therefore, there would be no impact on personal 
    Little, if any, additional paperwork would result from the 
enactment of H.R. 1483, as ordered reported.

                   Congressionally Directed Spending

    H.R. 1483, as reported, does not contain any 
congressionally directed spending items, limited tax benefits, 
or limited tariff benefits as defined by rule XLIV of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate.

                        Executive Communications

    The testimony provided by the National Park Service at the 
April 23, 2008 hearing on H.R. 1483 follows:

 Statement of Daniel N. Wenk, Deputy Director, National Park Service, 
                       Department of the Interior

    Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to appear 
before your committee to present the views of the Department of 
the Interior on H.R. 1483, as passed by the House, to amend the 
Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to extend 
the authorization for certain national heritage areas, and for 
other purposes. The committee has asked us to only address 
specific sections contained within Title II through VI in our 
testimony. We should note, however, that the Department 
testified on May 15, 2007, in opposition to the sections in 
Title I that extend the authorization for federal funding for 
nine established National Heritage Areas. The Department has 
also cited concerns or recommended the committee defer action 
on other provisions included in H.R. 1483.
    H.R. 1483, the Celebrating America's Heritage Act as passed 
by the House, has six titles related to National Heritage 
Areas. The Department will present its position on each of the 
specific sections within each of the five titles as requested 
by the committee.
    Title II, Subtitle C would establish the Muscle Shoals 
National Heritage Area in the counties of Colbert, Franklin, 
Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, and Morgan in northwestern 
Alabama, and would designate the Muscle Shoals Regional Center 
as the local coordinating entity responsible for developing and 
implementing the management plan for the heritage area. The 
National Park Service is in the process of conducting a 
feasibility study, authorized by Public Law 107-348, to 
determine the suitability and feasibility of establishing this 
region as a National Heritage Area. We expect to complete the 
study later this year, at which time we will provide a 
recommendation on the suitability and feasibility of 
establishing the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area. Until 
the study is completed, it would be premature to state a 
position on its designation as contained in this subtitle, so 
we recommend that the committee defer action on this provision.
    Title II, Subtitle D would establish the Freedom's Way 
National Heritage Area that includes 37 Massachusetts and 8 New 
Hampshire communities northwest of Boston. This is a region 
that substantively influenced our democratic forms of 
governance and the development of intellectual traditions that 
underpin the concepts of American freedom, democracy, 
conservation, social justice, and ethnic diversity. Its natural 
and community resources are exceptional examples of the rural 
beauty of the New England landscape.
    A feasibility study and addendum was completed by the 
proposed management entity, the Freedom's Way Heritage 
Association, Inc., and reviewed by the National Park Service. 
The study found that the area met the criteria for designation 
as a National Heritage Area. However, the Department recommends 
that the committee defer action on this area and all other 
proposed heritage area designations until program legislation 
is enacted that establishes guidelines and a process for the 
designation of National Heritage Areas. In summer 2006, the 
Administration sent to Congress a legislative proposal to 
establish such guidelines and a process for designation. The 
National Heritage Areas Partnership Act, S. 278, was introduced 
during the 110th Congress and it incorporated the majority of 
the provisions of the Administration's proposal. We look 
forward to continuing to work with Congress on this very 
important issue.
    With 37 national heritage areas designated across 27 
states, and more heritage area legislative proposals in the 
pipeline, the Administration believes it is critical at this 
juncture for Congress to enact National Heritage Area program 
legislation. This legislation would provide a much-needed 
framework for evaluating proposed National Heritage Areas, 
offering guidelines for successful planning and management, 
clarifying the roles and responsibilities of all parties, and 
standardizing timeframes and funding for designated areas. 
Program legislation also would clarify the expectation that 
heritage areas work toward self-sufficiency by outlining the 
necessary steps, including appropriate planning, to achieve 
that shared goal.
    Title II, Subtitle F would establish the Santa Cruz Valley 
National Heritage Area in southern Arizona, managed by the 
Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance Inc. The proposed Santa 
Cruz Valley National Heritage Area encompasses approximately 
3,300 square miles of the upper and middle Santa Cruz River 
watershed and the upper Sonoran Desert. It includes two units 
of the National Park System, Tumacacori National Historical 
Park which preserves a Spanish Colonial Mission, and Saguaro 
National Park which protects a diverse and picturesque area of 
the Sonoran Desert. The Juan Baptista de Anza National Historic 
Trail also crosses the heritage area's boundary. Both the 
Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service manage 
extensive land within the proposed national heritage area.
    A feasibility study was completed by the Center for Desert 
Archaeology and reviewed by the National Park Service. The 
study found that the area met the criteria for designation as a 
national heritage area. However, the Department recommends that 
the committee defer action on this area and all other proposed 
heritage area designations until program legislation is enacted 
that establishes guidelines and a process for the designation 
of national heritage areas.
    Title III, Section 3001 would direct the Secretary of the 
Interior, in consultation with appropriate State historic 
preservation officers, State historical societies, and other 
appropriate organizations, to conduct a study of the 
suitability and feasibility of establishing the Northern Neck 
National Heritage Area in the Commonwealth of Virginia to 
evaluate if it meets the criteria for heritage area 
designation. The Secretary would be required to submit a report 
to Congress, no later than three years after funds are made 
available, on the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of 
the study. The Department supports enactment of this title, 
however, we believe that any funding requested should be 
directed first toward completing previously authorized studies.
    Title IV, Section 4006 would amend the Erie Canalway 
National Heritage Corridor Act (Title VIII of Appendix D of 
Public Law 106-554) with several changes to improve the 
operation of the federal commission. The Department supports 
these amendments.
    Title V, Section 5001 states that it is the sense of 
Congress that the Federal Government should not fund a national 
heritage area in perpetuity. As outlined in the 
Administration's legislative proposal, and as included in S. 
278 as reported by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources 
Committee, it is our expectation that heritage areas should 
work toward self-sufficiency with federal funding through the 
National Park Service limited to a 15-year period. The 
Department concurs with this provision.
    Title VI, Section 6001 states that all designated and 
future designated lands within any natural heritage area for 
which funding is provided under this Act shall be exclusively 
governed by relevant State and local laws regarding hunting, 
fishing, and the possession or use of a weapon, trap, or net. 
Relevant State and local laws already apply to lands within a 
national heritage area and the majority of recently designated 
heritage areas include a provision in the authorizing 
legislation that state that nothing in a heritage area's 
designation diminishes the authority of the State to manage 
fish and wildlife including the regulation of fishing and 
hunting within the heritage area. However, the Department is 
concerned that there are federal lands within national heritage 
areas, including units of the National Park System, that do not 
allow hunting, fishing, trapping, or other wildlife harvesting 
activities. Under Departmental regulations, the National Park 
Service is already required to consult with State agencies on 
certain fish and wildlife management actions within national 
park units. We would recommend that the section be amended to 
exempt federal lands within national heritage areas from this 
requirement and we recommend that the reference be changed to 
``national'' heritage areas to reflect the correct name of 
these areas.
    Finally, we would like to work with the committee on 
amending this bill to include an additional title that would 
make a technical amendment to the John H. Chafee Blackstone 
River Valley National Heritage Corridor Act (Public Law 99-647) 
to allow ex officio or delegates of commission members to 
attend commission meetings on behalf of the State officials who 
sit on the commission. This is a standard provision in most 
recently established federal commissions, but was not included 
in the Act establishing the John H. Chafee Blackstone River 
Valley National Heritage Corridor, and this oversight has 
hampered the work of the commission.
    Mr. Chairman, that concludes my testimony and I am prepared 
to answer any questions that you or other members of the 
committee might have at this time.

                        Changes in Existing Law

    In compliance with paragraph 12 of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, changes in existing law made by 
the Act H.R. 1483 as ordered reported, are shown as follows 
(existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black 
brackets, new matter is printed in italic, existing law in 
which no change is proposed is shown in roman):


              Public Law 106-554 (Approved Dec. 21, 2000)

 AN ACT Making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending 
               September 30, 2001, and for other purposes

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
the United States of America in Congress assembled,
    Section 1. (a) The provisions of the following bills of the 
106th Congress are hereby enacted into law:
          (1) H.R. 5656, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (2) H.R. 5657, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (3) H.R. 5658, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (4) H.R. 5666, as introduced on December 15, 2000, 
        except that the text of H.R. 5666, as so enacted, shall 
        not include section 123 (relating to the enactment of 
        H.R. 4904).
          (5) H.R. 5660, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (6) H.R. 5661, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (7) H.R. 5662, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (8) H.R. 5663, as introduced on December 14, 2000.
          (9) H.R. 5667, as introduced on December 15, 2000.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Appendix D--H.R. 5666

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Division B

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                         [114 STAT. 2763A-295]



    (a) Short Title.--This title may be cited as the ``Erie 
Canalway National Heritage Corridor Act''.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Establishment.--There is established the Erie Canalway 
National Heritage Corridor Commission. The purpose of the 
Commission shall be--
          (1) to work with Federal, State, and local 
        authorities to develop and implement the Canalway Plan; 
          (2) to foster the integration of canal-related 
        historical, cultural, recreational, scenic, economic 
        and community development initiatives within the 
    (b) Membership.--The Commission shall be composed of [27] 
at least 21 members, but not more than 27 members as follows:
          (1) The Secretary of the Interior, ex-officio or the 
        Secretary's designee.
          (2) 7 members, appointed by the Secretary after 
        consideration of recommendations submitted by the 
        Governor and other appropriate officials, with 
        knowledge and experience of the following agencies or 
        those agencies' successors: The New York State 
        Secretary of State, the New York State Department of 
        [Environment] Environmental Conservation, the New York 
        State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic 
        Preservation, the New York State Department of 
        Agriculture and Markets, the New York State Department 
        of Transportation, and the New York State Canal 
        Corporation, and the Empire State Development 
          (3) The remaining [19] members who reside within the 
        Corridor and are geographically dispersed throughout 
        the Corridor shall be from local governments and the 
        private sector with knowledge of tourism, economic and 
        community development, regional planning, historic 
        preservation, cultural or natural resource management, 
        conservation, recreation, and education or museum 
        services. These members will be appointed by the 
        Secretary as follows--
                  [(A) 11 members based on a recommendation 
                from each member of the United States House of 
                Representatives whose district shall encompass 
                the Corridor. Each shall be a resident of the 
                district from which they shall be recommended.]
                  [(B)] (A) 2 members based on a recommendation 
                from each United States Senator from New York 
                  [(C)] (B) 6 members who shall be residents of 
                any county constituting the Corridor. [One such 
                member shall have knowledge and experience of 
                the Canal Recreationway Commission.]
                  (C) The remaining members shall be--
                          (i) appointed by the Secretary, based 
                        on recommendations from each member of 
                        the House of Representatives, the 
                        district of which encompasses the 
                        Corridor; and (ii) persons that are 
                        residents of, or employed within, the 
                        applicable congressional districts.
    (c) Appointments and Vacancies.--Members of the Commission 
other than ex-officio members shall be appointed for terms of 3 
years. Of the original appointments, 6 shall be for a term of 1 
year, 6 shall be for a term of 2 years and 7 shall be for a 
term of 3 years. Any member of the Commission appointed for a 
definite term may serve after expiration of the term until the 
successor of the member is appointed. Any member appointed to 
fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term for 
which the predecessor was appointed. Any vacancy on the 
Commission shall be filled in the same manner in which the 
original appointment was made.
    (d) Compensation.--Members of the Commission shall receive 
no compensation for their service on the Commission. Members of 
the Commission, other than employees of the State and Canal 
Corporation, while away from their homes or regular places of 
business to perform services for the Commission, shall be 
allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of 
subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed 
intermittently in Government service are allowed under section 
5703 of title 5, United States Code.
    (e) Election of Officers.--The Commission shall elect the 
chairperson and the vice chairperson on an annual basis. The 
vice chairperson shall serve as the chairperson in the absence 
of the chairperson.
    (f) Quorum and Voting.--[14 members of the Commission] A 
majority of the serving Commissioners shall constitute a quorum 
but a lesser number may hold hearings. Any member of the 
Commission may vote by means of a signed proxy exercised by 
another member of the Commission, however, any member voting by 
proxy shall not be considered present for purposes of 
establishing a quorum. For the transaction of any business or 
the exercise of any power of the Commission, the Commission 
shall have the power to act by a majority vote of the members 
present at any meeting at which a quorum is in attendance.
    (g) Meetings.--The Commission shall meet at least quarterly 
at the call of the chairperson or [14 of its members] a 
majority of the serving Commissioners. Notice of Commission 
meetings and agendas for the meeting shall be published in 
local newspapers throughout the Corridor. Meetings of the 
Commission shall be subject to section 552b of title 5, United 
States Code (relating to open meetings).
    (h) Powers of the Commission.--To the extent that Federal 
funds are appropriated, the Commission is authorized--
          (1) to procure temporary and intermittent services 
        and administrative facilities at rates determined to be 
        reasonable by the Commission to carry out the 
        responsibilities of the Commission;
          (2) to request and accept the services of personnel 
        detailed from the State of New York or any political 
        subdivision, and to reimburse the State or political 
        subdivision for such services;
          (3) to request and accept the services of any Federal 
        agency personnel, and to reimburse the Federal agency 
        for such services;
          [(4) to appoint and fix the compensation of staff to 
        carry out its duties;]
          (4)(A) to appoint any staff that may be necessary to 
        carry out the duties of the Commission, subject to the 
        provisions of title 5, United States Code, relating to 
        appointments in the competitive service; and
          (B) to fix the compensation of the staff, in 
        accordance with the provisions of chapter 51 and 
        subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States 
        Code, relating to the classification of positions and 
        General Schedule pay rates;
          (5) to enter into cooperative agreements with the 
        State of New York, with any political subdivision of 
        the State, or any person for the purposes of carrying 
        out the duties of the Commission;
          (6) to make grants to assist in the preparation and 
        implementation of the Canalway Plan;
          (7) to seek, accept, and dispose of gifts, bequests, 
        grants, or donations of money, personal property, or 
        services, received from any source. For purposes of 
        section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 
        any gift to the Commission shall be deemed to be a gift 
        to the United States;
          (8) to assist others in developing educational, 
        informational, and interpretive programs and 
        facilities, and other such activities that may promote 
        the implementation of the Canalway Plan;
          (9) to hold hearings, sit and act at such times and 
        places, take such testimony, and receive such evidence, 
        as the Commission may consider appropriate; the 
        Commission may not issue subpoenas or exercise any 
        subpoena authority;
          (10) to use the United States mails in the same 
        manner as other departments or agencies of the United 
          (11) to request and receive from the Administrator of 
        General Services, on a reimbursable basis, such 
        administrative support services as the Commission may 
        request; and
          (12) to establish such advisory groups as the 
        Commission deems necessary.
    (i) Acquisition of Property.--Except as provided for 
leasing administrative facilities under subsection 804(h)(1), 
the Commission may not acquire any real property or interest in 
real property.
    (j) Termination.--The Commission shall terminate on the day 
occurring [10 years] 15 years after the date of the enactment 
of this title.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) In General.--The Secretary is authorized to assist the 
Commission in the preparation of the Canalway Plan.
    (b) Technical Assistance.--Pursuant to an approved Canalway 
Plan, the Secretary is authorized to enter into cooperative 
agreements with, provide technical assistance to and award 
grants to the Commission to provide for the preservation and 
interpretation of the natural, cultural, historical, 
recreational, and scenic resources of the Corridor, if 
requested by the Commission.
    (c) Early Actions.--Prior to approval of the Canalway Plan, 
with the approval of the Commission, the Secretary may provide 
technical and planning assistance for early actions that are 
important to the purposes of this title and that protect and 
preserve resources.
    (d) Canalway Plan Implementation.--Upon approval of the 
Canalway Plan, the Secretary is authorized to implement those 
activities that the Canalway Plan has identified that are the 
responsibility of the Secretary or agent of the Secretary to 
undertake in the implementation of the Canalway Plan.
    (e) Detail.--Each fiscal year during the existence of the 
Commission and upon the request of the Commission, the 
Secretary shall detail to the Commission, on a nonreimbursable 
basis, 2 employees of the Department of the Interior to enable 
the Commission to carry out the Commission's duties [with 
regard to the preparation and approval of the Canalway Plan.] 
Such detail shall be without interruption or loss of civil 
service status, benefits, or privileges.
    (f) Operational Assistance.--Subject to the availability of 
appropriations, the Superintendent of Saratoga National 
Historical Park may, on request, provide to public and private 
organizations in the Corridor (including the Commission) any 
operational assistance that is appropriate to assist with the 
implementation of the Canalway Plan.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) In General.--
          (1) Corridor.--There is authorized to be appropriated 
        for the Corridor not more than $1,000,000 for [any 
        fiscal year] any fiscal year, to remain available until 
        expended. Not more than a total of $10,000,000 may be 
        appropriated for the Corridor under this title.
          (2) Matching requirement.--Federal funding provided 
        under this paragraph may not exceed 50 percent of the 
        total cost of any activity carried out with such funds. 
        The non-Federal share of such support may be in the 
        form of cash, services, or in-kind contributions, 
        fairly valued.
    (b) Other Funding.--In addition to the sums authorized in 
subsection (a), there are authorized to be appropriated to the 
Secretary of the Interior such sums as are necessary for the 
Secretary for planning and technical assistance.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


             Public Law 99-647 (Approved November 10, 1986)

   AN ACT To establish the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage 
               Corridor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
the United States of America in Congress assembled,

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Establishment.--There is hereby established a 
commission to be known as the Blackstone River Valley National 
Heritage Corridor Commission (hereafter known as the 
``Commission'') whose purpose shall be to assist Federal, State 
and local authorities in the development and implementation of 
an integrated resource management plan for those lands and 
waters as specified in section 2.
    (b) Membership.--The Commission shall be composed of 
nineteen members appointed by the Secretary as follows:
          (1) the Director of the National Park Service, ex 
        officio, or a delegate;
          (2) six individuals nominated by the Governors of 
        Rhode Island and Massachusetts and appointed by the 
        Secretary, who [shall be the the] shall be the 
        Department of Environmental Management Directors from 
        Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the State Historic 
        Preservation Officers from Massachusetts and Rhode 
        Island, and the Department of Economic Development 
        [Directors from Massachusetts and Rhode Island] 
        Directors from Massachusetts or Rhode Island, ex 
        officio, or their delegates;
          (3) four representatives of local government from 
        Massachusetts and four from Rhode Island nominated by 
        the Governor of their State and appointed by the 
        Secretary, to represent the interests of local 
        government; and
          (4) two individuals, nominated by the Governor of 
        Massachusetts and two individuals nominated by the 
        Governor of Rhode Island appointed by the Secretary, to 
        represent other interests each Governor deems 
        appropriate. A vacancy in the Commission shall be 
        filled in the manner in which the original appointment 
        was made.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *
