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Materials to Download & Order

$5 Materials to Download

In addition to providing materials to order free of charge, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is also making available a toolkit of resources for download directly from this Web site. A list of materials currently available follows, along with a listing of materials that will be made available in the coming months.

Please note that the files available for download here are only viewable by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for download, free of charge, at the Adobe Web Site.

Adobe Acrobat Reader Icon

To download a file, simply position your cursor over the link and:

  • In Internet Explorer, right click and select 'save target as'
  • In Netscape, right click and select 'save link as' Then, navigate to the appropriate location on your system and save the desired file.

Brochure and Poster Combination
This multi-purpose piece is primarily designed for employee education. Its unique design unfolds from an educational brochure into a poster that can be displayed for both employees and/or consumers.
Printer friendly version.

Security Feature Insert Sheet
Use this handy guide to the security features of the new currency for training and education outreach.

Press Kit Materials
Materials provided on this page and throughout this section of our Web site are intended for media use in stories about the newly designed $5 note.

Small Business Kit Camera-Ready Art
This section contains camera-ready materials, including a newsletter article, envelope stuffer, fact sheet and graphic images of the new note that can be used to develop other materials.

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