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CCB Website Accessibility Efforts
The Child Care Bureau Website staff are working to provide assistive technology accommodations and services to make every page accessible to all persons.

Your Assistance is Requested
Please help us in our efforts by alerting us to any accessibility problems you encounter, i.e., unreadable file download, visual/multimedia presentation that is not adequately described, media that is not presented in a format that is readable by assistive technology.

Contact Us
If you find a problem that prevents access please contact us by sending an e-mail to

Accessibility Tools and Assistive Technology Resources
This list will be updated to reflect new technologies and other pertinent resources

Adobe Files - Readers
We use Adobe's .pdf format for some files on this site. You may download a free pdf viewer from Adobe at Additional Adobe free tools are available to assist visually impaired users at


WeMedia Talking Browser. (connect to: )
Different from a screen reader, the WeMedia talking browser becomes the actual browser through which you surf the Net. Complete with large buttons and keystroke commands for easy navigation, the browser 'speaks' the text you select within the browser.

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