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Center for Research in the Implementation of Innovative Strategies in Practice (CRIISP)

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Michelle Mengeling

Data Analyst

PhD University of Iowa, 2002
MS University of Iowa, 1988

Ms. Mengeling is a Data Analyst with CRIISP.

Selected Publications

Dunbar, S.B., Mengeling, M.A., & Hennings, S.S. (2005). Texas National Comparative Data Study. A report produced for the Texas Education Agency.

Sadler, A. G., Booth, B. M, Mengeling, M. A., & Doebbeling, B. N.,(2004). Life Span and Repeated Violence Against Women During Military Service: Effects on Health Status and Outpatient Utilization. Journal of Women & Health, 13(7):799-811

McCarthy, A. M., Lindgren, S., Mengeling, M. A., Tsalikian, E., & Engvall, J. (2003). Factors associated with academic achievement in children with Type I diabetes. Diabetes Care, 26:112-117.

Mengeling, M. A. (2000). The Construction of Standardized Tests and Their Uses. In W. G. Wraga & P. S. Hlebowitsh (Eds.) Research Review for School Leaders: Vol. III (pp.237-260). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Contact Information

VA Iowa City Health Care System
CRIISP (152)
601 Highway 6 West
Iowa City, IA 52246-2208
Phone: 319-338-0581 x7703

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