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Budget Briefing with OMB Director Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels discusses the President's budget for fiscal year 2003. - 69.1KB
04 Feb 02
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President's Radio Address
Good morning. Congress will shortly return to Washington to make its final spending decisions for 2002. A new budget report, released this .. - 22.0KB
30 Aug 01
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President Meets with Families at Target Store, Discusses Tax Cuts
"And the people wanted tax relief. The people want fiscal sanity in Washington. The people want all the money going into ... - 29.5KB
24 Aug 01
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President Meets with Families at Target Store in Kansas City
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs &.. 20010821-2_20010821-2-515h.html - 20.4KB
24 Aug 01
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After talking with several families about how far $600 can go during family shopping trips, ...
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration .. - 17.8KB
24 Aug 01
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Press Briefing by OMB Director Mitch Daniels
"The report we've issued this morning confirms that the nation has entered an era of solid surpluses. Surpluses on .. - 50.4KB
22 Aug 01
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President Speaks at Tax Celebration Event in Iowa
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. It's nice to be back on the farm. I want to thank the Barretts for their hospitality. I .. - 18.7KB
08 Jun 01
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President Bush Signs Tax Cut Bill
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Sit down -- behave yourself, you're at the White House. (Laughter.) Laura, thank you very much for being here on this .. - 10.0KB
07 Jun 01
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Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
Escucha el Discurso Radial del Presidente con Real Audio Player - 21.6KB
- Espanol
02 Jun 01
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Radio Address by the President to the Nation
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Over the last few months I have often used this radio time to advocate major tax relief. Today I'm pleased .. - 21.1KB
02 Jun 01
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