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§ 10.150 Evidence. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 10.150 Evidence.

(a) Rules of evidence. The rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law and equity are not controlling in hearings in disciplinary proceedings. However, the ad­ministrative law judge shall exclude evidence which is irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious.

(b) Depositions. Depositions of witnesses taken pursuant to § 10.151 may be admitted as evidence.

(c) Government documents. Official documents, records, and papers of the Office are admissible without extrinsic evidence of authenticity. These documents, records, and papers may be evidenced by a copy certified as correct by an employee of the Office.

(d) Exhibits. If any document, record, or other paper is introduced in evidence as an exhibit, the administrative law judge may authorize the withdrawal of the exhibit subject to any conditions the administrative law judge deems appropriate.

(e) Objections. Objections to evidence will be in short form, stating the grounds of objection. Objections and rulings on objections will be a part of the record. No exception to the ruling is necessary to preserve the rights of the parties.

[Added 50 FR 5184, Feb. 6, 1985, effective Mar. 8, 1985]

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