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AIDSinfo E-News:
Offering HIV/AIDS Research, Clinical Trials, Prevention, and Treatment Information.

AIDSinfo At-A-Glance

Volume Issue No. 2

February 25, 2005 is pleased to provide you with a weekly update of highlights about what has happened in the world of HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research. We hope you find this encapsulated view of HIV/AIDS news useful.

Information on Drug Toxicities

The AIDSinfo staff has compiled information on antiretroviral drug toxicities, including information from the Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents, AIDSinfo Drug Database, and PubMed. Click here to read more.

Guidelines Updates

The Public Health Service Task Force "Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in the United States" has been updated. All new information is highlighted in the document, which is available here. You can download the guidelines or request to receive them by e-mail or regular mail on the AIDSinfo Web site.

Coming soon: consumer-friendly fact sheets about mother-to-child transmission of HIV and how to prevent it.

FDA News

Dr. Lester M. Crawford Nominated to be FDA Commissioner: Read statement by Mike Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services, regarding the nomination of Dr. Lester Crawford to be HHS communication.

FDA to Create New Drug Safety Oversight Board: February 15, 2005—HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt and Acting FDA Commissioner Lester M. Crawford unveiled a new emboldened vision for FDA that will promote a culture of openness and enhanced oversight within the Agency. As part of this vision, FDA will create a new independent Drug Safety Oversight Board to oversee the management of drug safety issues, and will provide emerging information to health care providers and patients about the risks and benefits of medicines. Click here to read more...

Research Info

Scientists map rare HIV antibody: U.S. researchers have mapped the structure of a rare human antibody that could neutralize the human immunodeficiency virus, the organism that causes AIDS. Click MedlinePlus for more information.  

Mouse "Model" of AIDS Mimics Human Disease: AIDS research has been hampered because mice, which usually provide an excellent model for studying human disease, cannot be infected with HIV. Now, researchers have created a modified HIV strain that can infect mice. Click here for more information. Info

New HIV/AIDS trials have been added to in the last 30 days. For a list of trials click here.

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