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Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases Dengue: Clinical Manifestations and Epidemiology

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The Challenge

  • Achieve active community involvement
  • Solicit input from the earliest program planning stages
  • Encourage community ownership
  • Programs that emphasize telling communities what to do, without involving them or taking their views into account, are not likely to be effective
  • True community participation is key
Several ideas have been suggested for the types of activities that community-based dengue control programs might include. The challenge facing those who wish to design effective community programs is to achieve active involvement, with community input and participation in the program. To the greatest extent possible, community participation should be solicited in the earliest stages of program planning, including the formative stages where data on local barriers and motivating factors are collected. This will not only result in a program that is more likely to address the actual situation and needs of the community, but will encourage community ownership and participation. Many programs in the past that were intended to focus on the community were developed by vector control personnel without local input, and placed emphasis on telling the community what to do without giving sufficient consideration to the community's viewpoint. Such plans or programs do not represent a real partnership between government health agencies and the community, and thus are not likely to be effective. True community participation is likely to be the key to successful dengue prevention efforts in the future.

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This page last reviewed February 13, 2002

Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases |
National Center for Infectious Diseases |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
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