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Acadia National ParkThe ocean meets granite cliffs topped by evergreens.
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Acadia National Park
Professional Development
Ranger teaches program to adult learners along shoreline.
August 2006 marked the first week-long teacher workshop in the park.

Throughout the year, the education office offers a number of workshops designed to help educators bring the National Park Service into their classrooms. All scheduled events are listed below; check back periodically for updated listings. Stipends of up to $200 are available for workshops. To receive more information about any of these workshops or to register, contact Kate Petrie.

Park partners offer additional professional development opportunities. See links below for more information.


What do multiple-day workshops include?

  • Fully furnished accommodations at the Schoodic Education and Research Center, Winter Harbor, Maine
  • Meals, on-site transportation, books, and materials provided
  • CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
  • Opportunities to develop language arts, math, science, and social studies activities to take back to your classroom
  • Qualification to attend the Schoodic Education Adventure, Acadia’s 4th–8th grade residential program (optional)

To receive more information about these workshops or to register, contact Kate Petrie via e-mail.


Additional Opportunities
Acadia Partners for Science and Learning and College of the Atlantic also offer summer workshops for teachers in this area. Visit their websites for details.

Summer Institutes - Acadia Partners for Science and Learning

Summer Courses for K-12 Teachers - College of the Atlantic

A group of students sits in front of the 19th-century Carroll Homestead.
Bring your students to the park
Curriculum-based programs are offered for 3rd through 8th grades.
Schoodic Education and Research Center
Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC)
Facilitating research and education throughout Acadia National Park
Image of the Guide's Guide cover  

Did You Know?
The Guide's Guide to Acadia National Park, originally created to share important information about the park's facilities and natural and cultural resources with commercial guides, is available to the public on this website. The guide contains everything you would want to know about the park.

Last Updated: October 17, 2008 at 17:19 EST