Endangered Species Program

Endangered Species Bulletin -- July/August 1996

In July 1976, the Fish and Wildlife Service published its first issue of the Endangered Species Technical Bulletin, a publication to keep people informed about developments in the endangered species program. To mark the Bulletin's twentieth anniversary, this issue takes a look back at some of the subjects and species covered in the first year and reflects on their current status.

Like the endangered species program itself, the Bulletin has evolved over time. Last year, to help promote greater public information and outreach, we shortened the Bulletin's original name, adopted a theme approach, and launched a new design. We are interested in your comments and suggestions, and -- as always -- we welcome your contributions.

Endangered Species Bulletin -- July/August 1996 -- Feature Story

(Reprinted from the Endangered Species Bulletin* Vol. XXI No. 4)
Last updated: January 16, 2008