Endangered Species Program
The Endangered Species Bulletin Vol. XXVI, No. 1—September, 2001

Americans have a long history of caring about our rich and diverse wildlife resources. But when landowners find an endangered species on their property, their feelings are likely to be mixed. Most property owners want to conserve unique organisms if they can, and they take pride in the fact that their land supports rare wildlife. Yet, most property owners have an understandable concern about how the presence of a protected species may affect the land's potential uses. In recent years, the Fish and Wildlife Service has been emphasizing conservation approaches designed to minimize the impacts on landowners and offer them incentives for protecting important habitat. This edition of the Bulletin highlights some examples of such new partnerships to conserve endangered species.

In This Issue:

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Endangered Species Bulletin Cover
Page    Title
1-3 Cover and Table of Contents
4 Preventative Medicine for Species at Risk
8 Partners for Fish and Wildlife
10 Landowners Help Karner Blues
13 Working Together for Riparian Conservation
16 A Safe Harbor for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker
19 Stewardship on the Plains
22 A Partnership to Restore the Aplomado Falcon
24 New Habitat Conservation Plan Grants
26 A Private Effort to Conserve Biological Diversity
30 Rare Woodpeckers Reintroduced to North Florida
32 Training Courses Highlight Partnerships
34 Partnering with Plants
36 "Working the Sturge"

Listing Actions
Box Score (Number of Listed Species)

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Last updated: January 15, 2008