Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Historical Air Traffic Data
Monthly: Year 1968

(all figures in thousands)

  Scheduled Service Non-Scheduled Service
Revenue Passenger Enplanements Revenue Passenger Miles Revenue Passenger Originations Aircraft Revenue Departures Revenue Passenger Miles Revenue Passenger Originations
Jan 11,963  8,301,134 11,135 420,859 1,282,978 296
Feb 11,396  7,657,539 10,579 407,169 1,102,222 257
Mar 12,936  8,698,073 11,997 435,294 1,187,357 299
Apr 13,514  9,077,608 12,512 435,636 1,214,504 317
May 13,016  8,792,468 12,055 446,811 1,251,709 390
Jun 15,039 11,094,354 13,891 444,474 1,359,695 344
Jul 14,783 11,108,787 13,657 463,655 1,631,690 375
Aug 16,373 12,342,887 15,136 518,147 1,611,497 385
Sep 13,229  9,532,658 12,213 445,126 1,439,951 365
Oct 13,403  9,032,314 12,440 459,383 1,427,097 369
Nov 12,308  8,162,589 11,399 430,147 1,252,907 347
Dec 14,222 10,157,910 13,135 441,409 1,317,440 315

Source: Air Carrier Traffic Statistics-Monthly," a publication of hte U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board, based upon the Form 41 T-Schedule traffic collected pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 241.
Final Data (1974-1998) includes figures from DataBank 28.

NOTE: The traffic data presented on this page is reported to the Department of Transportation on BTS Form 41 by Large Certificated Air Carriers to include carrier groups: Majors, Nationals, Large Regionals, and Medium Regionals. Traffic statistics for Small Certificated Air Carriers and Commuter Air Carriers are not included.

Numbers are subject to revision.