USDA Forest Service

Recreation Passes of the Northwest

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Recreation Fee Coordinator
Forest Service
333 SW 1st
Portland, OR 97204

US Department of Agriculture

US Forest Service

Map of R6 Forests

[LOGO: National Park Service Logo]

Bureau of Land Management

Oregon and Washington

National Park Service

North Cascades

Nature of the Northwest - Recreation Information

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

National Forest Day Pass


  • $5 per day generally.


  • Honored at all Forest Service entrance or day-use fee sites in Washington and Oregon.
  • The self-validation feature of the day pass allows visitors to buy them in advance and keep a supply in the vehicle for use whenever they wish.
  • The day pass is also convenient for second vehicles when the second vehicle will not be attached to its primary vehicle.


  • Self validating and will be validated by the visitor prior to use.
  • Visitor will validate pass by printing clearly, in ink, the month, day and year they use it. Improper validation (incorrect or illegible date) by holder may result in a warning notice or a violation notice.
  • Only good until midnight for the day the buyer validates it for.
  • Any modifications to the pass (such as changing the dates) will void the pass.


  • Admits pass owner and any accompanying passengers in a private vehicle.
  • For per-person sites, the visitor presents the actual validated day pass, which admits pass holder, spouse, children and parents.


  • Display pass on dashboard on the driver’s side. For multiple days, a pass for each day must be visible in the vehicle.

How to Obtain a Pass

Click here to buy your pass

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USDA Forest Service: Recreation Passes of the Northwest

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.